The Great Pyramid, Part 16
It should be noted that the foregoing remarks were made by the author back in 1909, and that even with the increase of knowledge and understanding which we have today in regards to the Great Pyramid and its true significance the majority of visitors to the pyramids are still oblivious of its true value, still more fascinated with the Sphinx and the second pyramid as is evidenced in the many photos taken of the pyramids many of which erroneously make it appear as though the second pyramid is the largest of the three and of prime importance, this fact can easily be seen for yourself just type in “the great pyramid” in your search engine and then click on images, you will see for yourself what the true focal point of interest is. Note in the accompanying heading in the photo below how it is erroneously implied that the pyramid in the back ground is the Great Pyramid.
If only they knew what they were missing, that one day not too far into the future the pyramid which they overlooked, which they deemed unseemly (rough and unattractive), but for its immense size nothing of particular interest that this particular pyramid would be the one restored to its previous glory memorialized for all eternity as a monument to the Lord and to the Divine Plan of the Ages. The Sphinx as well as the other pyramids mere idols, man-made attempts to glorify men rather than God brought to dust and long forgotten.
“However true it may be that some, if not all, of the smaller pyramids were originally built to be used as tombs it is certain that this was never the case with regards to the Great Pyramid, that while constructed by men, even as the Bible nevertheless was of Divine origin or intention, erected for the purpose of teaching the important truth of God’s infinite wisdom and foreknowledge. The first to propose and prove this view was John Taylor of London in a book published in 1859 A.D. and entitled The Great Pyramid: Why Was It Built? And Who Built It? What convinced him were mainly the many important scientific truths which he found to be embodied in this wonderful structure…
Before his death, John Taylor requested Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, at that time Astronomer Royal for Scotland, to go to Egypt and make a thorough scientific examination of the Great Pyramid. This Professor Smyth did during the winter 1864-5. In his Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, He has left on record minute measurements of every important part of the structure, except, on the exterior, the few remaining casing-stones, and, in the interior, the Subterranean Chamber or Pit, and the lower three-fourths of the Descending Passage. Large accumulations of rubbish prevented him (at the time) from exploring these portions. With the exception of minute fractional differences in certain parts, these measurements have since been confirmed by other scientific investigators, prominent among who is Professor Flinders Petrie, in spite of the fact that he ridicules the various scientific and religious theories warmly advocated by Professor Smyth.
Consequent upon the work of Professor Smyth, many able minds have been awakened to search into the various problems presented by the Great Pyramid. Some of these investigators have claimed not only that it embodies great scientific truths, but also that it sets forth symbolically and by measurement the Divine plan of salvation-that, in fact, it is Messianic. Among the supporters of this view Professor Smyth himself; but the chief one has been C. T. Russell, Pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle, N.Y. Previous to his study of the Great Pyramid, he had discovered many wonderful truths in the Scriptures regarding the plan of salvation, truths which reveal the harmonious co-operation of Divine wisdom, justice, love and power, and therefore exalted his conception of the character and purposes of the creator and sustainer of the universe. With his mind clarified by the knowledge thus gained, he was enabled to discover symbolic and prophetic features in the Great Pyramid, which had necessarily been hidden from previous Pyramid students.” (Great Pyramid Passages Pages 12-17)
The Symbolism of the Great Pyramid
Besides the many scientific truths now known to be embodied in the Great Pyramid, many of which are well known, still other truths are taught by this “Miracle in Stone, which many are completely unaware .” Symbolically, each passage and chamber in the monument represents some essential feature in the Lord’s Plan of the Ages:—
1) The Descending Passage: The course of this “Present Evil World” depicts the road that leads to destruction.
2) The Subterranean Chamber: Representative of the Destruction which terminates not only the eternal destruction or demise of the unsaved but likewise the final destruction of the present evil systems. This chamber is likewise known as the “Bottomless Pit.”
3) The First Ascending Passage: Representative of the Law Age, during which time the nation of Israel endeavored to gain life by the works of the Law.
4) The Granite Plug: blocking the way up the First Ascending Passage: The perfect Divine Law of God, rendering the “way which was ordained to life” impassable.
5) The Grand Gallery: Representative of the Gospel Age, during which time the High-Calling to membership in the Body of Christ is offered to the faithful.
6) The Ante-Chamber: The “Holy” of the Tabernacle; the “School of Christ“; the spirit-begotten condition of those who have presented their bodies a living sacrifice to God.
7) The King’s Chamber: The “Most Holy” of the Tabernacle; the “Sanctuary“; the Divine spirit nature of Christ and His body-members; the Kingdom of Christ.
8) The Queen’s Chamber: The condition of Human Perfection, as possessed by Adam prior to his fall; and by the “Man Christ Jesus” at His first advent when He came to lay down His life as the Savior of Mankind, and Redeemer of Israel; and which will again be the possession of the human race when Restitution is complete (Acts 3:19-21).
9) The Horizontal Passage: leading to the Queen’s Chamber: The complete period of the world’s history from the time of Adam to the end of Christ’s Millennial reign, when all will have attained perfect human life, the condition symbolized by the Queen’s Chamber to which the passage leads. Also representative of the New (Law) Covenant, made operative when Israel’s “blindness in part” is turned away from them.
10) The Well-shaft: Representative of the Ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, thus providing a “way of escape” from the death-doomed conditions of the world represented by the Descending Passage. As the central theme of the Bible is the sacrificial death, and the resurrection, of Jesus Christ, so the Well-shaft in the Great Pyramid is the “key“ which opens the true teaching of the building’s entire passage and chamber system. As a Bible without the doctrine of the Ransom-sacrifice of Christ would be useless to a world in need of a Savior (Rom 4:25; 2Co 5:14, 15), so the Pyramid without its Well-shaft would be meaningless. The Well-shaft, therefore, is an important part of the original design of the building; as, indeed, is proved by the arrangement of the Grand Gallery’s masonry in the region of the shaft’s upper mouth.
11) The Plane of Human Perfection: Represented in the Great Pyramid by the produced level of the floor-line of the Queen’s Chamber.
Biblical Times and Seasons: The absolute agreement of the inch-lengths of the various passage-ways in the Great Pyramid with the years of the chronological periods, both sacred and secular, is one of the Pyramid’s most remarkable features. Note how the Chart of the Ages and the interior passages of the Great Pyramid are in agreement.
In our next post we will begin with a closer look and examination of the various passages and chambers of the Pyramid.