Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 10
“Inasmuch as the Descending Passage represents the down-ward course of the Gentiles, and the First Ascending Passage the people of Israel, the “Point of Intersection” where the two passages diverge may be considered as indicating the date of the Nation of Israel’s separation from the other nations of earth, namely, the Exodus from Egypt, 1615 B.C. (See “The True Bible Chronology”).
Note: Keep in mind what we had learned from our previous post regarding the true length of the Law Dispensation and how we arrived at the point for its beginning with the added length of the “granite plug” being fully extended. Here however we are simply ignoring that particular feature and applying the point of intersection where the two paths (the First Ascending Passage and the Descending Passage) diverge from one another as our starting point.
We have demonstrated by a number of time-calculations that the date of the flood, when the “Present Evil World” began, is marked at the north end of the Descending Passage by the vertical line of the roof-commencement (Secs. XXX and XXXII). The upper portion of the Descending Passage, therefore, which lies between the roof-commencement and the “Point of Intersection,” should in some way correspond to the time from the flood to the Exodus.
Although the floor-distance (961.904) is too great, this period of the Bible chronology is nevertheless approximately corroborated by the horizontal distance between these two fixed points. From the flood to the Exodus is 857½ years. The horizontal distance referred to is 862.3138 + Pyramid inches.
When God separated the Nation of Israel to be a “peculiar treasure” unto himself, he commanded the people through Moses not to intermarry with the Gentiles. Although they occasionally disregarded this injunction, yet in the main they held themselves aloof from the other nations; and God dealt with this Nation according to promise, saying, “You only have I known of all the families of the earth” (Amos 3:2). From the time of this separation the Nation of Israel was placed under the Law “school-master,” that it might be prepared to receive the Messiah (Gal. 3:24).
When the Messiah came in Autumn of the year 29 A.D., the date of his baptism, the “harvest” of the Jewish Age began, and continued for 40 years till Autumn 69 A.D. During these 40 years the faithful individuals who received Christ were given the opportunity to become his joint-heirs in the heavenly Kingdom. This faithful remnant having been selected, the unbelieving Nation as a whole was finally cast off from all further favor; and the people were dispersed throughout all the nations of the world at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D.
Jesus pictured the death of the Nation of Israel as the people of God in his parable of the “rich man and Lazarus.” Just as in modern times “John Bull” represents the English nation, and “Uncle Sam ” the American nation, so in this parable the “rich man” represents the nation of Israel, rich in God’s favor; while “Lazarus” represents those Gentiles, aliens and strangers from the commonwealth of Israel, who longed for the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table (Eph. 3:11, 12; Matt. 15:21-28).
Jesus, speaking in the language of prophecy as if the events narrated were already in the past, told how both “Lazarus” and the “rich man” died and were buried. Then the rich man being in torment lifted up his eyes and saw Lazarus in “Abraham’s bosom,” the place of favor with God.
The explanation is that, in Autumn of the year 36 A.D., which was the end of Israel’s 70 weeks of exclusive favor, the Lazarus class “died,” i.e., ceased to exist as aliens and were received into God’s family. (We will show later how this period of “70 weeks” is also indicated in the Pyramid.) Cornelius was the first of these (Acts 10). At the end of the harvest period of 40 years the “rich man” died, i.e., ceased to exist as the Holy Nation of God (Deut. 7:6, 7). Ever since then that people, no longer a Nation, have been in the hadean condition, and in “torment.” Nor could their sentence as outcasts be reversed until the “Times of the Gentiles” were fulfilled. But very soon now, all Israel shall be saved according to God’s promise; and “What shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” (Rom. 11:15-32).
Thus the time from the Exodus in the spring of 1615 B.C., till the end of the “harvest” in Autumn 69 A.D., in all 1683 1/2 years, formed the complete period during which the Nation of Israel was distinct and separate from all other nations. The corresponding measurement in the Great Pyramid commences at the “Point of Intersection” where the First Ascending Passage leaves the Descending Passage, and ends above at the east edge of the shaft of the Well, which is the Pyramid’s symbol of “hades,” the death-state.
Or, tracing this time-measurement in detail, we start from the “Point of Intersection” as indicating the Exodus when the Nation was separated from the world, and measure upward along the middle of the floor of the First Ascending Passage, counting a Pyramid inch to a year, until we reach the point exactly opposite the center of the Well-mouth in the Grand Gallery (Compare diagrams in Sec. XLI), and then turn sharp to the right and go westward along the 21 inches to the edge of the mouth, down the 26 inches to the floor of the little horizontal passage, and, finally, along the middle of the little passage floor to the east edge of the perpendicular shaft of the Well.
By this measurement the east edge of the Well-shaft is found to indicate the date, Autumn 69 A.D., the very end of the harvest period when the Nation of Israel entered the hadean condition, and the people were again returned into the world. (Following the detailed Pyramid inch measures shown above and below), the total measurement is 1683.6132+, that is, practically 1683½ Pyramid inches, corresponding to the period of 1683½ year detailed above.) It is by this time-measurement, therefore, that the point where the First Ascending Passage leaves the Descending Passage is shown to mark the date of the Exodus, when the Nation of Israel left the world as represented by Egypt.”
(Great Pyramid Passages Page 209-211, par. 545-555)
We will continue with our next post.