Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 41
According to the purpose of God, it was not until the end of the “1290 days” (years) after the taking away of the “daily sacrifice,” and the setting up of the “desolating abomination” (in 539 A.D.), that the Sanctuary class was first to gain understanding of the Scriptural times and seasons (Dan. 12:8-11; and note that the sense of this passage is clearer if Verse 10 is read after Verse 11).
As the 1290 symbolical days commenced with 539 A.D., the same date as the other prophetic periods of 1260, and 1335 days, it terminated in 1829 A.D.. In this year William Miller of Mass., U.S.A., began his religious movement, which was based upon a correct interpretation of the “1260 days.”
He taught that the prophecies pointed to 1844 A.D. as the date of Christ’s return; and when that year passed without the Lord appearing in the manner expected, there was great disappointment; but many were “purified, and made white, and tried,” as the result of this experience (Dan. 12:10). There was a general sifting among the Sanctuary class; those approved of the Lord stood fast in the faith, but none of the wicked understood. Two years later, in 1846 A.D., the Sanctuary class was cleansed, even as God had foretold through his prophet Daniel (Sec. LII, The “2300 Days”, Part 38 in our study).
In fixing upon the date 1844 A.D., the return of our Lord was anticipated by 30 years. This period corresponds with the 30 years between the birth and baptism of Jesus (See diagram, page 102).
Although the time and purpose, as well as the manner, of Christ’s Second Advent were misunderstood, the year when the “Millerite movement” began, 1829 A. D. was the beginning of the correct interpretation of the prophetic periods, for Miller correctly placed the “1260 days” in history. From that time onward the Word of God has gradually become clearer to the true Church, who, as diligent students in the “School of Christ,” have sought earnestly to know the Plan of the Ages. But previous to the termination of the period of 1290 symbolical days, believers could not understand any of the time-prophecies, because according to the Lord’s command (Dan. 12:4), the Book was sealed till then (See Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. III, pages 82-88).
In the Great Pyramid the “School of Christ” is symbolized by the Ante-Chamber, where the Sanctuary class, as the “Bride” of Christ, is represented as “making herself ready” before being ushered into the presence of her Lord and King in the symbolical King’s Chamber. In Section XVII (The Jewish “Double”: The Resurrection of the “Body” of Christ, Part 20 in our study) we noticed how 1878 A.D., when the “Bride” class began to be ushered into the King’s presence is marked by the south end wall of the Ante-Chamber.
Although all the footstep followers of Christ have known that they would one day enter the heavenly courts, it was not till the end of the full measure of the 1335 symbolical days, namely, 1874 A.D., that they could know that the “body” of Christ would be resurrected in 1878 A.D., from which date all who “die in the Lord” are “changed in a moment” from earthly to spiritual conditions. Nor could they even begin to correctly understand prophetic time until the end of the 1290 days.
When we review the symbolical significance of each part of the Great Pyramid, we cannot find a more appropriate place for the termination of a time-measurement in corroboration of the
1290 days, than the Ante-Chamber. Nor can we suggest a better point in this little apartment to mark 1829 A.D. than the line of the south or end wall. According to our expectation we discover that the period in question is indeed indicated terminating at the base of the south wall of the Ante-Chamber.
The time-measurement of the 1290 days begins from the horizontal line which is now proved to form the basis of all Daniel’s prophetic periods, namely, the “2300 days” time measurement (Sec. LII). The length of 1290 Pyramid inches, however, does not commence at the 539 A.D. “date-point,” but 450.3820 + inches to the south of it, i.e., at the very point which is vertically in line with the north edge of the lower Well-opening (The Blue line on the diagram below).
The actual Pyramid-inch length of this inclined line to the base of the Ante-Chamber’s south wall is, according to the standard measures of every part of the building’s passage-ways, 1289.9944 +, or within about a 200th part of an inch of the precise 1290. Such exactness is remarkable evidence of design. The measure of 450.3820+ inches constitutes what we might term a “date-bridge,” by which the year 539 A.D. is symmetrically transferred to other points, and thus makes it possible for all of Daniel’s important time-prophecies to be appropriately corroborated by the great Stone Witness.
Great Pyramid Passages Page 258-259 par. 682-689