Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 7
“Corroborative testimony regarding the Scriptural indication of the date when the “Present Evil World” legally ended (Gal. 1:4), is contained in the Great Pyramid by a number of time-measurements, some of which we have noticed. In addition to these, the Pyramid also confirms our understanding of the exact duration of the second “heavens and earth” which, as the Apostle Peter informs us, began after the old “heavens and earth” perished in the flood, and end in “fire” (2 Pet. 3:5-12). But after the fiery destruction we according to promise look for a new “heavens and earth” wherein dwells righteousness, and during which Satan, who is the “god of this world,” is bound that he may deceive the nations no more till the righteous reign of Christ is finished (2 Pet. 3:13; 2 Cor. 4:4; Rev. 20:1-3).
In the Great Pyramid the “Present Evil World” is represented by the Descending Passage, while the great fire of trouble which terminates Satan’s rule is symbolized by the Subterranean Chamber or Pit (See “The Great Pyramid”, Parts 17 and 18).
Although, as we believe, the Scriptures point to 1914-1915 A.D. as the date when the “kingdoms of this world” were due to be destroyed, they show that the preparation for this destruction began in 1874 A.D., the date of our Lord’s return. When 1914 A.D. came the foretold destruction began, and many of the once proud kingdoms have been laid low, while others are bending to the will of the people, melting like wax (Psa. 97:1-5). But the crisis of the Great Time of Trouble has still to come, before the people will fully awake to the fact that a new order began in 1914 A.D.
The binding of Satan, the “god of this world,” began in 1874 A.D., when Christ descended from heaven with the “key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand” (Rev. 20:1-3). Satan, the “strong man of the house,” is resisting, but his opposition will prove unavailing, and by the time appointed he will be fully bound and cast into the “bottomless pit” (Matt. 12:25-29). Then all the nations whom he deceived by blinding deceptions, shall be liberated from the prison-house of death, through the way of escape which Christ’s ransom – sacrifice provided, symbolized in the Pyramid by the Well-shaft.
The duration of the “Present Evil World,” and the short period of preparation for its dissolution, 1874 to 1914 A.D. (See No. 2 above), are indicated in the Great Pyramid by the following time-measurement:
The vertical line of the roof-commencement of the Descending Passage marks the date of the flood, which is the beginning of the “Present Evil World“. Starting from this point (the large blue line), and measuring down the floor-line of the passage, then along the Small Horizontal Passage to the extremity of the floor (which juts into the Pit five inches), we find this terminal indicates 1874 A.D.
But if our measurement be produced downward in continuation of the angle of the Descending Passage, to the point which is vertically underneath the floor-terminal of the Small Horizontal Passage, the date 1914-1915 A.D. is here indicated. (The first-named measurement is 4346.8082 + Pyramid inches, corresponding to the years between the commencement of the flood in 2473 B.C., and Autumn of the year 1874 A.D., i.e., 4346¾ years in all. The extra length for the produced Descending Passage floor-line, to the point vertically below the terminal of the Small Horizontal Passage floor, as can be seen in the diagram, is 40.4687+ Pyramid inches. The end of this produced line, therefore, indicates the date 1914-1915 A.D.)
A further corroboration
To confirm our faith in this time-feature of the Scriptures, the Divine Architect provided another corroborative time-measurement in the Great Pyramid, which demonstrates that the Pit, the symbol of destruction, indicates the time of preparation from 1874 A.D. when the Lord came again, gathering the nations to pour upon them his fierce anger and fiery indignation (Zeph. 3:8), and 1914-1915 A.D. when, in the breaking-out of the great World War, this vengeance against Christendom began to run its appointed course (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. IV, pages 542-550).
This time-measurement, while coinciding with the one above, is distinct, and is therefore an added confirmation. In some respects we require greater aids for faith in things that are past, and which cannot as yet be demonstrated in a material way. It is still true “that the just shall walk by faith“; but the Lord grants us many proofs that our faith is a reasonable one. When Jesus was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered: “The kingdom of God cometh not with outward show (outward observation)” Luke 17:20, 21. The Scriptures unite in their declaration that the second coming of Christ, his presence and assumption of Kingly authority in the inauguration of his Kingdom, would take place unknown to the world, but recognized and believed in by the Lord’s faithful children. The great stone “Sign” and “Witness” in the land of Egypt corroborates this teaching of the Bible.
In several time-measurements we have noticed that the north wall of the Grand Gallery marks the date of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Spring of 33 A.D. Starting from here, and measuring in Pyramid inch-years northward down the floor-line of the First Ascending Passage, we find that the “Point of Intersection” indicates the date, Autumn, 1512 B.C. Taking this definite point as the commencement of our time-measurement, and measuring down the Descending Passage to the lower extremity of the floor, and from thence, first, along the Small Horizontal Passage to the Pit, and second, down the produced floor-line of the Descending Passage to the vertical line of the Small Horizontal Passage floor-end, we find that these two terminals indicate, respectively, the dates 1874, and 1914-1915, A.D. (The number of Pyramid inches from the “Point of Intersection” downward to the terminal of the Small Horizontal Passage floor, 5 inches beyond the north wall of the Pit, is 3384.9041 +. These Pyramid inches represent years, dating from Autumn of 1512 B.C., the date marked by the “Point of Intersection,” about 1543½ years previous to the date of our Lord’s crucifixion as marked by the north wall of the Grand Gallery. From Autumn of 1512 B.C. to Autumn of 1874 A.D. is a period of 3385 full years, which corresponds, practically, to the measurement of 3384.9041 + Pyramid inches given above. The 40.4687 + Pyramid inches extra length for the produced line of the Descending Passage floor, as shown in the diagram, gives the date 1914-1915 for the terminal of that line.)
Great Pyramid Passages Page 163-166, par. 403-415
Continued with next post.