Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 11
“It has now been proved that the First Ascending Passage indicates several distinctive periods of time in connection with the children of Abraham, such as the duration of the Law Covenant or Law Dispensation (Sec. XI, Part 9 in our study), the period of the Nation’s separation from the world (Sec. XLII, Part 10), and the course of the faithful remnant of that Nation as well as the Birth of the Savior and the First Advent (Sec. XLIII, which we will examine when we begin our look at the various prophesies collaborated by the pyramid).
We have seen, also, that the “Point of Intersection” indicates the beginning of the Age of Israel, the date of Jacob’s death (Sec. XVI, another study involving prophecy specifically, the Second Advent).
There is however another very prominent event in the history of the Hebrews, which one would expect should be indicated by the “Point of Intersection,” for it formed the foundation of all God’s dealings with his people. We refer to the great “Oath-bound Covenant” which God made with Abraham (Gen. 22:15-22). Here again the Pyramid fulfils our expectation; for although the “Point of Intersection” does not appear to mark the very date when God “confirmed” his promise by “by an oath” when Abraham demonstrated his obedience to the Divine command by his willingness to sacrifice his only son (Heb. 6:13-7), yet the date of the promise itself (2045 B.C.), and the typical fulfilment of this promise in the birth of Isaac, the typical seed (2021 B.C.), are both appropriately indicated by this point.
The Scriptures show that after God destroyed the Old World by the deluge, a period of 427 years passed before He promised Abraham that in him and in his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed (See Par. 35, at the bottom of the page). Abraham believed God, and thus earned the distinction of being called the Father of the faithful. This was the first intimation since the beginning of the Present Evil World, that God still had at heart the eternal welfare of the poor groaning creation. The promise was therefore the root of that hope which has sustained the faithful children of God, both earthly and spiritual. From this root sprang the fleshly seed, and afterwards the spiritual seed, of Abraham.
We find that the Great Pyramid corroborates the period which intervened between the beginning of the Present Evil World, and the Abrahamic Covenant, by the vertical distance between the point at the upper end of the Descending Passage which marks the date of the flood, and the level of the “Point of Intersection.” By this method, therefore, the “Point of Intersection” indicates the date of God’s promise to Abraham. (Compare the accompanying diagram with that on page 138, shown below. The vertical distance in question is 426.2326+, that is, practically 426¼, Pyramid inches. This time-measurement, therefore, corresponds with the period from the flood, to the year of the Abrahamic Covenant, though not the exact months of these years.)
After a long wait of 25 years, during which Abraham’s faith was tested, Isaac, the seed of promise, was born. God said to Abraham “In Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Gen. 21:12). But we have the Apostle’s inspired statement that the Seed of Abraham is Christ, and that Isaac therefore was merely a type (Gal. 3:16). In his sermon at Antioch, recorded in Acts 13, the
Apostle Paul shows that the promised Seed is the risen Christ. His words in Verses 32 and 33 are: “We declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he has raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second Psalm, `Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.'”
In Romans 1:4, also, Paul tells us that it was by the resurrection from the dead that Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God with power.” Jesus himself said after his resurrection: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matt. 28:18). As the seed of Abraham he was now qualified to bless all the families of the earth. The beginning of the blessing took place at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the servants and handmaidens (Acts 2:1-18).
From another aspect the Apostle shows that, those who were blessed by receiving the Holy Spirit also became the Seed of Abraham, for in Gal. 4:28 he distinctly says: “Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.” Nevertheless, Jesus Christ himself, being the “Head” of the great antitypical Seed represents the whole body, and thus his personal resurrection from the dead may be said to have been the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham.
Jesus Christ, the Head of the antitypical Seed of Abraham, was “born from the dead” at the end of the Law Dispensation, and at the beginning of the Gospel Dispensation, in Spring 33 A.D. Accordingly, this date is indicated at the line of the upper or south end of the First Ascending Passage, and the beginning of the Grand Gallery. The date when Isaac the typical seed of promise was born, Autumn 2021 B.C., is indicated by the “Point of Intersection.” The long interval of 2052½ years between these dates is closely corroborated by the longest symmetrical measurement of the First Ascending Passage. Measuring from the “Point of Intersection” first vertically up to the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor, which symbolizes the Plane of Human Perfection on which Jesus was born, and then horizontally southward along this level to the line of the north wall of the Grand Gallery, the total number of Pyramid inches equals 2052.7677+, or only about ¼ inch more than the exact 2052½.
Isaac could not bless all the families of the earth, because he was born on the Plane of Human Depravity, partaking with the rest of mankind in the sinful nature inherited from Adam. He could not, therefore, redeem the world from death, and thus any blessing coming through him would have been of a temporary nature only. The “Man Christ Jesus,” on the contrary, was not of the Adamic stock, but being born on the Plane of Human Perfection he was “holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners.” This perfect human life he required to lay down in sacrifice, in order to buy the fallen race of mankind, that he might afterwards in due time redeem them from the grave, and bless them with everlasting life.
Therefore, as the “Seed of Abraham,” Christ is spiritual, but in order to become the Seed he required to be born a perfect man, that he might present a perfect sacrifice to justice. For this reason the time-measurement now under consideration terminates at the line of the Grand Gallery north wall, and on the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor the Pyramid’s symbol of human perfection. Isaac, the typical seed, on the other hand, being imperfect, is represented as born on the steep inclined floor of the Descending Passage, which symbolizes the condition of Human Depravity.”
“The period of 427 years from the flood to the date of God’s covenant with Abraham, is like that of the previous period (the 1656 years from the creation of Adam to the flood), based upon the ancient Hebrew Scriptures. It has been supposed that this period should be reduced 60 years because of the statement in Gen. 11:26, that “Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.” This would give a period of 145 years between the birth of Terah, and the covenant with Abraham; for Abraham was 75 years of age, according to Gen. 12:4-7, when he entered Canaan and so secured the promise, and 70 + 75 = 145. But those who contend for the shorter period overlook the clear statement of Stephen (Acts 7:2-5), that it was after Terah, Abraham’s father, was dead, that Abraham entered Canaan. According to Gen. 11:32, Terah died at 205 years of age. We must not, therefore, understand that the three sons of Terah were all born in the same year, but that the begettal of these sons began when he was 70. Abraham although the youngest was the most important of the three, and is therefore mentioned first.”
(Great Pyramid Passages Page 220-223, par. 582-591)
Once again we will continue with our next post.