Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 18
The “Holy” and “Most Holy” of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, which symbolize the spirit-begetting and the spirit-birth respectively of those who are called to share the heavenly condition with Jesus Christ, are represented in the Great Pyramid by the Ante-Chamber and the King’s Chamber (See Vol. 1, beginning at Par. 177, The Great Pyramid, Part 37).
The first to enter heaven, the “Most Holy,” symbolized in the Pyramid by the King’s Chamber, was the Great King and Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the beginning of the “New Creation,” the first to attain to the Divine nature; for “he is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence” (Col. 1:18). It was in Spring 33 A.D. that the Lord died and was raised (1 Cor. 15:3, 4), and so opened up the “new and living way” to immortality; but the members of his “body” who followed in his footsteps, and were privileged to lay down their lives with him, being “baptized into his death” (Rom. 6:3), remained in the sleep of death until the parallel date in the Gospel Age, viz.: Spring 1878 A.D. This latter date, as we shall after-wards see, is appropriately indicated in the Ante-Chamber; but it will now be shown how the date of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is indicated in the King’s Chamber.
Professor C. Piazzi Smyth points out that the characteristic number of the Great Pyramid, and especially of the King’s Chamber, is five, which he regards as the sacred number of the monument. (It is significant that this number five was abhorred by the Egyptians. See number (1) at bottom of page) The Pyramid presents on its external aspect not only five corners, the chief of which is the top-stone, but also five surfaces, including the base. Inside it contains five main passages, counting the Well-shaft as one; and five chambers, counting the little “Recess” near the Pit as one. There are five granite ceilings above the King’s Chamber, and five “Chambers of Construction.” The Pyramid cubit, also, is proved to contain exactly five times five Pyramid inches.
That the number five is especially characteristic of the King’s Chamber is apparent when we note that the stones which compose its walls, exactly one hundred in number, are built in five equal courses.
The floor of this chamber is situated at the 50th masonry course of the Pyramid; while that of the Queen’s Chamber is at the 25th. In the latter chamber, the central line of the “Niche” is exactly five times five inches, i.e., one Pyramid cubit, to the south of the central line of the east wall (See Vol. 1, Plate XVII, shown below).
Professor Smyth specially mentions the existence of a “Boss,” measuring five inches wide by one inch thick, which has been carved out on the upper of the two stones that form the Granite Leaf in the Ante-Chamber. He points out that the center of this Boss is exactly five times five inches (one Pyramid cubit) from the east edge of the stone on which it appears.
Professor Smyth believed that there is some special significance in this number five. He suggested that the word “pyramid” means in the ancient Egyptian language “division of ten.” In the ancient Coptic language, the nearest to the Egyptian language (See number (2) at bottom of page), pyr means division, the same as peres in Daniel’s interpretation of the handwriting on the wall; and met means ten. Putting them together, pyr-met, we have the name given to this structure.
For this reason, ten may be regarded as the Great Pyramid’s mathematical base-number; and its division five as its sacred number. Chevalier Bunsen in Egypt’s Place in History, Vol. I, page 477, and Vol. IV, page 107, gives the interpretation of these two words separately, without thought of combining them for the derivation of the word “pyramid.”
In the Ante-Chamber there are peculiar markings on the walls (groves or vertical ribs), which have been compared to the markings in a school-room, and have suggested the appropriate name “School of Christ” for this chamber. We have noticed some of the proportional correspondences which the dimensions of the Ante-Chamber bears to the King’s Chamber and to the whole Pyramid, and thus also to the size of the earth and its distance from the sun (Sec. VII); and in the 1st volume, on pages 316 to 320, we present a number of proportionate features in connection with the Granite Leaf, showing how the dimensions of this unique architectural detail of the Ante-Chamber agree harmoniously with the dimensions of the rest of the Pyramid.
There is something in connection with the markings on the walls of this little chamber, well-named by Professor Smyth the “micro-cosmic” chamber of the Pyramid, which in a manner suggests time-measurements. Each side wall is divided by vertical ribs or pilasters into four spaces, the first of which is half-way blocked by the Granite Leaf. The end or south wall is divided into five spaces by four vertical grooves, which reach from the ceiling down to the top of the low passage to the King’s Chamber.
In Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, Professor Smyth says: “As the doorway is only 42 inches high, and the dividing lines of the wall above it are apparently drawn down to the door- way’s top, a man of ordinary height standing in the Ante-Room and looking southwards (the direction he desires to go, in order to reach the King’s Chamber), cannot fail…to see this space divided into five. And when he bows his head very low, as he must do…he bends his head submissively under that symbol of division into five; and should remember that five is the first and most characteristic of the Pyramid numbers.”
What is the sacred significance of this number five? Can it represent the fifth day?
It will be remembered that in the description of the creation given in Genesis, animal life first appeared on the fifth (7000 year) day. Again, the “Passover lamb” was chosen on the tenth day of Nisan, and on the fourteenth day—the fifth day after it was chosen it was slain, and in consequence the first-born of the Israelites were on that day delivered from death. These instances both seem to point forward to the fact that the beginning of the life of the New Creation would be on the fifth day—the fifth millennial Day (2 Pet. 3:8). According to the Bible chronology the first Advent of the Lord Jesus occurred early in this fifth 1000-year day. As the date of the Fall of Adam at the beginning of the first 1000-year day was 4126¼ B.C., the fifth 1000-year day must have begun at the date 126¼ B.C.
It was in Spring 33 A.D. that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It therefore follows that 158½ years must have elapsed from the commencement of the great “fifth day” when the Lord Jesus appeared as the beginning of the New Creation, for 126¼ B.C. plus 32¼ A.D. equal 158½ years. Now, the beginning of the “fifth day” and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, seem to be respectively indicated in the Ante and King’s Chambers, which, like the “Holy” and “Most Holy” of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, are symbolically connected with the New Creation.
A notable feature in the Ante-Chamber is the first granite floor-stone, made conspicuous by being raised about quarter of an inch above the general level of the floor. The floor of the King’s Chamber is raised about three-quarters of an inch above the floor of the Ante-Chamber. These raised portions of the floor are apparently intentional. The distance between them is 156½ inches (See the diagram). When the (¼”) and (¾”) of the raised portions are added, the total measurement is, in round figures, 157½ Pyramid inches.
As Jesus Christ was raised to the Divine Spirit-Nature in Spring 33 A.D. (32 ¼ A.D.), the north wall of the King’s Chamber which symbolized the Divine Nature, can properly be claimed to indicate that date. The last inch of the south edge of the first granite floor-stone in the Ante-Chamber, therefore, marks the date 158½ years earlier that is, the first year of the fifth millennium.
It is evident from the Scriptures that the heavenly beings, sometime before the first Advent of our Lord, were aware that it was provided in the heavenly Father’s plan that his beloved and only begotten Son should make himself of no reputation, and take the form of a servant, in order to be the Savior of the world. They might be pictured as here in the Ante-Chamber, anxiously waiting the due time. On each side they would see the walls divided into four spaces, representative of the first four 1000-year “days.” The first of these was Adam’s day, in which God passed judgment upon the world; the space representing that day is, therefore, blocked by the Granite Leaf, the symbol of the Divine Will. In front of them on the south wall of the chamber, they would notice the division into five; and would remember that they were approaching the great “fifth day,” in which the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, was to die for the sin of the world. What feeling of suspense the angelic host must have experienced as that momentous event drew near! The Apostle Peter tells us that the angels desired to “look into” the hidden things concerning the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that would follow (1 Pet. 1:11, 12).
In due time the great “fifth day” was ushered in, and the Son of God humbled himself and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh. What joyous excitement there was among the heavenly host when they saw the Son of God lying as a helpless babe in the manger of Bethlehem! Luke gives a glimpse of it when he informs us that after the angel of the Lord had given the shepherds the good tidings of great joy, “Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ` Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good-will toward men!’” (Luke 2:13, 14). Their suspense must have been very great when, in obedience to the Father’s will, Jesus humbled himself still further even to the death of the cross; but no words can picture the joy there must have been in heaven when he was raised from the dead and highly exalted! The angels were then told to worship him (Heb. 1:6, Diaglott).
