The Great Pyramid, Part 57
“Some may scoff at the testimony of this stone “Witness,” as they also scoff at God’s written Word; but to their scoffs we answer:
Account for this peculiar fitness of things, or else venture to prophesy of the future, and see how your prophecies will result. Prove to us that it requires no inspiration to foretell future events. Show us a sample of worldly wisdom.
“Present your case,” says the Lord. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob. “Let them bring forth and show us what will happen; Let them show the former things, what they were, That we may consider them, And know the latter end of them; Or declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods [mighty ones]…” NKJ Isa 41:21-23
Not only does the Great Pyramid confound atheistical scientists, but it refutes utterly their modern and anti-Scriptural theory of “Evolution“–on which subject we cannot do better than quote the following words of Dr. Joseph Seiss, from his excellent treatise on the Great Pyramid, entitled “A Miracle in Stone.”
If as our Evolutionist friends say man has been slowly evolving through some form of evolutionary process from primeval soup, to ape, to troglodyte and so on and so forth how then did our early ancestors some 4000 plus years ago build a structure containing so many hidden truths, many of which are purely scientific.
“How could the builders of this mighty structure have known what our profoundest savants (learned scholars, scientist and etc.), after a score of centuries of observation and experiment, have only imperfectly been able to find out? How could they know how even to make and handle the tools, machines and expedients, indispensable to the construction of an edifice so enormous in dimensions, so massive in its materials, so exalted in its height and so perfect in its workmanship that to this day it is without a rival on earth?
How could they have known the sphericity, rotation, diameter, density, latitude, poles, land distribution and temperature of the earth, or its astronomical relations?
How could they solve the problem of the squaring of the circle, calculate the proportions or determine the four cardinal points?
How could they frame charts of history and dispensations, true to fact in every particular, for the space of four thousand years after their time, and down to the final consummation?
How could they know when the Mosaic economy would start, how long continue, and in what eventuate?
How could they know when Christianity would be introduced, by what great facts and features it would be marked, and what would be the characteristics, career and end of the Church of Christ?
How could they know of the grand precessional cycle, the length of its duration, the number of days in the true year, the mean distance of the sun from the earth, and the exact positions of the stars at the time the Great Pyramid was built?
How could they devise a standard and system of measures and weights, so evenly fitted to each other, so beneficently conformed to the common wants of man, and so perfectly harmonized with all the facts of nature?
And how could they know how to put all these things on record in a single piece of masonry, without one verbal or pictorial inscription, yet proof against all the ravages and changes of time, and capable of being read and understood down to the very end?
“Men may sneer, but they cannot laugh down this mighty structure, nor scoff out of it the angles, proportions, measures, nature references and sacred correspondences which its Maker gave it. Here they are in all their speaking significance, stubborn and invincible beyond all power to suppress them.”
The voice of this wonderful “Witness” brings forcibly to mind the words of our Lord on that notable occasion of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when he typically presented himself to Israel as their king, amidst the acclamation’s of the whole multitude of his disciples, who were loudly praising God for the mighty works that had been done, saying, “Blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.”
And when the Pharisees were urging him to rebuke them, he answered, “I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:37-40) And so it is today: while the King of glory has actually come, and while the great majority of his professed living witnesses, who should be loudly rejoicing, and saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord, are dumb–some from fear of being put out of the synagogue, and some from drowsy slothfulness, or from the intoxication of worldliness which keeps them in ignorance of the time of our visitation–lo, the very stones of this Great Pyramid of Testimony are crying out in no uncertain tones. Every inch of this massive structure is eloquently proclaiming the wisdom and power and grace of our God.
Firmly encased in this solid rocky structure, beyond the power of nature’s storms or of the ruthless hand of the destroyer, the outline drawings of God’s great plan have stood for four thousand years, prepared to give their testimony at the time appointed, in corroboration of the similarly revealed, but for ages hidden, testimony of the sure Word of Prophecy.
The testimony of this “Witness to the Lord in the land of Egypt,” like that of the written Word, points with solemn and unerring precision to the final wreck of the old order of things in the “Pit” of oblivion, and to the glorious establishment of the new, under Christ Jesus, the great Chief Corner-stone of God’s eternal building, in conformity with the lines of whose glorious character all things worthy of everlasting existence must be built up under him. Amen! Amen! Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven!