Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 35
An outstanding year in the history of the nation of Israel was that on which fell their last typical jubilee, 626 B.C. As pointed out in Section XXII (“Rest and Restitution” Part 23 and 24 in our study), God commanded the nation of Israel to observe every 50th year in a very special manner. The land was to be wrought for six years, allowed to rest on the seventh, and then after seven of these periods of seven, i.e., after a cycle of 49 years, the following one was to be kept not only as a rest-year, but also as a jubilee, in which every man was to regain his original possessions (Lev. 25). But, as God had foreseen (Lev. 26:32-35), the jubilees were never properly observed: and all further opportunity to obey this command was denied the nation after 626 B.C. (See the study mentioned above), for in accordance with the decree of God the land was devastated nineteen years later by Nebuchadnezzar, and lay desolate for 70 years.
It is distinctly stated that God’s purpose in decreeing that the land must lie desolate for 70 years, was that it might enjoy its Sabbaths (Compare Lev. 26:34, 35, with 2 Chron. 36:20, 21). It is evident that the special jubilee Sabbaths are referred to (the ones following the 49th year), but as 70 is a symbolic number, all the seventh-year Sabbaths were also included in the complete period of desolation. The fact that the land lay desolate for 70 years to fulfil its Sabbaths shows that the people of Israel should have observed 70 jubilees, or, with their preceding cycles of 49 years, 154 Sabbath years in all, up to the date of the desolating of the land in 606 B.C. (It is interesting to note that the full number of Sabbath years which could have been observed by Israel, namely, 154, is equal to the double of the sum of 70, and 7, all Bible numbers. 77, and its double 154, are related in a special way to the mathematical proportions of the Great Pyramid, as shall be explained in Vol. III of the Great Pyramid Passages. It will be seen, of course, that in each completed period of 50 years there were 8 Sabbath years, counting the jubilee as the 8th. And between the last typical jubilee (627 B.C.), which was the 19th from the time of entering the land under Joshua, until 606 B.C., two 7th-year Sabbaths could have been kept.)
God had so arranged his Plan that the last typical jubilee, which was the 19th, occurred at such a date, that the remaining 51 cycles of 49 years counting from then, would terminate at the beginning of the seventh Millennium, the great 1000-year Sabbath of our Lord. The last typical jubilee began in Autumn 627 and ended in Autumn 626 B.C., and thus the 51 cycles of 49 years, or 2499 years, ended in Autumn 1874 A.D. from which date the great Antitypical Sabbath year commenced.
This is an additional proof that the “Times of Restitution” began in 1874 A.D. (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. II, pages 190-196). Had one jubilee more, or one less, been observed before the land was made desolate, the harmony of this Scriptural time-feature would have been destroyed. The Lord, who has put the times and seasons in his own power, has so carefully arranged every detail, that beauty and harmony are everywhere manifest in his grand Plan of the Ages.
Is the date of the last typical jubilee indicated in the First Ascending Passage? We believe that this is the purpose of the Second Girdle-stone. For if a Pyramid-inch measurement be started from the lower, or north, edge of the second Girdle up the floor-line of the passages to the foot of the Step at the head of the Grand Gallery, then, omitting the riser, from the north edge of the Step to the south wall of the Grand Gallery, it will be found that this total floor-distance corresponds with the period of 51 cycles of 49 years, which began in Autumn 626 B.C., and terminated in Autumn 1874 A.D. (The total period is 2499 years, and the total measurement, observing the standard dimensions of the Pyramid, is 2498.8841 + Pyramid inches, which is only about a 10th part of an inch short of the precise number.)
By this method, therefore, the south wall of the Grand Gallery indicates the end of the sixth Millennium, when our Lord was due to return and inaugurate the “Times of Restitution of all things.” It will be remembered that the Grand Gallery south wall is in vertical alignment with the south terminal of the Small Horizontal Passage floor in the Pit (Sec. XXXIII, “The End of the Second Dispensation”, Part 8 in our study). As this floor terminal is proved to mark the date 1874 A.D. (Sec. XXXII, “The Present Evil World”, Part 7 in our study), the vertical line thus indicates the year 1874 A.D., as well as 1914-15 A.D.
NOTE: The distance from the lower, north, edge of the second Girdle, to the upper end of the First Ascending Passage, is said by Professor Flinders Petrie to be 625 British inches, i.e., 624.375 Pyramid inches.
Our own measuring yielded the following results (stated in Pyramid inches):
Along floor-line, East side, 623.92545; West side, 624.12525.
Along roof-line, East side, 624.32525; West side, 624.12525.
The figure which we have used in the above calculation namely, 624.32588+ Pyramid inches, may therefore be considered as a fair mean. The slight range of measures is, however, intentional.
In this 2nd volume of Great Pyramid Passages we do not have occasion to refer to the measures of the upper, south, edge of the second Girdle-stone. So we shall here just mention that the standard distance of the upper edge from the Grand-Gallery end of the passage is 591.4151 + Pyramid inches. As will be seen this standard distance is the same, to within less than a 100th part of an inch, as our practical measures along both floor and roof lines on the west side of the passage.
Our measures are, in Pyramid inches:
Along floor-line, East side, 591.15825; West side, 591.408.
Along roof-line, East side, 591.15825; West side, 591.408.
Great Pyramid Passages Page 241-243 par. 638-643