Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 20
In Section XV (Part 18 in our study) we noticed how Jesus Christ, the “head of the body which is the church” (Col. 1:18), was “born from the dead” at the beginning of the fifth millennium. We shall now see how the date of the beginning of the birth of the Church is indicated in the Great Pyramid.
The election of the members of Christ began after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and not before; for Jesus himself, referring to John the Baptist, said that though there were none greater born of woman, nevertheless the least in the Kingdom of heaven would be greater than John (Matt. 11:11). This was because John the Baptist died before the inauguration of the Church at Pentecost. Stephen the martyr was the first member of the “body” to lay down his life; and thenceforward throughout the Gospel Age one member after another fell asleep in death, waiting for their resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ their “Head.”
This is the class who, up to the time of their death, have all been taught of God in the “School of Christ,” represented in the Pyramid by the Ante-Chamber (John 6:44, 45). They might be termed the “Ante-Chamber” class; and we think it proper to expect that the date of their resurrection (or graduation), when they were due to be ushered into the presence of their “Forerunner,” should be indicated by the extreme south end-wall of this chamber. On calculation it will be found that this is so. Our study of the time-prophecies in the Bible has revealed the fact that the date of this important event was in the spring of 1878 A.D.
According to Jeremiah (16:18), Zechariah (9:9, 12), and Isaiah (40:2, margin), the Gospel Age is the “DOUBLE” of the Jewish Age (See No. 6, page 25, the diagram below), that is to say, the period during which the nation of Israel was cast off as a people from God’s favor, exactly equaled in length the period when they enjoyed this favor.
Each of these Ages began on the death of its founder. On the death of Jacob (Israel) the founder of the Fleshly house of Israel, the Patriarchal Age ended and the Age of Israel began (Gen. 49:2, 28, 29); and on the death of Christ the founder of the Spiritual house of Israel, God’s favor was withdrawn from the Fleshly house and given to the Spiritual house, which is composed of those Jews and Gentiles who trusted not in their own righteousness but had faith toward God, and showed their faith by denying themselves, taking up their cross daily and following in the footsteps of Jesus (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. II, page 246).
The Scriptural proof that the “double” of disfavor to the Fleshly house of Israel began at the death of Christ is clear. It was five days before his crucifixion that Jesus, weeping over Jerusalem, pronounced the sentence: “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” (Matt. 23:38). There is additionally the testimony of Zechariah (9:12) “Even to-day do I declare that I will render double unto thee.” The context of this prophecy shows that the “day” referred to, when the “double” was due to begin, was that on which our Lord rode into Jerusalem seated on an ass;—compare Zech. 9:9 with Luke 19:28-44, and note the prophecy of the “shout,” and our Lord’s reference to it in the 40th verse in Luke’s gospel—thus particularly must prophecy be fulfilled.
As Jacob’s death occurred in Spring 1813 B.C. (Sec. III) and Christ’s death in Spring 33 A.D., the total duration of the Jewish Age, the period of God’s favor to the Fleshly house of Israel, was exactly 1845 years. Accordingly, the “double” of disfavor, beginning in Spring of 33 A.D., must have ended in 1878 A.D., 1845 years later. It was in that year, at the famous Berlin Congress of nations, in which a Jew, Lord Beaconsfield, took the leading part, that the condition of the Hebrews then residing in Palestine was greatly ameliorated, and the door was opened for others to locate there and hold real estate. (See number (1) at bottom of page) As an evidence of the rapidly returning favor to the Jews in Palestine, most of the houses in Jerusalem are inhabited and also owned by Jews.
But each of these dates, 33 and 1878 A.D., was signalized by an event of even greater importance than the loss and return of favor to Fleshly Israel. The first witnessed the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Head of the Christ, and the other the resurrection of the sleeping saints, the Body of Christ. The last members of the Church who are alive and remain on the earth during the short period since 1878, carry out their vow of consecration unto death; but, unlike those who died in the Lord prior to 1878, they will not have any interval of unconsciousness or sleep; the moment of their death will be the moment of their resurrection change.
This is the class referred to by Paul when he declared: “Behold, I show you a mystery [secret]; we shall not all sleep [lie unconscious in death], but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump” (1 Cor. 15:51, 52). The last or seventh trump is the proclamation of the tidings of the Lord’s return. John the Revelator also wrote of this class and called them blessed. Describing the time when the Gospel harvest would begin, he stated: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them” (Rev. 14:13).
When the sleeping saints were awakened from their death-condition in Spring of 1878 A.D., they found the Lord Jesus present; for just as the first Advent of Jesus Christ * was 3½ years prior to his death and resurrection, namely, in Autumn 29 A.D. (Sec. X, Part 14 in our study), so the second Advent occurred 3½ years prior to the resurrection of the Church or “Body” of Christ, namely, in the Autumn of 1874 A.D., (See number (2) at bottom of page) at the beginning of the “times of restitution of all things” (Acts 3:19-21).
