Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 26
In Sections XVII (Part 20 in our study) and XVIII we noticed the Scriptural teaching respecting those who rose from the dead in 1878 A.D.—that they entered into the Spiritual condition (1 Cor. 15:44); while the remnant of the consecrated who are “alive and remain” during Christ’s parousia, or presence-period since that date, are “changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” to their heavenly state, when they lay aside their “earthly tabernacle” in death (1 Cor. 15:51-53 ; 2 Cor. 5:1-4; 1 Thess. 4:15-17).
The Spirit-begotten class cannot be raised to the human condition, for this they covenanted to sacrifice that they might become partakers first in Christ’s sufferings, and afterwards in his glory. Though they are in the world, they are not of it, even as their Master was not of the world. Christ did not pray to the Father that his disciples should be taken out of the world, but that they should be kept from the evil thereof (John 17:14-18). While in the Descending-Passage condition of the world, where they have been “judged according to men in the flesh,” they have, as new creatures in Christ Jesus, been walking by faith in the Grand-Gallery condition, and have “lived according to God in the spirit” (1 Pet. 4:6).
We know that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50), and therefore all those who, during the Gospel Age, have trusted in the efficacy of the ransom-sacrifice of their Redeemer, and have hoped for joint-heirship with him in the heavenly Kingdom, must be “born of the spirit” (John 3:5-8). This is the First Resurrection; consequently it is impossible for the world to receive their resurrection-blessings till later.
Even the faithful Ancient Worthies of the time previous to the payment of the ransom-sacrifice of Christ, who died in hope of a “better resurrection” than the residue of mankind, cannot receive the fulfillment of their hope till after the last member of the “Church of the firstborn” is joined to his Lord and fellow-members; for the Scriptures say that “they, without us [the Church class], shall not be made perfect” (Heb. 11:35-40).
Likewise neither they nor the rest of the world can receive their resurrection until all the spirit begotten have finished their course, this includes the “Great Company Class” as the merit of Christ sacrifice was applied equally to them as well. This merit must be fully accounted for (repaid to justice) before it can be apply to any others.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the holy prophets will be awakened from death to the perfect human nature. They will be made “princes in all the earth” (Psa. 45:16), the earthly and visible representatives of the invisible Spiritual Kingdom. These Ancient Worthies will directly gain human restitution, which was secured for the world by the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures do not appear to give direct information as to the date when the Ancient Worthies shall obtain their reward, but our thought is that their “better resurrection” will take place toward the end of the “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:7-11), when the Lord will use them to manifest the full return of his favor to his ancient covenant people (See Vol. IV of Studies in the Scriptures, pages 624-629).
That perfect human life, to which all mankind will ultimately attain, every man in his own order, is represented in the Great Pyramid by the Queen’s Chamber, and by the level of the floor of that chamber. The only open way of access to this level is through the Well-shaft, the First Ascending Passage being made ineffective by the obstructing Granite Plug. This arrangement of the passage-ways of the Lord’s “Witness” in Egypt symbolically corroborates the Scriptural teaching, made clear to the Spirit-begotten children of God, and which they therefore preach, namely, that not by the works of the Law, but through the effectiveness of the Ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the human race may escape the condemnation of death and reach the perfect condition of life on the earthly plane.
This offer to the world of everlasting life on the perfect human plane was, we understand, legally due after 1914-1915 A.D.; for then (although not yet applied until the last of the spirit begotten has passed the vail), according to all the Scriptural indications, corroborated by appropriate symbols and measures in the Great Pyramid, the returned Lord took to himself his great power and began his Kingdom reign of blessing. Hence the Spirit-begotten members of the Body of Christ, who are still in the flesh awaiting their “change” to the spirit condition, proclaim not only that the reign of Christ is now begun (the King present), but that millions now living will never die! (See Note # 1 at bottom of page). The human life which the Man Christ Jesus laid down on behalf of the world at Calvary in Spring of the year 33 A.D., as He Himself declared: “My flesh, which I give for the life of the world,” is therefore offered to the world about 1882 years later.
We observed is Section XXVIII (The Second Adam’s 1000-year “day“, Part 5 in our study) that the lower opening of the Well-shaft, which symbolizes the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, marks the date when the Church, the first-fruits unto God, were loosed from the prison-house of death, 1878 A.D. (Jas. 2:18). We now find that the date 1915 A.D., since when the perfect human life which Jesus Christ sacrificed was legally due to be offered to the world (See Matt. 20:28; John 6:51), is also indicated at the lower opening of the Well-shaft.
For if we take a vertical measurement from the Queen’s floor-level, which symbolizes the Plane of Human Perfection, directly down to the floor of the Descending Passage at the north edge of the Well-opening, we shall find that the total number of Pyramid inches corresponds with the period of years from 33 A.D. when the perfect man Jesus Christ gave his flesh for the life of the world, till 1915 A.D. (From Spring of 33 A.D. to Autumn of 1915 A.D., is 1882.5 years. The vertical measurement which agrees with this period, as shown in the diagram, page 149, is 1882-5442+ Pyramid inches.) Jesus said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keeps my saying, he shall never see death“; “Whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe thou this?” (See John 8:51; 11:26)
To rightly understand what our Lord was saying here we must go back a bit in the context, Martha was conversing with our Lord about Lazarus who had died, and our Lord said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha then answered, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Our Lord’s reply was, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live (again, will be resurrected). And whoever lives (then, i.e. after being resurrected, that is in the fullest sense of the word), and believes in me (obeys all that I say) shall never die (but will have gained everlasting life)…” John 11:23-26
The Scriptures declare that Christ “must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet,” and “the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15:25, 26). After the end of the full 1000 years in 2914-2915 A.D., (See Note # 2 at bottom of page) the Adamic death with all its evil effects will have been abolished, and the restored human race will stand perfect on the human plane of being; and there shall be no more death when the last of the unrepentant are forever destroyed in the “lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev. 21:8). By the year 2915 A.D. the work of Redemption and Restitution, for which Jesus Christ was born into this dying world, will have been accomplished.
The upper and lower terminals of the Well-shaft, the Pyramid’s wonderful symbol of the ransom-sacrifice of Christ, and symbol of the way of escape from the Adamic condemnation, were so placed with relation to each other by the Divine Architect, that their distance apart, by a symmetric measurement, agrees in inches with the full period of 2916 years between Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, Autumn of 2 B.C., and 2915 A.D. when all mankind will henceforth forever stand on the Plane of Human Perfection.
Measuring horizontally from the north edge of the lower opening of the Well in the west wall of the Descending Passage to the vertical line of the north edge of the upper mouth of the Well in the Grand Gallery, then, to this horizontal measure adding the vertical distance between the center of the lower opening, and the level of the summit of the Well-shaft (which is also the level of the Queen’s Chamber’s floor, the “Plane of Human Perfection” ), we find that the total number of Pyramid inches is 2915.7806 +.
Thus Jesus Christ, born as the world’s Savior, a perfect man able to sacrifice in death a perfect human life on behalf of the condemned race, is represented as born on the Plane of Human Perfection, i.e., the Queen’s Chamber floor-level, and at the very north edge of the upper end of the Well-shaft. Then, down at the lower opening of the Well in the Descending Passage, right in the center of the north edge of this opening, the year 2915 A.D. is marked by means of the symmetric Pyramid-inch time-measurement, representing the date by which all the redeemed human family will have received the full benefit of Christ’s ransom-sacrifice, by means of which they will have escaped the Adamic death-sentence and will be able to stand where the Man Christ Jesus stood when born into this world, perfect as human beings. Standing here, on the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor, at the north edge of the summit of the Well-shaft, they, the restored human race, will recognize fully that their great blessing of life came to them, not through the works of the Law, nor through their own efforts, but primarily through the efficacy of the ransom-sacrifice of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, represented by the long, peculiar, and other- wise inexplicable, Well-shaft. Praise ye the Lord!
Note # 1: “The Millions booklet first appeared in 1920. When the expected effect of the Seventh Volume failed to materialize, another sensational vehicle was sought for and found. it was desired to draw the attention of the masses to oneself and to see oneself in “a prominent position toward the world.” Matt 24:22, concerning the shortening of the days, seemed to offer the desired basis for the proclamation of a new sensational message (see W.T. 1920:127), this was quickly sent out, attracting many people because of its sensationalism, and drew them in crowds to the lectures. This magnetic message was: “Millions now living will never die.” As if by a military command the proclamation began. “Laying down a barrage,” it was called. (W.T. 1921:311) It was to be the last message, thus setting aside Volume 7 as the last work. Assurances of life were made to the people if they heeded the message. “Do you fear death? You do not need to die,” one could read on the handbills. “Itching ears,” is what the apostle calls it (2 Tim 4:3).
