Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 27
“We have seen how the last great trial to be overcome by each individual follower of Christ is symbolized by the Step at the head of the Grand Gallery (See Vol. 1, Par. 205, “The Great Pyramid”, Part 39). It will now be shown how the last great trial of the true Church as a whole is also indicated by the Step.
The length and other characteristics of the Grand Gallery, prove that it represents the Gospel Age which began in Spring 33 A.D. (See Sec. XII, Part 16 in this study). The measurement of the actual floor of the Grand Gallery, from the north wall up to the front of the Step, is 1813.5987+ Pyramid inches. This is the mean distance between the figures given in the published works of the two most careful, scientific measurers (Professors C. Piazzi Smyth and Flinders Petrie), who have measured in the Great Pyramid.
The pilgrimage of the true Church, her time of development and testing, has been long and weary. But the period of waiting for her Lord’s return is now at an end; and she has entered upon her last great trial. What is this trial, and when did it begin? It began, according to the teaching of the Great Pyramid, in 1846 A.D.; for this is the date indicated by the front of the Step, when the floor of the Grand Gallery is measured upward from the north wall of the passage at the usual rate of a Pyramid inch to a year. (From the spring of 33 A.D., to the autumn of 1846, A.D., is 1813½ years, which agrees with the inch-length of, practically, 1813½ as given above.)
The event which constituted the beginning of the trial was the formation of the “Evangelical Alliance.” To realize the significance of this, it must be recognized that the Evangelical Alliance was the beginning of the great federation of the various Protestant denominations, which in the Book of Revelation is named the “image of the beast” (Rev. 13:11-17). All such federations are forbidden (Isa. 8:12), for they impede the true Christian’s progress. “Christendom” was united in the dark ages, with the result that terrible trials were inflicted upon the Lord’s people during that time; and the Scriptures indicate that the federate union which began in 1846 A.D. in the organization of the Evangelical Alliance, will likewise, when “life” is given to it, bring great trials upon all who refuse to worship it.
Referring to this federation in an article on Daniel 3:14-28 in the Watch Tower, 1899, pages 170 and 171, C. T. Russell shows that the great image set up by Nebuchadnezzar in literal Babylon, before which all required to bow the knee, is paralleled by this “image of the beast” which is being set up in “Babylon the Great.” He writes:
“Babylon the literal was in ruins long before the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos was shown in prophetic vision the mystic or symbolic Babylon which `reigned over the kings of the earth‘ to-day. The provinces of Babylon to-day are the various civilized nations really `kingdoms of this world ‘; but deluded into calling themselves and thinking themselves kingdoms of Christ—’Christendom.’ And parallels to the king and the image (of Daniel) are also presented in Revelation they are religious systems symbolically described as `the beast and his image‘ (Rev.13:15-18).
“Without at present examining the symbols in detail, we note the fact that worship of this symbolic beast and his image is to be the great test or trial upon professing Christians in every province of symbolic Babylon in the end of this age: indeed, the testing is even now in progress. And we have the same inspired record as authority for the statement that only those who refuse to render worship to those powerful influential religious systems (symbolized by the beast and his image), will be counted worthy by the Lord as over-comers and be made his joint-heirs as members of his elect Church See Rev. 20:4.
“As already pointed out, the `Beast‘ represents NOT Roman Catholics (the people), but the Roman Catholic System, as an institution: and the ‘image’ represents NOT Protestants (the people), but the consolidation of Protestant systems, as an institution. We have pointed out that the first step in the formation of this symbolic image of Papacy was in A.D. 1846 in the organization of the Evangelical Alliance, and that the second step must come shortly in an active living co-operation of Protestants as one system; and that this infusion of life will result from the Episcopal Church or Church of England joining or affiliating with other Protestants under some general arrangement similar to the Evangelical Alliance.
“While the severest testings will follow the giving of life to the consolidated image, in the near future, the testing has already commenced with many, for `Churchianity‘ is more and more demanding reverence and support, and those who absolutely refuse to worship its image are already exposed to fiery trials:— social ostracism and financial boycotts…They (the various denominations) unite in warfare against all who do not bow the knee to some such idol (who are not members or affiliated with of one of the various denominations authorized by orthodoxy, who reverence and worship only Almighty God, and recognize his only begotten Son as the only Head and Lord of the true Church, whose names are only written in heaven not on earthly rolls of membership)—See Heb. 12:23.
