The Great Pyramid, Part 5
It is very possible that sometime during the opening stages of the Mediatorial reign the Great Pyramid will be completely refurbished with all the beautiful white limestone casing stones which once covered its exterior, and for the first time [ever], a Top Stone will cap the edifice to then be an everlasting memorial to symbolize the oneness of the Kingdom of God.
Then shall the LORD declare:
“What are you, O Great Mountain? (Babylon; the kingdom of the Evil One) Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of Grace, grace to it!” (Zech 4:7 NAS)
The great mountain of Satan’s Kingdom will be leveled and will become the flat plain of the Highway of Holiness. Zerubbabel as you remember rebuilt the typical Temple, so our LORD as the antitypical Zerubbabel will complete the spiritual temple, (Compare 1 Pet 2:5 “a spiritual house” and Eph 2:21 “a holy temple”) “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple [the Church], his hands shall also finished it” (Zech 4:9), and then shall all mankind recognize Jesus with shouts of joy as the Top Stone.
“The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief (or head) cornerstone.” (Luke 20:17)
[And thus shall] our exalted Lord reign over all mankind, who in turn [shall] endeavor to conform their lives in harmony to his principles.
“During this Gospel Age there has been erected a counterfeit or Antitypical Pyramid, the workmanship of Satan as in comparison with God’s “workmanship” the true temple of the LORD (Eph 2:10) this counterfeit kingdom claiming to rule by Divine right, has dominated the whole world for many centuries; but it is not the kingdom for which the Lord taught his disciples to pray: “Thy Kingdom come.” Soon its sins will have reached unto heaven, and God will remember its iniquities; and its plagues will come in one day, death and mourning and famine; and it will be utterly destroyed with (or in) fire (trouble); for strong is the Lord God who judges it, (Rev 18:5, 8) This will [take place] during the great time of trouble, which is now begun, and will completely end the Gospel Age.”
“On the Chart of the Ages [it will be noticed that], the great time of trouble is represented by the shaded part at the end of the Gospel Age. The large imperfect pyramid there shown falling into ruins, represents the destruction of ‘Babylon the Great,” the counterfeit Antitypical Pyramid, which has never been completed. In the 51st chapter of Jeremiah, the Lord intimates that for it there will be neither “headstone”, nor “foundation-stones.”
“Behold I am against thee, O destroying mountain [kingdom], says the Lord, which destroys the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain: and they shall not take from thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for a foundation; but everlasting ruins shall thou be, says the Lord” Jer 51:25, 26-Leeser’s translation. This vivid description of the Lord’s judgment doubtless applied to the literal Babylon of the prophet’s day, but as indicated by the many citations in the book of Revelation, it has its Antitypical fulfillment in the destruction of “Babylon the Great” Rev 17:5; 18 (Great Pyramid Passages Page 51)
More specifically we believe that Babylon’s demise will come just prior to Armageddon, following the collapse of the Confederacy between church and state, when Satan shall be made clearly manifested to all through the works of his deluded servants at that time, revealed as the master mind behind the great false system, which is Antichrist, (2 Thess 2:8), “[Then, following these events] there was a great earthquake [a revolution unprecedented], such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were upon the face of the earth [a complete and utter collapse of society into total anarchy].” Rev 16:18
We believe, that is some Bible Students believe, that the “great earthquake” which is to come, which shall shortly shake the very foundations of society, “this present evil world”, is not only in reference to the great revolution or time of trouble coming, but also is in reference to a literal earthquake soon to come.
“The term earthquake is used to symbolically represent revolution—it is in this sense of the word that it is used throughout the book of Revelation. What we are to look for then will be great revolution, the great earthquake, the great shaking of the present institutions, which will overthrow everything that is not of the Lord’s establishment and approval (Heb 12:26, 27). Why then should we think of or speak of literal earthquakes do you ask? Because in the divine order there seems to be a harmony between the literal and the figurative; literal earthquakes have their part to play, too, in the great program. Not only are they to serve the church as signs corroborating the prophecies respecting the approach of the great day of trouble, which closes this age, but they also serve another purpose—a particular purpose. The scriptures clearly intimate that our physical earth has not yet attained the grand perfection which the Lord designs it should have, to be fit for the blessed ones whose home, as the paradise of God, it shall be throughout all eternity.” (Harvest Gleanings 3, page 810)
With this in mind we see the Great Pyramid of Giza as representing the one true kingdom of the Lord soon to be established throughout the earth, and the two adjoining pyramids, (along with all the other smaller pyramids of lesser note) as Satan’s vain attempts to counterfeit that kingdom, the large kingdoms of this world (mountains) and the smaller kingdoms (hills).
