Daniel Chapter 11, Part 1

“… For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done…” Isa 46:9, 10
“The Bible as a book is unique in that it contains literally hundreds of prophecies that span thousands of years and that have witnessed equally as many fulfillment’s. Other sources may venture opinions or suggest reasonable outcomes of events, but they amount to little more than hopes or outright guesses. Only the Bible, as the word of God, has proven consistently reliable in its predictions dealing with empires, nations, civilizations, and events, often very specific and detailed in their coverage.
It has been said that prophecy is greater than miracles in establishing faith in the Bible. A miracle that occurred, say 2,500 years ago, fades into the mist of time and cannot be confirmed today. But a prediction of antiquity, if preserved in writing, especially if appearing at odds with known facts at the time and therefore most improbable of ever occurring, yet fulfilled later as stated, amounts to very convincing evidence.
The credibility of the Bible as a whole is greatly enhanced when the accuracy of its prophetic forecasts is considered. Careful reflection shows that these predictions are of an order and detail that preclude the possibility of historical facts being mere wrested to fit the outcome. Numerous recent archaeological findings have further validated certain Bible prophecies by indirectly confirming their early origin. This has disarmed the critics who contended for later dates or had supposed they originated after the historical events they depicted had occurred. Now even skeptics are being forced to admit the accuracy of the Bible without being able to provide a satisfactory explanation!
As a sincere truth seeker considers the claims of the Bible as the word of God the overwhelming testimony of fulfilled prophecy encourages an overall faith that will accept the divine revelation in its entirety. This builds confidence in the yet to be fulfilled promises and a willingness to accept its broader teachings and precepts.” (Bible Prophecy—It’s Purpose in God’s Plan)
With the forgoing thoughts in mind we should now like to examine the message (prophecy) revealed to Daniel in the Eleventh Chapter.
“The message was true, but the appointed time (for its fulfillment) was long (that is from Daniel’s perspective).” Dan 10:1
What precisely was this thing which must wait to the “appointed time”?
The thing which awaited its appointed time was the “Time of the End”, but even more importantly to us it marked the time when the great prince would stand up, the time of our Lord’s parousia (presence).
A simple scan of the internet will reveal that there are many commentaries written on the Eleventh Chapter of Daniel both religious and secular each of which appears to devise a different series of events, characters and time line. Some of these imagine this to be a history of events from the time of Darius the Mede to the coming of the Messiah (the First Advent); while others believe it reaches to the Second Advent (we of course are of the latter).
Special Note: This subject was originally suggested by one of our present forum members (sage41) who likewise was a former member of the old or previous bible student forum, (who I believe formerly went by the title, The Sage, at least that’s how I have it in my notes). Sorry if I am mistaken my sister.
From here on out we should like to present the subject as it was originally presented on the old forum.
We should now like to take a look at some of the remarks made by The Sage understand our intention here is not to find fault, but rather to seek for truth, all of us, including myself. Questions like these are good for us as they furnish ample opportunities for us to return to the textbooks so to speak so that we might replenish our leaky vessels and reaffirm our faith.
The Sage states: Dan 10:21 concludes with the words: “no one is holding strongly with me in these things but Michael the prince of you people“. This was in the first year of Darius the Mede. Dan 11:1
In Reply, actually it was in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia that the angel Gabriel relayed these messages to Daniel, Dan 10:1 Cyrus’s reign followed that of Darius whose reigned only lasted for about two years before control of the kingdom shifted to the Persians, these are the two horns upon the ram mentioned in (Dan 8:4) both were high (great), but the second or higher one (the greater) came up last. This vision shows that there was a time in which the Medes, under Darius, were superior to the Persians, and then later the Persians, under Cyrus, took the ascendancy.
In Dan 11:1 Gabriel speaking confidentially to the Prophet was simply referring back in time to the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede in which he “stood up to confirm and strengthen him (i.e. Darius)” this after he had Daniel released from the lions’ den and greatly honored him. (The Book of Daniel, Page 89)
The Sage states: According to research from the Encyclopedia Britannica in reference to (Xerxes the forth king 486-465), who stood up “gained more riches than all of them—and roused up the empire against the realm of Greece“. Dan 11:2
The world kingdoms had now become designated as of the North or of the South, in relation to their rulership, conquests, and dealing with Gods people. Syria was the dominant power for a time and was north of Palestine, and Egypt was south. Since Daniel’s subject is the Promised Land, the nation of Israel, it would be proper to address them in this way, since the dominant control would change from time to time.
In Reply, actually we might want to backtrack here a little so as to establish just how these two kingdoms came about. These kingdoms are the refuge of the once mighty Grecian Empire lead by Alexander the Great, the “mighty king” spoken of in Verse 3.
“Then a mighty king shall arise, who shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.”
“And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those.” (Verse 4)
“Though Alexander conquered the world in the short period of thirteen years, the kingdom did not continue as one nation in his family after his death, but was divided by his four generals and broken into fragments as alluded to in Verse 4. Notice here the correspondence of this prophecy with that of Dan 8:3-9, 20-25. Here it is shown that out of one of the divisions of Alexander’s empire (compare Verses 8, 9 and 21) would come forth a “little horn” or power, which would become exceedingly great. This evidently refers to Rome (more specifically Papacy), which rose to influence upon the ruins of Greece. From being an insignificant subject whose ambassadors hastened to acknowledge the Grecian supremacy, and to become part of the empire at the feet of Alexander the Great, Rome rose gradually to supremacy.” (C27)
“In the Book of Revelation the dragon (Pagan Rome, at first) is purely civil power. The Pastor gave the simple definition that the four beasts of Revelation represent four ecclesiastical governments, whereas in Daniel the four beasts picture four civil governments, but out of the civil came the little horn that predominated over the beasts of the earth to such an extent that the Book of Revelation ascribes a separate beast to Papacy.” The Book of Daniel, Page 90
“Alexander lived 32 years and 8 months; his reign covered a period of 12 years and 8 months. In the space of about 15 years after his death Alexander’s family and posterity were murdered, leaving none of his posterity to occupy the throne. History records that this was accomplished chiefly by Cassander, one of Alexander’s generals. In the course of a few years the prediction met its complete fulfillment, and the great empire over which he ruled was divided into four parts. Cassander reigned in Greece, Lysimachus in Thrace, Ptolemy in Egypt, and Seleucus in Syria.
For a considerable space the kingdoms of Egypt and Syria are alone mentioned in the prophecy of the angel. History shows that these two kingdoms were by far the greatest; and that at one time they obtained the mastery of the territory of the other two…The two, Syria and Egypt, continued to exist as distinct kingdoms even after the territories of the others were swallowed up by the Romans.” (Daniel the Beloved, Page 179)
“Because Judea lying between them was sometimes in the possession of the kings in Egypt, and sometimes of the kings of Syria; and it is the purpose of Holy Scripture to interweave only so much of foreign affairs, as hath some relation to the Jews; thus it is in respect of their situation (and position) to Judea that the kings of Egypt and Syria are called the kings of the south and the north.” (Page 180)
We will continue with our next post.