The Great Pyramid, Part 8
“The payment is a distinct piece of masonry, and should not be confounded with the platform, the front edge of which projects about 16.5 inches beyond the bottom edge of the casing stones. Although the top surface of the pavement is beautifully level and continuous with the platform, the stones with which it is built vary considerably in thickness. The platform stones on the contrary are of a uniform thickness throughout; the builders therefore spent much time in accurately leveling the natural rock preparatory to laying the platform.”
“These three levels, namely (1) the upper surface of the Platform, i.e. the Platform Level, (2) the leveled natural rock or Fundament Level under the Platform, and (3) the Mean Socket Floor Level, are related to each other and to the doorway of the ancient Entrance, and also to the “basement-sheet” of the Descending Passage, by a connecting system of harmonious measurements. They are all required in the calculations of the time-features of the Pyramid.” (Great Pyramid Passages, Vol. 2, Page 115)
Thus as we had stated earlier a closer look at the Pyramids foundation is prerequisite to our chronological study especially if we would ever hope to arrive at the correct time calculations.
Both the Platform and the Pavement were both compiled of the same White Tura limestone as that which was used in the Casing Stones, “this type of limestone is of a very high quality – white, very fine-grained, not very porous and somewhat harder than the typical gray-yellow colored nummulite limestone used in the construction of the core of the Pyramid. Tura limestone can easily be cut and formed but when exposed to air it hardens after a certain time. This particular type of limestone was very much treasured by the ancient Egyptians; it was used for several pyramids, for other monuments and for statues as well. The Arabs also liked this stone and used it to build mosques”. For this reason very few stones remain both of the casing stones and the pavement stones, I’m not sure about the platform stones as I have not read anything nor seen any pictures in which these stones were removed, most likely because in order to be removed it would first require the removal of not only the casing stones but some of the central core stones as well which sat upon or in some cases overlapped these particular stones, some of which weight as much as 10 tons. The following picture which we had looked at before gives evidence of the removal of some of these pavement stones.
As we look at this picture once again we would like to point out another interesting feature in regards to the construction of the foundation, particularly in regards to the cut and position of the various stones. In the second illustration of the same picture note how we have highlighted the particular features of the stones especially note the platform stones to the left of the man standing next to the casing stones. Not only are some of these stones of an irregular cut, but likewise some of these stones used a little further back in the platform were of the typical gray-yellow colored limestone quality rather than the fine white Tura limestone used on the exposed sections of the platform.
Another view from a different vanish point. (Sorry I didn’t highlight the stones in this picture so they’re a little difficult to see, but you get the jest.)
There is an obvious reason for the use of the lesser quality limestone being used simply to fill in gaps on the platform beneath the casing stones, as these would not be seen, but why the irregular cut stones? The reason is this, “not only did the ancient builders use “header blocks” especially long stones used to tie together the shorter stones around them, but likewise the ancients chose even more complicated bonds. They used angular joints and stones shaped like a trapeze to be sure, that the structure was safe from tension and the formation of cracks. Irregular corner joints and interlocked joints help aid the stones from sliding due to the tremendous downward and horizontal pressures of the Pyramid face. Likewise they also left some of the stones from one course protruding up into the next course, only for a few centimeters mind you, but that was enough to achieve even greater stability.”
The builders were very meticulous about the placement (i.e. the précised pattern), and leveling of the platform as this course would have a direct effect upon every subsequent course laid. “The foundation slabs had a slight gradient of 2-3° inwards. Special stones for the foundation (especially the corners) were laid down, their function being to anchor the pyramid body to the bedrock (See the second diagram shown above). The lowest layer had to be planned very thoroughly, because here especially large stones were used, some of which weigh as much as 6.5 to 10 tons”. (“Building the Great Pyramid”)
We will continue once again with our examination of the Pyramid shortly.