“The identity of the Great Pyramid of Giza to the exclusion of all the other pyramids, as the one referred to in the Holy Scriptures, is shown by an allusion to one of its characteristic distinctions, namely, its socket foundations. This allusion is found in Job 38:4-7, the questions which Jehovah addresses to Job refers first to the earth, and then, while still appearing to be connected with the earth, clearly alludes to the erection of the Great Pyramid, the type of the New Creation.
The Scripture reads thus: “Where were thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou know? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the sockets thereof made to sink? (i.e. where are its foundations fastened?) Or who laid the corner-stone thereof: when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”
The earth’s foundations are invisible unseen to the eye, nevertheless they are very much real and felt by all they are the very forces which govern the earth’s placement in the cosmos, the solar system, the universe, invisible forces of motion termed centrifugal and centripetal, they are component forces of gravity, invisible forces of nature implemented by the architect and creator of natures laws, as it is written, “He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing.” Job 26:7 Thus symbolically one might say that the earth’s foundations or sockets are made to sink it into place establishing its placement in the cosmos, however upon further examination our text appears to be making a still further allusion to a specific object or structure which not only literally possesses “socket foundations made to sink”, but likewise possesses a “corner stone” at its top.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is such a structure in fact the only pyramid structure possessing such socket-foundations. Commenting upon this fact, Dr. Seiss declares: “Nor is it only to the pyramidal form in general that the allusion is, but to a particular pyramid. By that strange reference to the sunken feet or planting of the foundations in ‘sockets,’ we are conducted directly to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Two socketed “encastrements,” “socles,” shoes, or incised sinking’s, into the rock were found under two of its base corners by the French savants in 1799, which were again uncovered and described by Colonel Howard Vyse, in 1837. And as God here speaks of such a fastening down of the foundations in general, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth was persuaded that there were corresponding ‘sockets‘ at the other two base corners, and when search was made for them in 1865, they were found by Messrs, Aiton and Inglis, assisted by Professor Smyth. Here then are the whole four ‘sockets‘ or fastened foundations. Nothing of the sort exists at any other known pyramid. They are among the distinctive marks of the Great Pyramid of Giza. They are the enduring tracks of its feet cut into the living rock, by which almighty God himself identifies it for us as the original image from which his own description of the creation is drawn”. (Great Pyramid Passages page 49)
What is the significance of this you might ask?
It is these “sunken feet”, unique only to the Great Pyramid, positioned at the four corners, “cut into the living rock” (a “sure foundation”) beneath the pyramid that will sustain the great pyramid in the event of an earthquake. Thus the Lord has provided for the Great Pyramid of Giza to be an everlasting memorial and testament of the one TRUE Kingdom of God. “And in the days of these kings (the various false kingdoms of this world purporting to be Christian nations, but who in truth are but counterfeits) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed…it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and shall stand forever. “(Dan 2:44)
Why? Because it has been established upon a “sure foundation”, the Word of God as it has been given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor 3:11) To the Church pictured in the Pyramid he is a “sure foundation” a sanctuary, to the world “a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence” (Isa 8:14) The other pyramids (specifically the two adjoining the Great Pyramid) typifying the kingdoms of this world shall be, we believe as the Lord so stated in Jer 51:25, “rolled down from the rocks” crumble to pieces in the great earthquake (a literal earthquake soon to take place) due to the fact that they have no sure foundation, they possess no socket foundations to support their great mass in the event of an earthquake.
With the conclusion of our first five posts we believe we have sufficient evidence which proves conclusively that the Great Pyramid is of divine intention, that it is biblically supported, and that it was built to fulfill a divine purpose, thus a study of its testimony would serve only to strengthen the faith of the Lord’s people. In our next post we shall begin with our examination of the general design and construction of the Great Pyramid to see how and in what matter its construction relates to the plan of God symbolically; upon the conclusion of which we shall attempt to explain the chronology of the Great Pyramid and how its testimony collaborates the Scriptural testimony.
Continued with next post.