Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 8
“According to the Scriptures, the end of the Second Dispensation is as clearly defined in the purposes of God, as was the end of the First when the flood swept away the old “world of the ungodly ” (2 Pet. 2:5). We have our Lord’s authoritative statement, that the suddenness which characterized the destruction of the First Dispensation, was likewise to attend the destruction of the Second (Luke 17:26-30; 1 Thess 5:2, 3; Rev. 18:10).
But the passing away of the Second “heavens and earth,” while it began with startling suddenness in the greatest war, amongst all the foremost nations of Christendom in 1914 A.D., the date which was foreknown and foretold by the Lord’s faithful watchers, takes longer to accomplish, because the antitype is greater than the type. That the “Great Time of Trouble” would begin after the lease of power to the “kingdoms of this world” had terminated in 1914 A.D., the end of the seven “times of the Gentiles,” was foreseen and commented upon by the Lord’s people at least ten years before 1914 A.D. For in the 1904 Watch Tower, page 198, the late C. T. Russell wrote:
“If, as we believe the Scriptures to teach, Gentile domination was provided for up to October [Autumn] 1914, it would seem but a reasonable interpretation that divine power for the overthrow of the kingdoms of this world would not be exercised to their dethronement until after the time allotted for their reign had ended—October 1914.”
In the Great Pyramid, the end of the First Dispensation (the blue area) is marked by the vertical line of the roof-commencement of the Descending Passage (The Vertical Flood-Line). We find that the abrupt termination of the Second Dispensation is also marked by a vertical line. You will note that south wall of the Grand Gallery, and the floor- terminal of the Small Horizontal Passage in the Pit, are practically in vertical alignment with each other.
The line of the Grand Gallery south wall, which indicates the date 1914 A.D. (Sec. XII “The Gospel Age”, which we will be looking at shortly), is only about quarter an inch north of the end of the Small Horizontal Passage floor (Or, more accurately according to the standard lengths of the passage-ways, and the correct angle of 26° 18′ 9″.7, the horizontal distance between the vertical line of the Grand Gallery’s south wall, and the floor-end of the Small Horizontal Passage, which floor-end juts into the Pit 5 inches from that chamber’s north wall, is . 2779+ of a Pyramid inch).
Thus, while the previous time-measurements (Sec. XXXII “The Present Evil World”) show that the floor-end of the Small Horizontal Passage in the Pit indicates the date 1874 A.D., when the preparation for the dissolution of the kingdoms of this world began, the present time-measurement allows us to regard the north wall of the Pit as, in the general sense, also indicating the date 1914-15 A.D., and thus enables other time-features of the Plan of God to be corroborated by the Pyramid.” (Great Pyramid Passages Page 167, 168, par. 411-415)
Thus far we have found that the time features of the Great Pyramid fully collaborate the scriptures in regards to both the First and Second Dispensations, the “Old world” and this “Present Evil World”, as well as the first age of the second dispensation, the “Patriarch Age”, the age prior to the establishment of the nation of Israel or what is commonly referred to as the “Jewish Age”. As we had stated earlier in this study, we felt it best first to establish the various ages and dispensations before we began our look at the pyramids collaboration of any biblical prophecies. And so in our next several post we will move on to the “Jewish Age” or the Law Dispensation.