The Great Pyramid, Part 3
“In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar to the LORD at its border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt…” (Isa 19:19, 20)
The Three Prophetic Conditions
There are three requirements of prophecy set forth in Isa 19:19-20, all of which are fulfilled by the Great Pyramid.
They are:
1) It must be in the midst (middle) of the land of Egypt.
2) It must be at the border of the land of Egypt.
3) It must be a sign and a witness unto the LORD in the day of the LORD.
The third requirement of Isaiah’s prophecy states that it must be a sign and a witness unto the LORD in the day of the LORD. It is generally accepted by students of the Bible that we are now living in THAT day, the times that will witnesses the ushering in of God’s Kingdom as well as see the destruction of Satan’s contrary devices. Therefore, now is the time for the pillar of Isaiah’s prophecy to be a sign and a witness unto the LORD. (Understandably only those who are awake at this time have taken notice of this sign and witness the rest of the world including the professing church still slumbers and thus the Pyramids witness is hidden from them until their awakening during the Mediatorial reign.)
The word sign in the original Hebrew is the word owth, (oth) Strong’s # 226 a signal or evidence. The word witness in the original Hebrew is the word ed, (ayd) Strong’s # 5707, which means a testimony or a recorder. Simply stated, the pillar of Isa 19:19-20 is prophesied to be a signal bearing testimony, or bearing record of the LORD, the God of the Bible, the Creator of the universe.
The word pillar in Isaiah’s prophecy in the original Hebrew is the word matstsebah Strong’s # 4676, which means a memorial stone, a stone commemorating something specific, whether it be a person as in Gen 35:20 or a covenant as in Gen 31:44-48. The pillar of Isaiah’s prophecy is a memorial stone unto God.
Careful study finds that the Great Pyramid is found to be that memorial stone. It monumentalizes two aspects of God’s knowledge.
1) It bears testimony of God’s knowledge of the universe.
2) It bears record of God’s plan for the salvation of man as He has explained it to us in the Holy Bible.
(As taken from: Great Pyramid: Ancient Wonder, Modern Mystery)
“If the Great Pyramid was built under God’s direction, to be one of his witnesses to men, we might reasonably expect some allusion to it in the written Word of God. And yet, since it was evidently a part of God’s purpose to keep secret, until the Time of the End, features of the plan of which it gives testimony, we should expect that any reference to it in the Scriptures would be, as it is, somewhat under cover (*obscure)–to be recognized only when due to be understood.
*Obscure: not easily received or understood, not clearly expressed, kept from being seen or understood until the “due time”, a “hard saying” (difficult to receive), “hard to understand” John 6:60; 2 Pet 3:16 thus concealed from the worldly wise.
Isaiah, as above quoted, testifies of an altar and pillar in the land of Egypt, which “shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.” And the context shows that it shall be a witness in the day when the great Savior and Deliverer shall come to break the chains of oppression and to set at liberty Sin’s captives–of which things our Lord preached at his first advent. (Luke 4:18) The scope of this prophecy is but dimly seen, however, until Egypt is recognized as a symbol or type of the world of mankind (more particularly a symbol or picture of Christendom), full of vain philosophies, which only darken their understandings, but ignorant of the true light. As Israel typified the world which shall be delivered from the bondage of Sin by the great antitype of Moses, and whose sin-offering has been given by the antitype of Aaron, so Egypt represents the empire of Sin, the dominion of death (Heb 2:14), which for so long has held in chains of slavery many who will be glad to go forth to serve the Lord under the leadership of one like unto but greater than Moses. (Acts 3:22, 23)
In many passages of Scripture the symbolic character of Egypt is indicated; for instance, Hosea 11:1 and Matt 2:13-15. Here, aside from the fact that our Lord as a babe was for a time actually in the land of Egypt and Israel also for a time actually in Egypt, there is evidently a typical significance as well. The Son of God was in the world for a time for the sake of those he came to redeem and deliver; but he was called out of it–Egypt–to the higher, divine nature. Likewise those who are called to be his brethren and joint-heirs, the “members of his body,” the true Israel of God, are called out of Egypt; and the Master testifies, “They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world.”