*Jesus was not the Messiah, the Anointed, the Christ, until after his baptism, at thirty years of age. B66; A224
Seeing, therefore, that it is by the calculation of the “double” that the date of the resurrection of the members of Christ’s Body is made known, the south wall of the Ante-Chamber which marks this date should, properly, be the end of a time-measurement indicating the “double.” The Ante-Chamber class are those who, through their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, fulfill the Divine Law of God, as the Apostle says: “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, [as did the Jews], but after the Spirit,” that is, those who having been begotten to the spirit nature, mind the things of the Spirit (Rom. 8:4).
Now, as the express symbol of the Law of God in the Great Pyramid is the Granite Plug, we could not suggest a more appropriate starting-point than this for the particular time measurement now under consideration. Thus, as in the former case where the Granite Plug required to be recognized when calculating the time-period of the Law Dispensation, during which the Fleshly Israelite’s endeavored to gain life by the works of the Law without faith (Sec. XI, Part 9 in our study), so here also, when dealing with the Spiritual Israelite’s who, without works, establish this Law through faith in Christ during Fleshly Israel’s “double” of disfavor (Rom. 3:28, 31), we require to take the Pyramid’s symbol of the Divine Law into account.
Commencing at the lower or north end of the Granite Plug, and measuring up along the floors of the First Ascending Passage and Grand Gallery to the front of the Step, then, omitting the riser, from the north edge of the Step in to the south end-wall of the Ante-Chamber, it will be found, after adding to this measurement the length of the Granite Plug itself as in Section XI, that the total number of Pyramid inches corresponds to the period of years of the Jewish Age and its “double.” (As the Age of Israel was 1845 years, as shown in the diagram above, the “Double” is also 1845 years, making a total of 3690 years. The total number of Pyramid inches in the measurement here explained, and as shown in the diagram, is 3690.122 +.)
The final part of the above-mentioned total Pyramid-inch measurement, is the horizontal distance from the front, north, edge of the Step southward to the south wall of the Ante-Chamber. In the diagram on page 76 this horizontal distance is given as 229.198 + inches, which we take to be the standard measure for this section of the building. Within limits, however, other measures are possible, as explained in Vol. I, page 291 (See also Par. 5 in this 2nd volume). Taking a measure which is less than a 60th part of an inch short of the standard, we find, by a recognized Pyramid proportion, a signal confirmation of the symbolical meaning attached to the little Ante-Chamber, namely, that this chamber represents the spirit-begotten class, the Body-members of Christ.
The number of those who “follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes” is said by the Revelator to be 144,000 (See Rev. 14:1-4). As the Ante-Chamber class, instructed in the School of Christ, the 144,000 over-comers of the Gospel Age are “sealed” in their fore-heads with the necessary knowledge to enable them to co-operate with their Lord and Master in the Kingdom work (Rev. 7:3, 4). They were called to joint-heirship with God’s dear Son during the Gospel Age, represented in the Pyramid by the Grand Gallery. But before they could be sealed in their foreheads with the full intellectual knowledge required to serve their heavenly Father acceptably, they had to bow down submissively to the Divine will, as illustrated in the Ante-Chamber by the Granite Leaf, under which one must bow before the full freedom of the Ante-Chamber can be enjoyed.
Therefore, in view of the symbolical meaning of all of this part of the Great Pyramid, it may be said that the entire horizontal floor-line from the north edge of the Step at the head of the Grand Gallery, into the south end of the Ante-Chamber, pertains to, and represents, the 144,000 followers of Christ. It is confirmatory to find that the number of Pyramid inches in this horizontal line indicates, by a proportionate method of calculation characteristic of the Pyramid, the actual number of the over-comers.
For if we take an even 100 times this measure (229.198) in inches as representing the radius of a circle, we shall find that the length of the circumference of the circle is precisely 144,000 inches. (The horizontal distance in this case is 229.183118 + Pyramid inches.)
(1) Since 1878 the number of Jews in Palestine has greatly increased. At that time the gates of Jerusalem were always closed at dusk; and it was dangerous to be outside of the walls in the night-time owing to robbers and wild animals. The houses standing outside the walled city numbered only about 50 or 60; but now they are increased a hundred-fold. The gates are now never closed.
(2) This “parallel” method of reckoning is merely corroborative of many time-prophecies which point both directly and indirectly to 1874 and 1914 A.D., as the respective dates for Christ’s Second Advent when he comes as “Chief Reaper“; and when the destruction of this Present Evil World was due to begin.—See No. 6, page 25. (For fuller information concerning the Parallel Ages, see Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. II, Chapter 7.)
Great Pyramid Passages Page 83-87, par. 182-197