The Great Pyramid, Part 37
The air-channels of the Queen’s Chamber are very interesting. Their existence was not known till so recently as 1872 A.D., exactly six thousand years after the creation of Adam, according to The True Bible chronology. Scratched on the walls above them we read the words: “Opened, 1872.” In “Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid”, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth relates how Mr. Waynman Dixon, perceiving a crack in the south wall of the chamber, which allowed him at one place to push in a wire “to a most unconscionable length,” set his man, Bill Grundy, to apply his chisel, with the result that before long the tool went right through into a cavity beyond. Further excavating proved the cavity to be the inner end of a neatly squared air channel! Proceeding to the opposite wall, Mr. Dixon discovered a second channel similar to the first. The builders had actually constructed two air-channels for the Queen’s Chamber, but had not carried them through into the chamber itself! They had left the last five inches uncut! That this was their set purpose is demonstrated by the fact that the orifices are not plugged, for there is no jointing, but, to quote Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, “the thin plate is a ‘left,’ and a very skillfully, as well as symmetrically left, part of the grand block composing that portion of the wall on either side.” This is well seen in the photograph which we took of the orifice of the north air-channel—Plate CLXXXV. Half of it is still covered by this five-inch thickness of once concealing stone.
What purpose could the ancient architect have had in view to induce him to expend so much time and trouble in constructing two long air-channels, in such a way that they would be useless as conductors of air until someone would seek, find, and remove the barrier? For we must remember that the first parts of the channels to be laid down in the process of building the Pyramid, would be those portions which are incomplete to the extent of the five inches of uncut stone; and that all the hundreds of feet of carefully executed channeling which ascend from the Queen’s Chamber at a steep angle, must have been added, stone by stone as the Pyramid rose course by course. As even, a casual examination of the various features of this great stone building convinces one that its erector was not by any means a fool, and that he had reason in everything he did, the problem of these air-conductors of the Queen’s Chamber has puzzled the minds of many, even as numerous other features in the Great Pyramid have done. Whatever may be the scientific reason, if any, for these uncompleted channels, the symbolical meaning which appeals to us as correct is that suggested by C. T. Russell See Par. 141-143 (We will take a look at this in our subsequent post).
While the width of the Queen’s Chamber is nearly the same as the width of the King’s Chamber, it is in reality a little less; nor was it intended by the inspired architect that its width should be, theoretically, the same as the other chamber; for the Queen’s Chamber has its own scientific, and therefore theoretical, dimensions. It is not an easy chamber to measure, owing to the saline incrustation on its surfaces, and also to the fact that its floor is not finished off like that of the King’s Chamber. Nevertheless, Professor Petrie points out that, “all around the chamber, and the lower part of the passage leading to it, is a footing of fine stone, at the rough floor level; this projects one to four inches from the base of the walls, … It is to this footing or ledge that we must refer the starting point ” for the measures of vertical height of the chamber.
As the measures of Professor C. Piazzi Smyth are confirmatory of those of Professor Flinders Petrie, we shall here merely refer to the figures of the latter, comparing them with the correct quantities as required by theory. These practical measures are very close to those demanded by theory; and we must remember that neither of the two measurers had any conception as to their true application in the scientific features. Converting Professor Petrie’s measures, which are almost the same as Professor Smyth’s, into their corresponding value in Pyramid inches, we get for his length of the Queen’s Chamber, between the east and west walls, 226.2435+ Pyramid inches. Theory requires this length to be 226.1735+ Pyramid inches, or about .07, or a 14th part of an inch, less than the practical measure.
Professor Petrie’s figure for the width between the north and south walls is 205.6441+ Pyramid inches. Theory makes this width only about, less than, a 30th part of an inch under Professor Petrie’s measure or 205.6123 + Pyramid inches.
While as for the vertical height of the north and south walls, the practical measure and the theoretical measure are almost identical, namely, 184.2855+ Pyramid inches. for the first, and 184.2851+ Pyramid inches. for the theory, a difference of only a 25-hundredth part of an inch.