During his ministry Jesus repeatedly referred to the three days from the time he would die till his resurrection (Mark 8:31). This saying was fulfilled literally, for in the third day he rose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3, 4). Jesus also spoke of three other days, which are not to be understood as literal days of 24 hours, but, rather, 1000-year days, when he said:
“I do cure’s today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected” (Luke, 13:32). The time when our Lord will be “perfected” is during the third 1000-year “day,” counting from the date when he and the first members of his Body, the Church, suffered (i.e. the fifth 1000-year day). The “curing” (the Atonement) of his Body-members began at the opening of the 5th 1000-year day, reckoning from Adam’s fall into sin; and during the 6th day the cleansing of these members continued (Eph. 2:25-27), but in the 7th 1000-year day from Adam, which is the third since the cleansing of the Church began, Christ is perfected; for his “Body” will then be complete in membership, and will join him in spiritual glory. Jesus referred to this under another figure, namely, that of the Temple, when he said: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up . . . he (of course) spoke of the temple of his body” (John 2:19-21; Eph. 1: 22, 23).
See the NOTE at the bottom of this page in regards to this prophecy.
As a 1000 years is, in Scriptures, spoken of as a day (2 Pet. 3:8); and as a day, also, may represent a year (Num. 14:34); so a 1000-year “day” may be represented by a year. In the scientific time-features of the Great Pyramid, an inch often represents a day, or a year, interchangeably. But in the following time-measurement, we find that an inch corresponds to a week of seven days.
For we note an appropriate confirmation of the preceding time-feature. This confirmatory time-measure views the floor-distance referred to as representing the final three 1000-year days, from the time of Christ’s first advent, till the beginning of the Millennial Day when his Body-members rose from the death-state to join him in the heavenly glory symbolized by the King’s Chamber. For, reckoning an inch to one week of 7 days, the precise floor-distance between the raised floor-stone and the King’s Chamber agrees exactly with the number of weeks in three solar tropical years. (3 x 52 = 156)
Professor Flinders Petrie’s practical measure for this floor-distance is, when expressed in Pyramid inches, 156.59325. The standard, theoretical, length is only a 16th of an inch different, namely, 156.53237+. Professor Petrie’s measurement was taken to the base of the north wall of the King’s Chamber, which is the correct terminal-point. Our own practical measure came out at 156.65568 Pyramid inches, when taken along the west side. Professor C. Piazzi Smyth’s measure is, we believe, a little too short, namely, 156.2436 Pyramid inches.
The number of days in three full solar tropical years is 1095.7265+. The standard distance between the south edge of the raised granite floor-stone in the Ante-Chamber, and the King’s
Chamber’s north wall is 156.53237+ Pyramid inches, which is practically the same as the measured length taken by Professor Petrie and ourselves. Reckoning each inch as representing a week of 7 days, this distance multiplied by 7 (the perfect number) equals 1095-7265+. By this symmetric method, therefore, the three last 1000-year “days” of the Plan of Salvation are appropriately shown as beginning at a definite point in the Ante-Chamber, and ending at the King’s Chamber. Besides representing a day, a week, and a year, a Pyramid inch may also, in some time-features, represent a month, either a synodic month, or a Bible, symbolic, month of 30 days (See Gen. 7:11, 24, compare with Gen. 8:3, 4).
(1) Referring to the number five, and to the Egyptians’ well-known hatred of it, Septimus Mark writes: “The number five is at the foundation of much of the teaching connected with the Pyramid, as it is indeed the first and most characteristic of the Pyramid numbers…. Sir Gardner Wilkinson speaks of five as being the evil number in modern Egypt still… When, therefore, the Israelites went out from their Egyptian bondage with a high hand … and marshalled by five in a rank (Exod. 13:18, margin), it must have been especially galling to their late masters.”
(2) Scholars have not yet decided to which family of language Ancient Egyptian belongs. It is allied to the Semitic as well as to some of the African families, and many of its words have descended to us through the Greeks and are in use among us to this day. When the Greeks colonized Egypt they discarded the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, and the language, mixed with Greek words, was written in Greek characters. This mixture of Egyptian and Greek was called Coptic, and lasted as a spoken language till the 17th century of our era, and is even now used in the Liturgies of the Coptic Church.
NOTE: If this prophecy (Luke 13:32) holds true brethren then we have but another 15 or so years to make sure we have made our calling and election sure, for as you recall not shortly after the last of the feet members are taken from this world, (the “body”) raised, the great time of trouble will open with its full fury. Understand however that we cannot say for certain at what particular time on the third day the Christ (Head and body) will be perfected, it may happen right near or about 2033 A.D. or possibly sometime after. Nevertheless it is assumed based upon other scripture that it will be early in the morning of the seventh day, even as our Lord (the “Head”) was raised (resurrected) early in the morning of the third day.
Great Pyramid Passages Page 73-79, par. 155-173