The Great Pyramid, Part 2
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them…Now, therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built together a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (Eph 2:10, 19-22)
“Our oneness with the Lord Jesus, as members of the Christ, the anointed company, is well illustrated by the figure of the pyramid. The top-stone is a perfect pyramid of itself. Other stones may be built up under it, and, if in harmony with all the characteristic lines of the top-stone, the whole mass will be a perfect pyramid. How beautifully this illustrates our position as members of “the Seed“–“the Christ.” Joined to and perfectly in harmony with our Head, we, as living stones, are perfect; separated from him, we are nothing.
Jesus, the perfect one, has been highly exalted, and now we present ourselves to him that we may be formed and shaped according to his example, and that we may be built up as a building of God. In an ordinary building there is no CHIEF corner-stone; but in our building there is one chief corner-stone, the “top-stone,” or “cap-stone.”
An ordinary building has no specific or chief “top stone” generally found to be rectangular in shape it may possess eight or more corner stones, depending on its specific dimensions, however in most instances it’s usually eight four at the bottom and four at the top all of which are of equal value. The ones located at the bottom are typically referred to as foundation stones and the ones at the top headstones. Now in a pyramid structure this is a little different, the bottom may contain four or more foundation stones dependent upon the shape used for the base of the structure, but regardless of this all the various points converge into just one point or headstone, one cap-stone.
Thus the pyramid structure best emphasizes the point of our Lord as the “chief corner-stone”, (or “headstone”) if you will, the stone placed at the top… the principle stone in a foundation… the finishing stone… the highest part or point… that which occupies the chief position, “That in all things he might have the pre-eminence.” (Col. 1:18)
This could not be more adequately shown then in a pyramid structure. The typical rectangular building possesses four or more headstones at the top all located on the same level and thus would not work well to emphasize the point the Scriptures wish to convey of our Lord’s chief or prominent position in this building.
Now one may ask, how can our Lord be said to be the “chief corner-stone”, (the “top-stone”) of our building and at the same time be referred to as the “chief foundation stone” of our building?
The answer is that this building under construction, whose builder is God has not been undertaken in the natural way in which we would construct a building, i.e. ground-up, but rather in an un-natural way. The beginning of its foundation was not laid here on earth, but rather in heaven.
“The top stone, Jesus, was first laid there, and all the stones must be fitted up to Him. So the Apostle says that you and I are to be built up into Him, into conformity with the laws of that great Master of ours; for you know the Head of the Pyramid is a perfect pyramid itself, and all the stones under that simply come into line with the top stone; and that top stone is what the Bible declares Jesus is –the chief corner stone, the foundation of all, and we are being built up instead of being built down.” (Convention Report Sermons, page 918)
“Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner-stone, elect, precious”–“to whom coming as unto a living stone…ye also as lively [living] stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” (1 Pet 2:4-6) And very soon, we trust, the union between Jesus, the “Head,” and “the Church, which is his body,” will be complete.” (A 82, 83)
God places or sets (“lays”) in Zion a chief cornerstone (Jesus), in one sense the top stone has already been laid, even though the whole building underneath (i.e., the Church) has not yet been united to it (i.e., to Jesus). The risen, exalted Lord has been tried, proven, and elected. The Church this side of the Vail is still trying to conform their lives to the pattern already set— and to grow up into that building.
“One peculiarity is that this tried, chief, corner top-stone is laid first and called a foundation stone (the other four foundation stones upon which this structure resides are the “the apostles and prophets” as alluded to in Eph 2:20). Thus is illustrated the fact that the foundation of all hope toward God and righteousness is laid, not on the earth, but in the heavens. And those built under it and united to this heavenly foundation are held to it by heavenly attractions and laws. And though this order is the very opposite of an earthly building, how appropriate that the stone in whose likeness the entire structure is to be found should be laid first. And how appropriate also to find that our foundation is laid upward, not downward; and that we, as living stones, are “built up into him in all things.” Thus the work will progress during the millennial age, until every creature, of every nature, in heaven and in earth, will be praising and serving God in conformity with the lines of perfect obedience. The universe will then be clean; for in that day “It shall come to pass that the soul that will not hear that Prophet shall be cut off from among the people“–in the second death. (Acts 3:22, 23) A243
“As therefore ye received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in your faith, even as ye were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Col 2:6, 7)
The Church, as living stones, are built up into a spiritual house (of a pyramid design), conforming to the image of Christ, the top stone of the Pyramid. All the stones underneath conform to the top stone in a pyramid structure.
“Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.” (1 Pet 2:7, 8)
On the one hand, the “top stone” (Jesus) was rejected of men and disallowed at the First Advent; hence it was a source of stumbling. On the other hand, to the Christian the “top stone” is a foundation stone—a precious foundation.
“True, the literal top stone back in Shem’s day did not fit the Great Pyramid, for it was too large. Although it was beautiful and perfected, having required much labor, it did not fit. Therefore, in haste the builders concluded that a mistake had been made. The top stone was a nuisance to the laborers, but they should have taken time to reflect that there must be a reason for its size, for the Designer could not make a mistake. As for Shem himself, he would have been very puzzled by the size of the top stone, but he did not hastily assume the Designer had erred.
In the future when the Pyramid is refurbished with an enlarged exterior, it will be in line with the top stone. The top stone was built for the future (outside) Pyramid dimensions, not for the original dimensions.”
“The pyramid figure represents perfection and completeness, and speaks to us in symbol of the plan of God, showing that “in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he will gather together [into one harmonious family, though on different planes of being], under one Head, all things in heaven and on earth, under Christ“–all not being conformable being cut off.” Eph 1:10; 2:20-22—Diaglott (C 330)
“We must beware of prejudice and other factors that would make us render too hasty a judgment. Some accept truth with credulity instead of digging deep to the foundation and “proving all things” (1 Thess 5:21). True faith is based on understanding. It is interesting that, as shown in Verse 7, the foundation is the top stone rather than the bottom. This is opposite to the normal building process. Jesus is the “sure foundation” (Isa 28:16), and the Father is even above Jesus.
This illustration of a reverse viewpoint can be used in principle with the Tabernacle. Certain viewpoints start with the Most Holy and extend outward, showing that God predestined this whole arrangement from the Most Holy to the Holy to the Court to the Camp to outside the Camp. However, the people have to approach in the opposite direction, being built up into the image of Christ, the top stone or progressing inward toward the Most Holy. God, however, looks at matters the other way, starting with what is most holy first. The Ark was conceived by God ahead of the rest of the Tabernacle, the Ark being The Christ, which God had in mind before the other ramifications of His plan were disclosed Thus the calling (i.e. the sanctification) and the work of preparing the Church precedes the calling and the work of the world.” (Epistles of Peter, Page 10-12)
So too with respects to the construction of the Great Pyramid it is (was) built up and inward toward its center or headstone.
“When Christ came at his First Advent and purported to be the Messiah sent of God but was rejected and crucified by the majority, normal human wisdom would say, “If he was of God, why was he rejected?” His crucifixion calls into question the viability of his being the Messiah. Peter acknowledges that there was opposition and a difference of opinion. He exhorts, “When you accepted Jesus, didn’t certain things about him appeal to your heart? Continue on in this course.”
Then he uses the illustration of the Pyramid and shows that just as the perfect top stone was rejected by the actual builders, so in antitype Jesus was rejected by the religious and civil leaders (“builders”) of the nation of Israel. If we had lived back there, we would probably know quite a lot about the Pyramid. And the fact Peter in his discourse alludes to it shows that even in Asia Minor, the Pyramid was known. After all, it was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Holy Spirit caused Peter to choose that very topic. In other words, the hearers of Peter’s epistle had to know something about the literal top stone in order for his analogy with Jesus to make sense. Thus Peter was explaining something the brethren knew about but did not have the answer for. He was saying, “The unusual top stone that was rejected represents Christ.”
In Verse 7 Peter is quoting Jesus’ words in Matthew 21:42, and Jesus himself was quoting from Psa 118:22, 23
Yes, the top stone of the Great Pyramid is mentioned in several places throughout the Scriptures, but in discussing the topic in Matthew 21:42, Jesus was using a form of sarcasm. In addressing the scribes and the Pharisees, an educated class, he asked, “Did ye never read in the scriptures …?” Jesus quoted from Psalm 118:23, which says, “This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” The word “marvelous” is important, and just before the Pastor died, he reaffirmed in a footnote that which he had written on the Pyramid as being a very valuable study. In other words, at the end of his life, he put A STAMP OF APPROVAL on the spiritual significance of the Pyramid. One reason the Pyramid so impressed him was the providential way he arrived at the information. (Epistles of Peter, Page 102)
In our next post we shall examine the most conclusive Scriptural testimony found in the Scriptures in support of the Great Pyramid.