“The Millions booklet’s message is based upon the expectations held by its author for 1925. Today the matter is put aside in the regular way, according to the well-known “stop thief” method, as though the expectations for 1925 had not emanated from the Watch Tower Society and its president, but from others, selfish friends (W.T. 1925:259). But the “conclusion” of the president, as the Millions booklet shows (it testifies against its author today!) was “positive” and “incontrovertible” that there would be millions of people living on the earth after 1925 in the sense that they would never die. (See Millions booklet under the title “Positive Promise”) According to his expectations the Ancient Worthies were to come forth from the grave in the year 1925, while the restitution work was to begin at the same time. This presupposed the precious glorification of the Little Flock (W.T. 1926:196). That this expectation was held and nourished by the president cannot be denied, it is proven by the Millions booklet. Among the supposed Scriptural proofs it is deduced that the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies and the beginning of the blessing of all the families would take place about April 1, 1925.
“Judge Rutherford changed the date of the parousia (the presence) to 1925 by altering the Jubilee cycles, but he lived through that date. During that time a huge billboard erected near Yankee Stadium to advertise a public meeting said, “Millions now living will never die.” The JW leadership thought that in 1925 the Ancient Worthies would be resurrected, so a house was built in California to receive some of them, but 1925 came and went without the expected event.”
At the 1929 Bible Students Reunion Convention in a discourse given by Brother Robert Hollister he had this to say upon the matter,
“The present management of the Society, which after Brother Russell’s death seized and entrenched themselves in its control, appear to hold very different views of the relative importance of preaching to the World and ministering to the Saints. Theirs is a message with a distinctly human appeal. To the World they say, “Millions now living will never die.” To the brethren in substance they say, “do not waste time on character building: go out and work, and serve, and drive.” Thus their message is directed to the natural, rather than to the spiritual senses. Their latest spur to the jaded and wearied brethren is, “don’t be afraid of persecutions, for the bruising of the heel of the Seed was accomplished in the persecutions during the Great War period; now you are safest out in the service, you need not suffer if only you will work to sell our books.” (1929 Bible Students Reunion Convention Report)
So then we see this message, “Millions now living will never die” was a ploy used by the Society to draw followers. It was not something propagated by the Bible Students nor was it ever a part of their message. Nevertheless it is understandable why such a statement would appear in the Great Pyramid Passages book as this particular volume was published in 1924, and this idea espoused by the Society was first contrived in 1920 with great expectations for 1925, which of course failed to materialize.
This is nevertheless an interesting subject if one ponders it. Will there actually come a time when millions living will never die? We believe so, how is this you ask?
Well consider the Lord’s words found in Matt 24: 21, 22, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved (survive); but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
The thought here is that some (how many we know not) will survive through the great tribulation and come out on the other side in the kingdom, never having died. Elsewhere in the scriptures the same thought is implied, viz., “Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be (partially) hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.” Zep 2:3
“None will entirely escape the trouble, but those seeking righteousness and rejoicing in meekness will have many advantages over others. Their manner of life, their habits of thought and action, as well as their sympathies for the right, which will enable them to grasp the situation of affairs, and also to appreciate the Bible account of this trouble and its outcome, will all conspire to make them suffer less than others—especially from harassing fears and forebodings.” Studies in the Scriptures, Vol 1 Page 273
But who precisely will these be?
Well first of all we know who it will not be; it will not be any of the spirit begotten, for all such have consecrated themselves to be faithful “unto death”, to sacrifice the flesh that they might be born spirit beings. Sine “flesh and blood” cannot inherit the kingdom (that is the spiritual phase of the kingdom) it is evident that all such must die.
But who will live through the great tribulation? My thought is that it will consist first and foremost of the faithful remnant of Israel and secondly of many of the more noble and meek minded of the previously “burned” Tare class, this along with many other nobly minded individuals of what is left of mankind.
Note # 2: Most Bible Students are of the opinion that the millennial day began at the end of the first 6000 years in 1874 A.D., and as such it would extend for another 1000 years to the year 2874 A.D. This idea that the 1000 years reign ends in 2914-2915 A.D. supposedly collaborated by the great pyramid has its merits. If we assume the “little season” is roughly 40 years then it would be true that the end would come in 2914 A.D. However I’m not sure the “little season” is considered a part of the Lord’s reign, seeing as at that time the mediator will have stepped out of the way and mankind will stand (or fall) during this final testing directly before the judgement of God, just as father Adam once had. My thoughts of course.
Great Pyramid Passages Page 150-154, par. 365-378