The Great Pyramid, Part 15
Some have suggested that it resembles an “eye” although personally I don’t see any such resemblance, perhaps some are a little too eager to find some connection between the Great Pyramid and the Masonic symbol of “the all seeing eye” found on the back of the one dollar bill.
Still others are of the opinion that it resembles the teeth of a “key”, that in some form or fashion it is central to unlocking the mystery of the Pyramid. That this is a distinctive possibility we readily admit, but not to any suggestion of its being a literal key mind you, rather we see it as a symbol of something which serves as a key. A closer look reveals that this particular symbol or emblem bears a remarkable resemblance to the “Subterranean Chamber” located beneath the Pyramid; this curious chamber is only roughly hewn out of the bedrock and looks almost as though it were a quarry.
The second photo below is merely a plaster model of the Subterranean Chamber (as viewed from the rear of the chamber, you have to picture it spun around), nevertheless I believe it serves best in showing a remarkable resemblance between the emblem and the Chamber.
Is this what is represented by the emblem the “Pit”? We can’t say for sure however a little further investigation into what we have thus far might prove helpful. Since the emblem is located directly beneath the two sets of angular stones we believe it correct to assume that all three are related to each other somehow.
So what about these angular stones; what do they represent? Why was one set of angular stones placed above another?
“In his 5th Edition of Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, page 296, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth draws attention to the four “angular” stones which lie conspicuously above the Entrance of the Pyramid. He demonstrates that their purpose was evidently to monumentalize the (pi) angle of the sides of the building, viz.: 51º 51’ 14”.3, but he does not suggest a reason why this dominant angle of the Pyramid should be particularly indicated at the Entrance. We suggest the following as being a possible symbolical reason.
The great “angular” stones preserve by their inclination toward each other, the scientific (pi) angle of the Pyramid’s four sides. They thus seem to say, in figurative language that at one time a perfect Pyramid stood here at the Entrance of the Descending Passage. The apex of the inside angle formed between the two sets of inclined stones (shown in the diagram below) is in line, nearly with the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor (the 25th course of masonry), this perfect pyramid would represent Adam, who was created on the Plane of Human Perfection.”
“One of man’s oldest mathematical quests has been to accurately determine the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. Mathematicians denote this ratio by the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, À (’pi’). This value, which we know today as 3.141592 +, was first accurately determined by Rudolph Van Ceulin in the sixteenth century. It is a ratio fundamental to the study of physical things, as it gives a mathematical link between straight and circular geometric figures. A proper ascertainment of this ratio is vital to mathematicians, astro-physicists, architects, and many others.
The pi ratio is one of the first mathematical features discovered in the Great Pyramid. In the 1850s John Taylor discovered that the original vertical height of the Great Pyramid was to its base perimeter as the radius of a circle is to its circumference. John Taylor noted that this pi proportion feature could only work with the unique Great Pyramid angle of 51° 51’. Thus no other pyramid contains this relationship.
According to both Smyth’s and Petrie’s measurements, the Great Pyramid demonstrates the pi proportion accurately to four decimal points. The significance of this demonstration is doubly impressive when one realizes that pi had not been worked out to this accuracy until the sixth century, more than 2700 years after the Great Pyramid’s completion.” (The Great Pyramid: Ancient Wonder, Modern Mystery)
In the Scriptures, our Lord is likened to the head cornerstone of a pyramid of which the great stone Pyramid in Egypt is a symbol (Psa 118:22; Matt 21:42). It is therefore quite in accord with the Scriptures, and with the Pyramid’s corroborative symbolisms, to liken Adam who in certain aspects was a type of Christ to a small perfect pyramid standing on the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor, immediately above the Entrance to the passage down which he afterwards is represented as falling in consequence of his disobedience. Now, the direct vertical distance between the north edge of the “basement sheet” of the Descending Passage, and the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor, is exactly a 25th of the complete vertical height of the whole Pyramid. This vertical distance is 232.5204+ Pyramid inches (shown below), and is an exact 25th part of the full Socket-to-apex vertical height of the building, 5813.0101+ Pyramid inches.
In his fallen state Adam is represented at the end of his 1000-year “day” of condemnation as standing at the north edge of the “basement sheet.” Thus, the little pyramid now reckoned as having fallen like Adam from the Queen’s Chamber floor-level down to the “basement sheet”, its apex just touching the line above which symbolizes the Plane of Human Perfection, represents Adam at the full end of his 1000-year “day” losing all hold upon his at one time perfect human state, and falling into the Descending Passage condition of death on his way to the “Pit”.
The fact that Adam is represented by a pyramid which is exactly a 25th the size of the Great Pyramid may explain the reason for the Queen’s Chamber being situated at the 25th masonry course of the building. This seems to be the Pyramid’s method of corroborating the Scriptural declaration that Adam was made in the image of his Creator, and that he was the earthly type of the Spiritual Adam (Rom 5:14), Christ, who is symbolized by the whole Great Pyramid.
As the pyramid representing Adam is a 25th of the size of the whole Pyramid, it follows that the dimensions of the latter in cubits is exactly reproduced in inches in the little model; for a cubit equals 25 inches. The number of inches in the base-length of the little pyramid is 365.242, i.e., the same as the number of days in the solar year. The foregoing symbolical representation of Adam is likewise supported by a number of other time-measurements, which we shall see later in our study.” (Great Pyramid Passages, Pages 145-147)
In our next post we will begin our look at the interior passages of the Great Pyramid.