The Mediator and the New Covenant, Part 3

Who specifically is the Mediator?
As we had stated at the end of our last post the typical answer to this question is Christ, but who is THE Christ? What say the Scriptures?
“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into the body…for in fact the body is not one member (Christ its head alone) but many (from the divine standpoint, a composite body)… now you (who have been baptized into Christ, made participators in his death, Rom 6:2) are the body of Christ (the Anointed, the Church, having lost your individually being joined to the body), members in particular (individually, the mystery hidden from ages and from generations, but now revealed in his saints, ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’ Col 1:26,27 ).” 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” (Col 1:18)
So then if Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant (Heb 8:6; 9:15) having obtained a more excellent ministry (a more exalted and effective service than the earthly priesthood), insomuch as he is also the Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises (promises under which not only the “Israel of God”, [Gal 6:16], the Church, the body of Christ benefits, but likewise through them the whole world), and furthermore God has since reconciled US (the Church, the anointed) to himself by Jesus Christ (NOT through any mediatorial work on the part of Christ, but though faith in the blood as we had shown in Part 3 of this study), and (now having been reconciled, He) has given US the ministry [work] of reconciliation (the ministry of mediation) 2 Cor 5:18.
As members of the body, co-labors with Christ, we as under-priest are all involved in the same work, some on this side of the Vail some on the other side, but nevertheless all of one mind, one purpose.
“As for the word Mediator, it is indeed a glorious name and title possessed by our Lord, but it is not the proper name to be associated with his service in our justification. It is not scripturally applicable to the church at all, except that we are associates with the Mediator of the New Covenant as ‘his members’ in the sufferings of this present time and as joint-heirs with him in the glorious prospects of the Millennium.” (R4560:6)
“The Lord is now gathering his Church, a “little flock,” to be members of the antitypical Prophet, Priest, King, Judge, Mediator between God and the world of mankind during the Millennium. These called, chosen, spirit-begotten, are “able ministers of the New Covenant,” after the same manner as their Lord–walking in his steps. They minister or serve the New Covenant as an attorney serves in drawing up an agreement or Covenant. It will not be a Covenant until sealed, but, while it is in process of preparation it is spoken of as a Covenant and, in writing the agreement; the attorney is serving that agreement by putting it into shape, arranging for its sealing, etc. So Christ and his members are able or qualified ministers or servants of the New Covenant which God has promised and in which the hope of Israel and the world is centered.
In what way do Christ and the Church now minister for or serve that New Covenant? In various ways:
(1) In gathering the members of the Body of the great Mediator.
(2) In learning and teaching to others the lessons necessary to qualify for the position.
(3) In preparing the blood with which it is to be sealed–“his blood,” “Jesus’ blood,” appropriated first to the Church and ultimately, after having served its purpose in the justification of the Church, to be passed on for the blessing of the world through the sealing of the New Covenant with Israel.” (R4496)
“Moses indeed said, a prophet shall the Lord God raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me. To him shall ye hearken in all things whatsoever he shall speak unto you. And it shall be, that every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.” (Acts 3:22, 23)
“That Moses, the mediator of the Law Covenant, was a type of Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant, is clearly taught in the Scriptures and generally recognized by Bible students; but all have not recognized that Moses was a type of the entire Christ — head and body — and that in this sense the entire Gospel age has been the period of Christ’s raising up…” (D629)
“The antitypical Moses here pictured is undoubtedly the glorified Christ, Head and Body, in its instruction of the world during the Millennium. It is certainly not true that all are destroyed who disobey the Lord at the present time (thus furnishing a clear evidence that not only is the Mediator, the Great Prophet incomplete at this time, but likewise the covenant mediated by this Prophet, the New Covenant is not yet in operation) It is this antitypical Moses (the body of Christ) taken from amongst the brethren that God has been raising up during this Gospel age. Our Redeemer and Lord was raised up first to be ‘Head over the church which is his body.’ Since then the members are being raised up from the world, separated from the world to the Lord and the millennial work.” (R4354)
“Our Lord, the Mediator of the New Covenant, delays the mediation of the New Covenant, in order to first gather together the “very elect,” who are to constitute the members of his Body, his joint-heirs, in the millennial glory and mediatorial work. He is the Messenger or servant of the New Covenant and each one of the Church now being called and chosen becomes an under-servant and messenger of the New Covenant. This work of qualifying the Church, the members of the Body of the Mediator, prepares them for a future service in helping Israel and the world under and through the terms of the New Covenant.” (R4474)
Moses served as the typical Mediator of the Law Covenant, a type of the great Mediator, the Christ of God, of which Jesus is the Head and the overcoming saints, his faithful followers, are accounted members.
We will continue with our look at the Mediator in our next post examining the role of the “Testator”