Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 15
“As the Law Age ended, and the Gospel Age began, at the first advent of Jesus Christ, it is confirmatory to find that the important dates of his birth, baptism and crucifixion are symmetrically indicated in the Great Pyramid by three connected points at the upper end of the First Ascending Passage, where the Grand Gallery and Horizontal Passage begin.
We have already seen that in the symbolism’s of the Pyramid, we have in the Descending Passage a graphic representation of mankind during the course of this “Present Evil World” hastening downward to the Pit of destruction; and in the upward branching First Ascending Passage, effectually blocked at its lower end by the Granite Plug, we have a true symbolic picture of the Israelite’s’ strenuous but unavailing efforts to gain life by the works of the law during the Law Dispensation. Both Jew and Gentile fell short of the glory of God, and thus all alike were condemned to death, and none could by any means redeem his brother (Psa. 49:7). Then came Jesus, crowned with glory and honor, that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man (Heb. 2:9). In him was no sin; he was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. He was born into this world on a higher plane than the condemned race which he came to save; and in him was life. Therefore, in the Great Pyramid’s symbolical representations, Jesus was not born with the sons of Adam in the miry Pit of depravity and death, but far above in the Queen’s-Chamber condition of perfect human life.
While the condition of human perfection is particularly symbolized by the Queen’s Chamber, we must recognize that the “Plane” of human perfection in general is represented by the level of the floor of the Queen’s Chamber. When the floor- line of the Queen’s Chamber is produced northward it comes in contact with the inclined floor of the First Ascending Passage. The fact that the Queen’s Chamber floor-level is in this exact relative position to the upper end of the First Ascending Passage, makes it possible for the Pyramid to corroborate the Scriptural statement that Jesus, while born of a woman, was also born under the law; that is, as a perfect man Jesus is represented as born on the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor which symbolizes the Plane of Human Perfection; and as an Israelite, subject to the law, he is represented as born IN the First Ascending Passage which symbolizes the Law Dispensation. Thus, the point of contact on the floor of the First Ascending Passage marks the date of the birth of Jesus, 2 B.C.; and the measurements prove that the indication is exact. This is the Pyramid’s method of showing the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy when, speaking as an Israelite to the people of Israel he proclaimed: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” (Isa. 9:6).
From the measurements of Professor C. Piazzi Smyth (practically confirmed by Professor Flinders Petrie) we can calculate that the floor-level of the Queen’s Chamber is from 14¾ to 15
(14.8245+ Pyramid inches) vertically below the upper terminal of the floor of the First Ascending Passage. As the angle of the inclination of the passages is 26° 18′ 9″ .7, we can find by the rules of trigonometry (See Appendix) that the inclined distance from the point of contact spoken of above, up to the end of the passage floor is, in round figures, 33½ inches, while the horizontal distance is 30 inches. (See number (1) at bottom of page) That is to say, the point on the floor of the First Ascending Passage which we have seen to mark the date of Jesus’ birth is the starting – point of two separate time – measurements which indicate two aspects of the earthly life of Jesus.
For 30 years Jesus lived as a perfect man; and then, on the invitation of God his Father, he presented his human life as a sacrificial offering on behalf of the world, covenanting to die “the just for the unjust” 1 Pet.3:18. Jesus symbolized this offering by his baptism at Jordan, and God demonstrated his acceptance of the sacrifice by begetting his Son through the operation of the Holy Spirit to a higher plane of being, the Divine spirit nature. Henceforth the heavenly Father did not regard his Son as in the flesh, but as a New Creature. This aspect of the earthly life of Jesus is represented by the horizontal measurement of 30 inches. It is appropriate that the date of Jesus’ baptism and begettal to the spirit nature, should thus be indicated at the point on the Queen’s Chamber floor-level which is in vertical line with the beginning of the Grand Gallery (See diagram); for, as we have seen, the Grand Gallery symbolizes the upward walk of the spirit-begotten, the condition of Jesus when, at 30 years of age, he presented his perfect human body a living sacrifice.
The measurement of 33½ inches up the inclined floor-line of the First Ascending Passage represents the other aspect of Jesus’ earthly life, namely, as an Israelite of the tribe of Judah, born under the law and bound to observe it in every particular so long as he lived. Jesus fulfilled the law, and by his sacrificial death on the cross at 33½ years of age he became a “curse” for the people of Israel, as it is written: “cursed is every one that hangs on a tree” (Gal. 3:10, 13). “Nailing” the law to his cross (Col. 2:14) he there made an end of its exacting requirements to all who exercised faith in him and accepted the high-calling of God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 10:4; John 1:11-13). This high-calling, which is so well symbolized by the lofty Grand Gallery, was first extended to the followers of Christ from the nation of Israel at Pentecost, shortly after his resurrection from the dead in Spring, 33 A.D.
(1)The exact Pyramid-inch figures are: For the inclined distance 33.4553+, and for the horizontal 29.9915+, Pyramid inches. In round figures these represent 33½, and 30, Pyramid inches. This time-feature is a development of that given in Vol. I, Pars. 126 and 127
Great Pyramid Passages Page 54-57, par. 104-109