Then as to the vertical height in the center of the chamber, between, the floor and the ridge of the roof, Professor Petrie’s measure is .1637+ of a Pyramid inch less than the amount that theory would require, that is, 244.8549, instead of the theoretical 245.0186+ Pyramid inches. This small difference of about a 6th of an inch less in Professor Petrie’s measure we ascribe, not to any error in his measuring, but, rather, to a slight settlement in the roof of the chamber, referred to by Professor Petrie himself.
It is proposed to enter fully into the details of the scientific features of the Great Pyramid in the 3rd volume of Great Pyramid Passages; I will therefore draw your attention to the two outstanding ones connected with the Queen’s Chamber meantime:
(1) The length and width of this chamber are so proportioned, that the width, plus a 10th part of the width, is equal to the length. Or, to express the proportion differently: For every 10 inches and part of 10 inches in the width, there is a corresponding 11 inches and part of 11 inches in the length. This is a true “Pyramid” method of computation, employing the basic number 10.
(2) The precise area of the floor of the Queen’s Chamber is so proportioned, under Divine inspiration we are persuaded, that when calculated in square Pyramid inches, and in no other units than these earth-commensurable ones, there is found to be as many such square inches as there are days in exactly 400 solar tropical years, when this total of days is divided by the ratio pie. Or, to state this feature another way: If we regard the total number of square Pyramid inches in the area of the Queen’s Chamber floor as the diameter of a circle, the length of the circumference of this circle is, in linear inches, equal to the days in 400 solar tropical years, which is equal to 4 times the perimeter in inches of the Pyramid’s square base at the mean Socket-level.
The appropriateness of the number 400 in connection with the Great Pyramid’s dimensions, I shall comment upon in the further volume. I only mention these and the other scientific features in this volume to convince you and all truth seekers that the system of design which is apparent in all the dimensions of this monument, could not be the result of unaided human thought; but that behind it all must have been the inspiration of the Lord, as in the case of Moses when he designed the tabernacle, and of David when he designed the Temple—See Par. 389.
The greater part of the walls of the Queen’s Chamber is covered with salt incrustation, which makes it difficult to examine them to any great extent. But here and there are clear spaces, and on parts of the west wall especially we were able to examine the joints between the stones. These joints are marvelous in their closeness, and are barely discernible. Some visitors are at first inclined to believe that what are pointed out to them as joints, are really the ruled scratch of a knife. And yet, though so fine, these joints, both vertical and horizontal, contain cement! Speaking of this, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth says: “The joints are so close, that the edges of the two surfaces of stone, and the filling of cement between, are comprised often to within the thickness of a hair.” (Great Pyramid Passages, Pages 376-388 par. 585-587, 594-605)
“When our Lord came into this world he was not born in degradation and sin, for we read that, “In him was no sin.” He was “holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners.” The “Man Christ Jesus” was born on the plane of human perfection, which in the Great Pyramid is represented by the Queen’s Chamber level, for this limestone chamber symbolizes perfect human life. It is the level of the floor of the Queen’s Chamber which represents the plane of human perfection.
When the line of the floor of the Queen’s Chamber is produced northward, it intersects the floor of the First Ascending Passage 33½ inches from its upper end. That is to say, this produced floor-line of the Queen’s Chamber intersects the floor-line of the First Ascending Passage at that exact point, which is 33 inches short of the upper terminal of the inclined floor, where the Grand Gallery begins; and these 33 inches represent the thirty-three and one-half years of our Lord’s life on earth. (The inches used in these time-measurements are not British inches, but Pyramid inches; and the length of the Pyramid inch is based upon the dimensions of the earth, exactly five hundred millions of them being the length of the polar axis of the earth.)
Thus we see how the Biblical statements that Jesus was “made of a woman,” and “made under the law” (See Gal. 4:4), are corroborated by this feature of the Great Pyramid;—for, as we say, the level of the floor of the Queen’s Chamber represents the plane of human perfection on which Jesus was born, or “made,” and the First Ascending Passage represents the Law to which Jesus was subject from his birth, and which he “nailed” to his cross at thirty-three and one-half years of age.” (Pyramid Discourse 1929, Page xii)
In our next post we will examine the symbolic significance of the Horizontal Passage as well as the Kings and the Queens Chambers a bit more fully.