“All who refuse to worship before any of these images (to join in membership) are threatened with a fiery furnace of persecution, and the threat is generally carried out as thoroughly as circumstances will permit. In the `dark ages,’ when Papacy had a monopoly of the `church‘ business, it meant torture and the stake, as well as social ostracism. To-day, under a higher enlightenment, and especially because of competition for worshipers, matters are not carried to the same extreme, thank God! Yet in many instances there are evidences that the same spirit prevails, merely restrained by changed circumstances and lack of power. Still, as many are witnesses, there are methods of torture which serve to intimidate many who would scorn to bow the knee to a literal visible idol (one of the various sects of men, such as excommunication, banishment, disfellowship, and this not only from church membership, but from family and friends as well, as many of our Ex-Witnesses friends can attest). Thousands to-day are worshiping at the various shrines of Christendom who in their hearts long to be free from the sectarian bondage of fear—who fain would serve the Lord God only, had they the courage. And there are some the world over who, with courage not less than that of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, declare publicly that the Lord God alone shall have the worship and the service which they can render (Dan 3:18). None, perhaps, know better than the writer the various fiery experiences to which these faithful few are exposed —boycotted socially, boycotted in business, slandered in every conceivable manner, and often by those of whom they had least expected it (their fellow professed believers), who, according to the Lord’s declaration say, `All manner of evil against them falsely‘ (Matt. 5:11, 12).”
C.T. Russell, in again drawing attention more particularly to the formation of this “image,” writes : “During the past twenty-five years we have several times called attention to the Scriptures which speak of the day of the Lord and declare that in it the heavens shall roll together like a scroll‘ (Isa. 34:4). We have pointed out that this means a coming together of the extremes of Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Other Scriptures show us that the consolidation, federation and unification of Protestants is now in order. This is already well under way and constitutes in the symbolic book of Revelation the ‘image of the beast’ the symbolic beast itself represented by Papacy…
“We have already pointed out a general organization of the image of the beast’ effected in 1846, and are waiting for what in the symbol is referred to as the `giving of life to the image.’… Our expectations are that after the federate influences already begun in Protestantism shall have knit the joints and members the more closely the one to the other, the entire federation of Protestants will receive some kind of Episcopal sanction, recognition, or ordination through the Episcopal system, and that henceforth Protestantism the world over will assume a more active and dogmatic influence in the civic and political affairs of Christendom, co-operating with Roman Catholicism as a sister institution” Watch Tower, 1905, page 99.
This important date, 1846 A.D., besides witnessing the beginning of the great church federation, witnessed also the beginning of another, but very different, union, namely, the heart union of a company of the Lord’s true children, who, because of their adherence to the true doctrinal teachings of the Scriptures, were separated from nominal Christians by this very act of denominational union. This class constituted the “Cleansed Sanctuary” referred to in Daniel’s vision of the 2300 days which points to the date 1846 A.D. (It will be shown later how this period of 2300 days is indicated in the Great Pyramid.)
Concerning the “Sanctuary” class, and the method by which it was set apart from Christendom in general, C. T. Russell says: “As though God would arrange that thereafter there should always be a class representing his Sanctuary cleansed, kept separate from the various sects, this very year, 1846, witnessed the organization of Protestants sects into one great system, called the `Evangelical Alliance.’… This Evangelical Alliance thus separated, and has since [by its policy] been kept separate from other Christians, a company of God’s children—the Lord’s cleansed Sanctuary—a Sanctuary of truth. And to this cleansed Sanctuary class other meek and faithful children of God have been added daily ever since; while from it have been eliminated such as lose the spirit of meekness and love of the truth. To maintain their standing as the cleansed Sanctuary, against organized opposition and great numbers, becomes a severe test of courage and faith, which only a few seem able to endure: the majority follow the course of their predecessors (stumble, and fall back, back into the system)…If the rubbish and defiling abominations were entirely removed in 1846, the time since should be a season for the setting in order of the things which remain, and for the unfolding and developing of God’s glorious plan—which truths should re-occupy the places vacated by the errors removed.
“This work of opening up the truth, and examining and appreciating its beauty, is properly due now, and is being accomplished. We thank God for the privilege of being engaged with others in this blessed work of bringing the golden vessels of the Lord’s house (precious truths) back from the captivity of (symbolic) Babylon the Great (Ezra. 1: 7-11; 5:14 ; 6:5), and replacing them in the Sanctuary. And in this great work we offer fraternal greetings to all co-laborers and members of the Anointed Body. Blessed those servants whom their Lord, when he has come, shall find giving meat in due season to the household” (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. III, pages 119 and 120).
It is evident, then, that two unions, inaugurated at the same date but totally differing in character, are symbolized by the Step at the head of the Grand Gallery— (1) the great denominational federation, which claims to be acting in the interests of the Lord, but is really a stumbling block to the great mass of professing Christians, and (2) the true heart union in Christ of a small company of the Lord’s people, who, for the first time since the days of the Apostles, have been privileged to stand cleansed from all defiling errors.
Just as in the days of Christ at his first Advent, all the warring sects represented by the Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees, Lawyers, Chief Priests, Scribes, and Elders were united in their opposition to Christ and his teaching (See Matt. 22:15, 16, 23, 35 ; 26:3, 4), so now, during the parallel period, all the warring sects of Christendom, whose name is legion, are united in their opposition to the Lord and to all who proclaim his truth, namely, that the only way of salvation is by the “Ransom for all,” and that any union which is not based upon that foundation is un-scriptural, and will, therefore, lead to evil. At the first Advent the Jews required a sign. They desired to walk by sight and not by faith. Thus to them the teaching that faith in the Ransom-sacrifice of Christ would redeem them from the “curse of the Law,” was a stumbling-block. So now, at the end of the Gospel Age, to the Gentiles who “seek after wisdom” in the form of Evolution, Higher-Criticism, etc., the teaching that the death of Christ was a satisfaction to the claims of the justice of God is foolishness. But to the “little flock” who know the Shepherd’s voice, Christ is now and has always been the “power of God, and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:22-24). He is a Sanctuary into which they can withdraw and find help in time of need.
