
“Thrust in your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Rev 14:15
Greetings My Brethren,
It’s been a while since I last updated my homepage and whilst considering something new to post I was reviewing my old original homepage and after pondering its message I realized that it was never more relevant nor as necessary as it is today. Understand it is not my wish here to pass judgment upon the brethren, as I find myself to be as guilty as well, but as I look around at some of the various sources employed by the brethren to present the truth to a confused and hungry world, viz., websites, blog post, Facebook pages and etc. I see one thing in common. They are all for the most part practically “dead”, with little or no activity and or updates. Some haven’t posted anything new in quite a while.
Has the Church competed its work in proclaiming the truth, is the battle over, or has the apparent lack of interest we see in the world caused us to simply give up in our efforts to publish and contend for the truth?
Now I know that there are still many fine brethren earnestly about the work of their Father in heaven, some of these, elders and teachers in the classes, others preparing discourses for study and for convention or etc., but alas we are not all gifted as teachers or orators. Most of us if we do enter the work are simply presenting something which one of the more learned or studious of the brethren have previously presented, something perhaps taken from the studies, reprints or a discourse we may have read. Understand there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so, this still counts as being engaged in the work, helping to spread the truth.
I like to picture it like ripples in the water, there is the initial disturbance caused by the one who first proclaimed or published the truth, and then this initial proclamation is then expanded outward in every direction by little ripples or waves. These little waves represent the brethren who have entered the work and who one after another have helped to push forth the truth first published. In many instances as the initial ripple goes forth additional ripples are added, these represent the thoughts and opinions of some of these brethren who contribute to and further the initial message. These ripples go out and enter every little enclave, i.e., your particular sphere or area of influence whether that be at home, work or amongst friends. It may be furthered by a blog or forum post possibly an e-mail sent to a friend, regardless you are the one responsible for the truth reaching these areas, areas which may have never been reached by the initial message giver.
This is basically what the Lord meant when he said “the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in all the world” (Matt 24:14). Note he never said who specifically would proclaim this truth, but we may assume and rightly so that he meant it would be you.
Now in nature the ripples seen moving across the surface of the water are a direct result of water molecules moving up and down (the expenditure of energy), this energy is use up as the ripples expand out in every direction becoming smaller and smaller until they disappear. The same principle applies with us, the truth is first proclaimed, and then ripples through the brethren (through their efforts in proclaiming it) far and wide, that is as long as there remains activity (energy) propelling it. Without this energy or effort on the part of the brethren to sustain it, it disappears. If the ripples which propel the truth forth, cease, it disappears. Not that it actually disappears, but that in your particular area or scope of influence it may cease to shine forth because you have given up on proclaiming it.
“Jesus and the apostles taught that there can be no kingdom until the King comes (Rev 20:6; 3:21 2 Tim 2:12). Consequently, the kingdom of heaven must suffer violence (opposition) until that time, when it shall be set up in glory and power.” A285- A287
“Thus, we have had within this harvest period many and severe storms of opposition, and still there are doubtless more severe trials to follow. But those who, with overcoming faith, out-ride them all who patiently endure, who cultivate the spirit of Christ with its fruits and graces, and who valiantly fight the good fight of faith, rather than withdraw from the field, such will be the over-comers to whom the laurels of victory will be given when the crowning day has come!” R1656.
What about you brethren, have you withdrawn from the field?
Although some may imagine they’re still in the fight just because they still hold to the truth that is not enough, the question is,
What are you doing to proclaim this truth?
That is to say how are you engaged in the struggle, not just in the personal struggle we all face against the flesh, the world and the Adversary, but in engaging the darts of the Adversary, the errors propagated by the enemy (He and his cohorts)?
Are you not wearing the full armor of God, yes you have the shield of faith to repel the enemy’s darts, but why is your sword still in its sheath, now is not the time to sheath your sword, how can you fight the enemy like that, take it out brother’s and sister’s and engage the enemy with the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, for he is now even at the gates.
Presently there are far too few of the Lord’s people on the field of battle whilst the majority of those professing to be soldiers of the cross sit on the side-lines observing the battle from afar.
Who do you think the Lord is more pleased with, the soldier on the field or the one sitting on the side-line?
Don’t worry that you are not very proficient with the sword of the spirit, as the old saying goes practice makes perfect, besides you have your brothers and sisters in Christ at your side should you need them, and not only that but your Captain is out there before you leading the charge through the enemies’ lines.
If however you chose to enter the battle you will soon find that you will face opposition from the enemy in two ways, first he will attempt to persuade you that your skills with the sword (your knowledge of the truth) is insufficient to confront his forces (his deluded servants), that it would be best for you to refrain yourself and remain where you are, and if he fells at this he will try to delude you into believing that the Lord has no need of your service on the field seeing as you have little skill with the sword.
But let us not forget that on the field of battle there are more than just soldiers baring swords there are also medics and ammo haulers, helpers of all sorts, those whose job it is to comfort, heal and support their fellow soldiers (medics to lend a comforting word now and then, ammo providers to remind them of a specific text or promises in time of need), these are all needed as much as any soldier. How many times do you imagine the Lord’s faithful (even the Pastor himself) would have fainted in the onslaught of the enemy were it not for those who stood by their side and brought comfort in time of need to lift their spirits and renew their strength and courage. These “helpers” (angles of the Lord) their fellow brethren, soldiers of the cross are indispensable.
If you would suffer with Christ, you must do something to bring about this suffering, this does not imply meddling in the affairs of men, in their lives, their politics and etc. as does the professing church, but should you suffer for Christ sake because of your standing for the truth and for those of like precious faith then this is admirable. But note we said “standing” for the truth, not “sitting” by the wayside.
Standing implies an active participation in dispensing of the truth, whether by word of mouth, passing out tracts and literature or by engaging others on the web. The point is you must be active in the Lord’s service if you would draw any opposition from the enemy and his cohorts; they’re perfectly satisfied with you sitting on the side-lines. Your sitting there implies you either agree with the errors they are propagating or that you have nothing to offer in opposition to their errors.
The field or the bench the decision is yours.