Isaiah 31:1,3, referring to the great trouble now impending, says, “Woe unto them that go down to Egypt [to the world] for help [for worldly ideas and plans, and for counsel as to how they should act in the crisis of this great day]; and stay on horses [who endeavor still to ride the old, false doctrinal hobbies], and trust in chariots [worldly organizations] because they are many; and in horsemen [the great leaders in false doctrines] because they are very strong; but who look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord [for safety and victory in this day of trouble will not be with the multitude]!…Now the Egyptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out his hand [his power–the power of the truth and other agencies–as he will do shortly], both he that helps shall fall, and he that is helped [by the powers of Egypt–the world’s ideas] shall fall down, and they all shall fail together.”
It will be after all human plans and schemes have failed them, and when men shall have learned their own sinfulness and helplessness that they will begin to cry unto the Lord for help. Then Jehovah will show himself a great Savior; and he has already prepared the Great Pyramid as a part of his instrumentality for convincing the world of his wisdom, foreknowledge and grace. “It shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts [a witness to his foreknowledge and to his gracious plan of salvation, as we shall presently see] in the land of Egypt: for they [the Egyptians –the poor world, during the great time of trouble coming] shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a Savior, and a great one; and he shall deliver them. And the Lord shall be known to Egypt [the world], and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day [in the millennial day–at the close of the time of trouble], and shall do service with sacrifice and oblation: yea, they shall make vows unto the Lord and perform them. But the Lord shall smite Egypt [the world–in the great time of trouble just at hand]. He shall smite and heal it. And they shall return unto the Lord, and he shall be entreated of them, and shall heal them.” (Isa 19:19-22)
“It is likewise remarkable, too, that (like the Plan of the Ages in the written Word) this stone “Witness” kept silence until now, when its testimony shall shortly be delivered to (Egypt) the world. But the saints, the friends of God from whom he will hide nothing, are privileged to hear the testimony of this witness now, before the worldly mind is ready to appreciate its testimonies. Only when ready to obey the Lord can any appreciate his witnesses.” (C315-318)
“Notice that there is a reference to an “altar” and a “monument” that will be in Egypt. (The word “Altar” in the Hebrew means the “Lion of God,” the “Great Pyramid” is pre-eminently the “lion” in massiveness and strength among buildings, and its shape also answers to the description of a “pillar,” or mammoth pyramidal obelisk) The location of this “altar“ and “monument” (or “pillar” if you prefer) is sketched in terms which seem to be contradictory; it will be at the “border“ of Egypt and yet at the same time it will be in the “middle“ of Egypt. The apparent contradiction offers a chance to pinpoint the identity of this “monument” since few candidates would be able to be both the “border” of something, and also its “middle.”
The Pyramid is at the center AND the border of Egypt.
Note the (red) horizontal line (the north latitude line), below the bottom of the delta quadrant, this represents the border between the two countries making up ancient Egypt: Lower Egypt (the North or delta) and Upper Egypt (the South). The Great Pyramid is at the border of Upper and Lower Egypt (located on the Giza plateau 29 degrees, 58 minutes, and 51.06 seconds north latitude, and 31 degrees, 9 minutes, and 0.0 seconds east longitude). Yet this is also the center of the land of Egypt if the two ancient countries be viewed as one, a single Egypt. Note also that the Pyramid is at the center of the natural quadrant formed by the regular curvature of the delta. It is also at the center of present Egypt in that Cairo is the capital of the country and at the center of its business and cultural life. It is also at the border of ancient Egypt in still another way.
The Great Pyramid is sometimes called the “Great Pyramid of Giza“. “Giza” means “border”, thus indicating in still another way that the Pyramid is associated with a “border“. The name “Giza” is probably drawn from the fact that anciently the borders of Egypt were considered to extend as far as the watered, green areas all along the Nile. The desert outside this fertile strip was not really part of the country. Thus the division line between fertile strip and desert is the natural “border” of Egypt. It is along this “border” that the Pyramid is situated.
Thus by two separate sets of triple confirmation, the Great Pyramid answers the apparent riddle of being at both the border and center of Egypt. To find any other object or concept fulfilling this prophecy’s specifications would be extremely unlikely. The Biblical standard of proof, given at Deut 19:15 and affirmed in the New Testament (at Matt 18:16 and 2 Cor 13:1) has been met:
“… at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” (Deut 19:15)
Continued with next post