Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 40
Although the Antichrist legally lost its persecuting power and sovereignty in 1799 A.D., it still exists as a system, and will not be destroyed finally till the full end of the “time of trouble such as never was,” spoken of by the prophet Daniel (12:1). This great time of trouble began in autumn of the year 1914 A.D., when the “times of the Gentiles” legally came to an end. Papacy is in itself one of the Gentile powers, for which reason it is denominated “Babylon the Great” (Rev. 17:5). The interval between the end of the 1260 symbolical days, and the end of the 2520 years of Gentile dominion, is called in the Scriptures “the time of the end” (Dan. 12:4). This period is 115 years, reckoned to autumn 1914 A.D. (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. III, chapter 2).
It has been demonstrated by numerous time-measurements that the Pit indicates the end of the Gentile lease of power, 1914-15 A.D. (Sec. XXXII, etc. The “Present Evil World”, Part 7 in our study). We have seen, also, that an exact time-measurement corroborating the period of the “Seven Times of the Gentiles” terminates on the roof-level of the Pit, at the point which is vertically in alignment with the south wall of the Grand Gallery (Sec. XLVIII The Seven Times of the Gentiles, Part 28 in our study ). In confirmation we find that the same point on the Pit roof is the termination of a time-measurement corresponding to the period of the “time of the end.”
For if the vertical measurement of the previous Section (LIV, The “1260 Days”), which ends at the north edge of the lower Well-opening, be directed symmetrically at an angle (like the swinging of a pendulum) to the Pit, this measurement will be found to be exactly 115, plus a little over 2, Pyramid inches short of the roof of that chamber. That is, just as the Scriptures show after the 1260 days (years) of Antichrist’s persecuting power, a further period of 115 years was to elapse, before the final destruction of that system, and of Christendom as a whole, could begin, 1799-1914 A.D.
(The amount by which this inclined line is short of the exact number of inches required is 2.0591+; see the diagram on page 254.)
Great Pyramid Passages Page 257 par. 679-681