Time Feature of the Great Pyramid, Part 28
“By the time-calculation of Section XII it is proved that the upper south wall of the Grand Gallery indicates Autumn of the year 1914 A.D.; and if our understanding regarding the completion of the membership of the Body of Christ, explained at length in the previous Section (XVIII, “The New Covenant Age: The First Resurrection”, Part 21 and 22 in our study), is correct, this date saw the “fullness” of the Gentiles come in, as the Apostle declares: “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery [secret], lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, `There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins‘” (See Rom. 11:25-27; Eph. 1:22, 23).
But the numerous time-prophecies point to 1914 A.D. as being also the end of the “times” of the Gentiles, i.e., the end of the period of “seven times,” or 2520 years (Lev. 26:28), during which Jerusalem was to be in subjection to Gentile nations. This long period began when Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon finally destroyed Jerusalem in the year 606 B.C. (We dealt more particularly with this Scriptural time-feature, in Sec. XXIII, “The Dominion Parallels”, Part 25 in our study.)
Thus it would appear that both the fullness, and the times, of the Gentiles, although distinct features in the Lord’s Plan, terminated at the same date. Just as the length of the Grand Gallery corresponds with the period of 1881½ years from the inauguration of the Church at the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Spring 33 A.D., till the “fullness of the Gentiles” in Autumn 1914 A.D. (See Sec. XII, “The Gospel Age: Call and Trial of Christ’s “Body”, Part 16 in our study ), so we find that the long term of 2520 years of the “times of the Gentiles” is similarly indicated by the full length of the Grand Gallery, when taken in conjunction with its angle of inclination. That is to say, the angle with which the passage inclines upward is so accurately set, that the horizontal distance between the north and south walls, when added to the vertical height between the lower and upper extremities of the floor, yields the number of Pyramid inches necessary to indicate the “Gentile times.” (If we base this calculation on the standard length of the floor, 1881.598+, then the sum of the horizontal and vertical measures is 2520.549+, Pyramid inches, or about half an inch more than the exact 2520.)
If this is the correct interpretation of the Apostle’s declaration (See the footnote below taken from Page 210 of Volume 2 of Studies in the Scriptures, by C. T. Russell) then this time-measurement, taken in connection with Sections XII and XVIII, demonstrates the significance of our Lord’s declaration at the close of the Jewish Age: “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).
Footnote: “None should confound this “Fullness of [or, from out of] the Gentiles” with the “Times of the Gentiles,” mentioned heretofore. The “Times of the Gentiles,” as has been shown, is the period of time during which the Gentiles are permitted to rule the world; while the “Fullness of the Gentiles” refers to the full number to be selected out from among the Gentiles, to complete the Gospel Church–who, with the “remnant” selected from among the Israelite’s (which would include the apostles), shall constitute the Church of Christ, the Holy Nation, the Royal Priesthood, the Kingdom of God, to whom the kingdom and dominion of earth shall be committed.”
Great Pyramid Passages Page 100-101, par. 231-234
The Seven Times of the Gentiles
“We considered in the last Section (The “Restoration of the Nation and Kingdom of Israel”, Part 13 in our study), the period of the “Seven Times of the Gentiles” in its relation to the humiliation of the people of Israel, showing how their kingdom and nation were figuratively hidden in the Well-shaft which symbolizes hades. There are two other aspects of the “Seven Times,” namely, (1) that which concerns the trial and testing of the Church, and (2) that respecting the lease of power to the kingdoms of this world. Both of these aspects are represented in the Great Pyramid by appropriate time-measurements corresponding to the period of 2520 years.
These two time-measurements both begin at the same point at the upper end of the Well-shaft. This point is not fixed in a haphazard fashion, but is directly indicated by another time-measurement which corresponds to the period of the first “Seven Times” shown in the diagram above. The first Seven Times (Sec. XXIII, Part 25 in our study) began at the end of Adam’s 1000-year “day” of condemnation, and ended at the dethronement of Zedekiah, at which date the second “Seven Times” commenced.
In the Great Pyramid the end of Adam’s 1000-year “day” is marked by the north edge of the Descending Passage “basement-sheet” (Sec. XXV “The First Adam’s 1000-Year “Day”, Part 3 in our study). Measuring first vertically up to the level of the summit of the Well-shaft (which is also the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor), and from thence horizontally southward along this level to within about 1½ inches north of the north edge of the Well-shaft, we find the date of the end of the first Seven Times. This was the date when the Kingdom of Israel entered the hadean condition which is symbolized by the Well-shaft (Sec. XLVI “The Kingdom of Israel”, Part 12 in our study). The termination of this measurement corresponding to the first Seven Times is the starting-point for the measurements which correspond to the two aspects of the second Seven Times, as already mentioned. (The reader will notice that these time-measurements do not terminate exactly at the line of the north edge of the Well-shaft, but 1.5395+ Pyramid inches to the north of it—See NOTE on pages 226-227. Part 12, bottom of page) the actual total of Pyramid inches in this first measurement is 2520.3221 +, or barely a 3rd of an inch more than the precise 2520, a sufficiently close indication.
Before Fleshly Israel can have its Nationality and Kingdom fully restored, the last member of Israel’s Spiritual King, the Christ head and body, must have completed his course and passed beyond the veil. We have seen how the length of the Grand Gallery, which symbolizes the upward walk of the spirit-begotten Church, corroborates the Scriptural teaching that the date of the completion of the membership of the body of Christ is Autumn 1914 A.D. (See again Pars. 220-224 Covered in Part 22 of our study). And in Section XIX (the first section above) we saw that this, the “fullness of the Gentiles,” coincides with the termination of the Times of the Gentiles.
This aspect of the second Seven Times (viz. “the trial and testing of the Church”) is again represented in the Pyramid, this time by a measurement which begins at the point where the first Seven Times end, and terminates at the upper south wall of the Grand Gallery. The measurement is taken first horizontally southward to the vertical line of the Grand Gallery south wall, and then up this vertical line to the base of the south wall on the top surface of the Step. (See diagram.—the measurement begins where the previous one ends, that is, at the point on the level of the summit of the Well-shaft, which is 1.5395+ inches to the north of the north edge of the Well-shaft. Beginning from here, and terminating at the top surface of the Step, at the base of the south wall of the Grand Gallery, the total number of Pyramid inches in the two straight lines, horizontal and vertical, is 2520.3440+, a close indication of the 2520 years of the Seven Times.)
Jesus’ application of the promise in the Second Psalm to his faithful joint-heirs (Rev. 2:26, 27), shows that the time of its complete fulfillment will be when all the spirit-begotten members of the Church are born from the dead in the First Resurrection, and are united with him their Head. The Christ being then complete, God will appoint him as King upon his holy hill of Zion, and will give him power to break the nations with a “rod of iron,” to “dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
But, as C. T. Russell pointed out, the promise given in the 149th Psalm may apply even now before the last member of the Christ will have passed beyond the veil, namely, “Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hands; to execute vengeance upon the heathen [nations], and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgments written: this honor have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord” (Psa. 149;—see Pars. 220-224, once again covered in Part 22 of our study).
This beginning of the destruction of the Gentile, heathen, powers (the second aspect of the second Seven Times) dates, as we see reason to believe, from the termination of the second Seven Times, or “times of the Gentiles,” 1914 A.D. this other aspect of the Seven Times of the Gentiles is represented in the Pyramid by a direct measurement of 2520 inches which, like the former, begins at the point which marks the end of the first Seven Times, and terminates at the roof-level of the Pit, at the point which is vertically in line with the south wall of the Grand Gallery. (Compare the diagrams below. The measurement is in this case nearly absolute, being less than a 10-thousandths part of an inch under the exact 2520.)
It is appropriate that the meeting-point of the time-measurements which represent the first and second periods of Seven Times should be at the north edge of the upper end of the Well-shaft, and on the level of the Queen’s Chamber floor. For when God remembered mercy in the midst of the years of his wrath (Hab. 3:2), and through Ezekiel prophesied of the coming of a righteous King of Israel (Ezek. 21:25-27), it was on the basis of the future sacrificial work of Jesus Christ that this assurance was given. God foreknew that his beloved Son would gladly sacrifice his perfect human life on behalf of the nation of Israel and the whole world, and thus prove his worthiness to be exalted as earths everlasting King and Ruler.
As the Scriptures say: “Being found in fashion as a man, he [Jesus Christ] humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name : that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ” (Phil. 2:8-11). In the Great Pyramid the Well-shaft is the symbol of Christ’s ransom-sacrifice, which was the supreme evidence of God’s mercy and love for the fallen race of mankind (John 3:16). Thus, in the Pyramid, the date of the “midst” of the years, 606 B.C., and the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, is brought into close connection.
The great Stone Witness in Egypt, therefore, by the foregoing method, corroborates the orderly arrangements of the plan of salvation as shown in the diagram (“Dominion Parallels”), the “Seven Times” from the First Adam’s “day” to the overthrow of God’s typical kingdom, and the “Seven Times more” to the Second Adam’s “day” when the kingdoms of this world were due to be destroyed. This destruction began, as expected, in 1914 A.D., and when completed not one stone will be left standing upon another, for the old evil order must forever pass away.”
Great Pyramid Passages Page 233-237, par. 618-628