The Great Pyramid, Part 6
The Great Pyramid Gods stone “witness” likewise has been built upon a sure foundation, a very unique foundation. Unlike your typical buildings in which when speaking of its foundations one looks toward the earth, here we must look to the heavens, for this building, spiritually speaking has been built from its top to its bottom. A Pyramid has five foundation points rather than your typical four as found in most structures, the chief or most important of these is the top stone. All of the subsequent stones added to this structure must be modeled after this particular foundation or cornerstone, symbolically showing how all of God’s sons, both in heaven and in earth, must be conformed to the image of his dear Son.
“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily.” (Isa 28:16)
“Upon this rock (Greek petra, the rock in mass, the foundation rock or stone) I will build my church.” (Matt 16:18)
“Zech 4:7 calls it the “headstone,” not incongruous because, as a heavenly building it has a heavenly foundation and is held together by heavenly attraction (That is to say the true foundation of this building resides at the top rather than the bottom). R1568:4 how appropriate then that the stone in whose likeness the whole structure is to be finished should be laid first. A243
“Now, just because a foundation has been laid, this does not indicate that the building is completed quite yet: “Then came the same Sheshbazzar (the Babylonian name for Zerubbabel), and laid the foundation of the house of God which is in Jerusalem: and since that time even until now hath it been in building, and yet it is not finished.” (Ezra 5:16 KJV)
“The hands of Zerubbabel (antitypically representing the Lord) have laid the foundation of this temple (the Church, and in due time) his hands shall also finished it.” (Zech 4:9)
“If you recall in Solomon’s temple, only the best materials were to be used; where then it might be asked should the real temple of God find its building materials? It might seem to us that the faithful angels might first be the firsts considered for such building materials, but alas such was not God’s plan. He sought more humble material –those found in Asia (i.e. in the “mud” or earthly conditions Rev 1: 4), those “quarried” from the mire of sin. “I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” – not many noble ones, but crooked sticks and crumbling stones, cut from the ranks of the base things of this world.”
But here in this particular study we would like to take a closer look at God’s natural stone monument, and its foundation the importance of which will later aid us in our chronological study.
Like any building the first order of business is to appropriate the proper site for construction, since this building will consist on a monumental scale covering an area over thirteen acres or 568,500 square feet and with an estimated weight of well over 6,000,000 tons it only seems natural that the builders would have first carefully considered their location, and the proximity to the material used in its construction.
Some of the following comments in regards to construction of the Great Pyramid were taken from the following website, “Building the Great Pyramid” at Generally I don’t think much of some of the various pyramid sites out there as most border on pure speculation and the vain imaginings of men, however this particular website approaches the construction of the Great Pyramid with some very good and well thought out reasoning, something which has apparently for the most part been neglected on some of the other pyramid sties which I have investigated. Understand that this particular website deals primarily with the construction of the pyramid not with regards to any symbolism or chronological significance, this is actually a plus for the site as they avoid some of the common misconceptions implied on other sites.
“The pyramid builders carefully chose the building ground for the pyramids. The Khufu-pyramid lies on the best ground existing on the Giza plateau and on top of a rock core which reaches at least 25 feet under the pyramid. How important the choice of building ground was, shows the fact that one of the satellite pyramids probably had to be moved closer to the others, because the ground was considered not stable enough” (The satellite pyramids would be in reference to the three smaller pyramids located to left north face of the Great Pyramid pictured in the diagram above, note that the far left pyramid sits closer to the center pyramid than does the far right one).
“Major problems had developed earlier at other building sites, because the strength of the ground was overestimated when erecting a pyramid. For example the ground beneath the pyramid of Sneferu (father of Khufu,) in Dahshur (pictured above) gave way under the weight and caused damage in the casing. Another outer layer of casing had to be added, changing the angle of inclination from 60° to 54.46°. But again structural problems with the subsidence developed, the casing slipped and more damage occurred. In the end the angle of inclination had to be drastically lowered to 43.99°. Now this pyramid is called the Bent Pyramid, because of its shape”.
“A survey of the Giza plateau shows that the pyramids are aligned to the north-south axis as well as in relation to each other. The ancient engineers worked very precisely, not only are the three pyramids each perfectly centered, but the angle of inclination is also the same from bottom to top. The base area or plateau of the pyramid of Khufu (including the surrounding pavement) was leveled with great precision, so only a deviation of 2.1 cm can be measured”.
We will continue with our examination of the general construction and symbolism of the Great Pyramid in our next post.