“Say ye not ` A confederacy,’ to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy’; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both [the fleshly and spiritual] houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.” Isa. 8:12-15 (See note on bottom of page)
The imparting of life, or vitality to the “image of the beast” by some kind of Episcopal sanction or ordination through the Anglican system, and the sympathetic alliance and co-operation of the image with the Church of Rome which will seem to promise great things for Babylon (a “holy thing”), will be but the lifting up of the great millstone preparatory to its being violently and quickly cast into the sea, symbolical of anarchy (Rev. 18:21). The new union of church and state which is to take place will in reality be a union of the classes against the masses; and it is the rising masses in revolution who, as God’s agency (the “Lord’s Great Army”), are to hurl the Babylon system to utter destruction.
For many years students of the Word believed that the foretold destruction of “Babylon the Great” would begin in 1914-1915 A.D., the date marked by the upper terminal of the Grand Gallery. Nor have their expectations been disappointed; for although the “Great Time of Trouble” covers a longer period than was thought possible, this trouble which is to end Christendom is manifestly now in progress; and it began precisely at the date expected. Beginning with 1914 A.D. in the great World-War (World War I) in which most of the mightiest “Christian” nations were actively engaged, Christendom, called in the Scriptures Babylon the Great, received a blow from which it can never recover. The old evil order began to pass away in 1914 A.D.
In its efforts to regain lost control, and to prevent further loss, the foreseen sympathetic alliance of the “image,” or federated Protestant denominations, with the Church of Rome through the intermediation of the Anglican Church is now become more prominent. Informal conferences, recognized by the Vatican and Canterbury, the heads of the Roman and Anglican Churches, have been held during the last three years (1920-1923) on the question of re-union of the Roman and Anglican Communions.
While it is elaborately explained to the peoples of Christendom through the medium of the secular press by the head of the Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the discussions with Rome are still in an elementary stage, and that no definite and binding negotiations have so far been attempted, yet, he says, “It is impossible to doubt that further conversations must follow.” (See the London Daily News of 27th December, 1923) “Further Conversation” can only mean that a truly serious attempt will be made on both sides to overcome the recognized difficulties that hinder the longed sought-for re-union, and no one doubts but that some method of overcoming the difficulties will ultimately be reached, that some sort of union may be achieved, even though, as the Scriptures declare, “they be folded together as thorns” (Nahum 1:7-15).
Note: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers has the following to say on this verse, viz. Isa 8:12
“Say ye not, A confederacy . . .–The words have been very differently interpreted. (1) The confederacy has been thought to be that between Syria or Ephraim, which had at first filled the people with terror, and then had seemed so powerful that men had been willing to join it (Isaiah 7:2; Isaiah 8:6). (2) Translating the word as conspiracy as in 2 Kings 17:4–it was the word used by Athaliah when she cried, “Treason, treason!” (2 Chronicles 23:13)–interpreters have seen in it the cry of the Assyrian alliance party against the prophet and his followers, whom they accused of conspiracy against their country, such as was afterwards imputed to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 37:14). (3) Others, following a conjectural amendment of the text, have read, “Ye shall not call everything a holy thing which this people call a holy thing,” and find in the words a protest against the idolatrous reverence for that which has no real holiness, analogous to the warning against soothsayers or diviners in Isaiah 8:19; or possibly an allusion to such an object of worship as the brazen serpent, which Hezekiah had destroyed by Isaiah’s advice (2 Kings 18:4). Of these, (2) seems the most in harmony with the sequence of facts and thoughts.”
To the authors as well as the great majority of translators of this particular text number (2) seems most reasonable; however we must take in consideration that most of the translators of the scriptures as we have them today were not spirit begotten, most were merely professed Christians, well-intention and learned scholars of the Word, nevertheless “natural men”, heavily influence and prejudiced by the doctrines and teachings of men.
The Lord’s people being a “particular people” not generally holding to the general or orthodox view as proscribed by the teachings of the various sects, would be more inclined to agree with number (3) has highlighted above. You shall not call a holy or righteous thing or idea what these people (the various sects of Christendom) call a holy or righteous idea, i.e. the union or confederation of the various sects into one body, have you not learn the lesson of history, of what took place in the dark ages when all power and authority was invested into one prescribed faith, that devised by Papacy, the “Beast”, and how it persecuted the Lord’s true people, are you so ready now to copy this error, and in essence to make an “image” of it?
Great Pyramid Passages Page 67-72, par. 133-154