Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 37
The year of Nehemiah’s commission, besides being the commencement of the prophetic period of the 70 weeks, formed also the starting-point of another of Daniel’s time-prophecies, namely, the “2300 days,” at the end of which the “Sanctuary” was to be cleansed (Dan. 8:14).
The 2300 days was the first of the prophetic periods to be communicated to Daniel. He was greatly exercised concerning this vision (See Dan. 8:26, 27), and prayed to God, confessing his own and his people’s sins, and beseeching the Lord to cause his face to shine upon his Sanctuary, which, he had learned, would be trodden underfoot and not be cleansed until the 2300 days were accomplished (Compare Dan. 8:13, 14, 9:17).
While Daniel was in the midst of his supplication an angel appeared to him, and, bidding him consider the vision, informed him that “70 weeks” were “determined” or “cut off ” for his people (Dan. 9:23, 24). The 70 weeks thus “cut off ” constituted the first part of the vision of 2300 days, and, therefore, these two time-prophecies begin from the same date, i.e., 455 B.C. (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. III, chapter 4).
As both these prophetic periods start from the same date, and as this date has already been shown to be marked by the upper edge of the first Girdle-stone in the First Ascending Passage (Sec. LI), the time-measurement of the 2300 days (years), if indicated at all in the Great Pyramid, should commence from this point. Also, as it was the “Sanctuary” which was to be cleansed at the end of these symbolical days, the King’s Chamber, which represents the “Sanctuary” or “Most Holy,” should indicate the end of this time-measurement (See Sec. XV, “The Fifth Day and the New Creation”, Part 18 in our study, and Lev. 4:6 ; 16:33).
It is at once apparent that the distance from the first Girdle-stone up to the King’s Chamber, when measured along the floor-line of the passages, is too great. Consequently there is only one other possible method for this period of 2300 days to be indicated, if the first Girdle and the King’s Chamber are to be retained as the starting and finishing points, namely, by a direct measurement through the solid masonry. The period of 2300 days is indicated in this way.
By measuring from the upper edge of the first Girdle in the First Ascending Passage, horizontally to the vertical line of the King’s Chamber north wall, the distance will be found to be exactly 2300 Pyramid inches. But in this instance we find that we require a shorter distance between the upper edge of the first Girdle and the upper end of the First Ascending Passage, than was necessary for the time-measurement of the 70 weeks. This shorter distance was provided for by the architectural departure alluded to in the NOTE on pages 246-247. (The NOTE at the bottom of our previous post, the “Seventy Weeks”)
As the time-measurement corroborating the Scriptural period of 2300 days is a horizontal one, it is immaterial, so far as location is concerned, if the starting-point be from the roof, or floor, of the First Ascending Passage’s first Girdle. But for the exact number of inches in the length of this horizontal line, it is necessary that it should start from the roof; for here the inclined distance from the upper end of the passage to the upper edge of the first Girdle is the right amount to make the horizontal distance agree.
The complete horizontal measure of precisely 2300 Pyramid inches, from the vertical line of the King’s Chamber’s north wall, requires that the inclined distance along the roof-line to the first Girdle should be 383.87295+ Pyramid inches. In the NOTE on page 247 it will be seen that our practical measuring in the passage gave us a figure for the roof on the east side which is practically identical, being less than tooth part of an inch different, namely, 383.86575 Pyramid inches. We now therefore perceive why the first Girdle was made slightly different from the second and third Girdles, as mentioned in the note referred to (pages 246-247).
Great Pyramid Passages Page 248-250 par. 651-658