Time Features of the Great Pyramid, Part 42
There are a number of time-features which are, in a sense, related to these (1260, 1290, 1335) prophetic periods of Daniel. Some of these are direct, and some are indicated by proportions, such as the proportion of the ratio pi, and by the numbers, 5, 7, and 10, all of which are special Pyramid numbers, 5 being the sacred number, 7 the perfect number, and 10 the building’s basic, complete, number. These proportions appear so often in the time, and scientific, features of the monument (only a few examples are presented in this 2nd volume of Great Pyramid Passages; the 3rd volume containing more) that we are lead to the reasonable conclusion that they form an important part in the design of the building. They must be recognized, for it is only by their medium that the Great Pyramid could be designed to monumentalize so many varied truths, Scriptural and scientific.
The prophetic periods of the Book of Daniel are essentially related to the great central truth of Jehovah’s Plan of the Ages, namely, the ransom-sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sacrifice of the mass, that is, transubstantiation, which was set up in power in the year 539 A.D., because it took away this grand truth of Christ’s everlasting sacrifice, and cast it to the ground, was therefore named by the Lord “the abomination that makes desolate” (See Dan. 8:11, 12; 11:31). It is a desolating error, for it prevents the poor death-doomed world from recognizing, and taking advantage of by faith, the only way of escape from the death condition. Had Jesus Christ not been delivered for our offences, dying as a corresponding price (ransom-sacrifice) for father Adam, and had he not been raised again for our justification, we would have remained forever in the death-state.
But Christ Jesus did die a sacrificial death; and because he rose again he will draw all men unto him. Some by faith are drawn to him now; the great majority will be drawn during the millennial reign; for Christ is now Lord of the living and the dead, and all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth. They shall be made perfect through the resurrection by judgments in the 1000 years of His Kingdom reign. By the year 2914 A.D., the end of the 1000-year “Day of Judgment,” mankind will have experienced the full benefit of the sacrificial work of Christ, and will regain that perfect human nature which father Adam lost in the beginning through his disobedience 7040 years previously (Rom. 5:8, 9, 18, 19; 1 Cor. 15: 3, 4, 12, 21-26).
All of the Lord’s faithful ones have hoped for a resurrection from the dead; and during the Gospel Age they have known that this resurrection is assured in Christ. Even when the “abomination of desolation” was set up in 539 A.D. and the truth was cast down for centuries thereafter, God still had his few faithful witnesses who saw the error sufficiently to avoid it, and who perceived the beauty of the truth, and rejoicing in it proclaimed it. The reformers Waldo in 1160 A.D., Marsiglio in 1324, Wycliffe in 1378, Luther in 1521, and all who understood their message and followed it, knew that in Christ only, and not through sacrifices of the mass, the faithful could gain life.
And when, in the great French Revolution of 1789, and at the hands of the Man of Destiny the fearless Napoleon, the Antichrist in 1799 lost its crushing power, by which it had oppressed the people of God and the world too for the long weary period of 1260 years, the faithful followers of the Lamb rejoiced in their comparative freedom, and in the spread of the truth of the Word by means of the newly-established Bible Societies. At the close of the 1260 “days” of Daniel, therefore, the fact of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ became more widely known to the world through the printing and distributing of the Word of Truth, the Bible.
And from that time onward, and at clearly marked dates to which the various “days” periods of Daniel pointed, the understanding of the Scriptures became more pronounced, till now, after the “1335 days,” all who can claim to have the spirit of the Lord know that, because Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man, all the world shall see the salvation of God, that the ransomed of the Lord shall return with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads (Isa. 35:10).
In view of this, it is appropriate to find that the complete period of salvation, the 7040 years from Adam’s fall to the end of Christ’s 1000-year reign of blessing in 2914 A.D., is shown by a time-measurement directly connected with the first Girdle-stone, and the lower opening of the Well. For the north floor-edge of this first Girdle-stone, as we have seen, fixes the level of the horizontal line which pertains to the “days” of Daniel (with all that these days imply); and the lower opening of the well-shaft in the Descending Passage beautifully symbolizes the open “way of escape” from the downward, death-doomed condition, the ransom-sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is everlasting in its life-giving results.
The method by which this time-measurement is indicated is preeminently characteristic of the Great Pyramid, namely, that of the diameter and circumference of a circle: Taking a direct straight line from the north floor-edge of the first Girdle-stone, down to the north floor-edge of the lower Well-opening, and inscribing on this a circle (the exact length of the straight line, therefore, being the diameter of the circle), we find that the circumference of this circle is almost an exact 7040 Pyramid inches. (The precise circumference is 7040.0418+ inches, or within about a 25th part of an inch of the exact 7040. The direct, or diameter, distance is 2240.9149 +.).
There is still another direct measurement beginning at the north floor-edge of the first Girdle-stone, which agrees with the period from our Lord’s death on Calvary, to the end of His 1000 years reign in righteousness, from 33 A.D. to 2914 A.D. This measurement, which is a straight line, ends at the terminal of the produced Descending Passage floor-line at the Subterranean Chamber, at that point on the produced inclined floor-line which is vertically in alignment with the Grand Gallery’s south wall. This vertical line of the south wall of the Gallery, we have already seen, marks the date 1914 A.D. by a number of distinct time-measurements, all of which show that, at the end of the seven times of the Gentiles, 1914 A.D., the destruction of the old evil order was due to begin, this destruction being particularly symbolized by the Pit with its chaotic floor.
But 1914 A.D. is only the beginning of the overthrow of evil systems and of the power of sin. The Scriptures show that the entire 1000 years of Christ’s Kingdom-rule will be required to undo the effects of the 6000 years of the reign of evil under Satan’s rule. It is in accord with the symbolical meaning of the Subterranean Chamber that at the lowest prepared point of its floor, opposite the terminal of the produced line of the Descending Passage floor, the date of the full end of evil and all enemies, 2914 A.D., should be there marked.
The great Antichrist has been well-named Satan’s master-piece, for by it he has deceived the whole of Christendom so effectually, that even now comparatively few realize that this system, also named in Scriptures the “Mystery of Iniquity,” the “Man of Sin,” and “Mystery, Babylon the Great,” has held sway over the kingdoms of this world for practically the whole of the Gospel Age, particularly between 539 and 1799 A.D.
While the destruction of this Antichrist began in earnest in 1914 A. D., Satan himself will not be destroyed until the 1000 years are finished, according to the Scriptural declaration (Rev. 20). But the foundational work for the Devil’s ultimate destruction in the second death was laid at Calvary; for it is written of the Man Christ Jesus that he willingly suffered death, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the Devil ” (Heb. 2:14).
It is in keeping with this time-measurement, therefore, that it begins at the date of our Lord’s crucifixion, 33 A.D., and ends in 2914 A.D., when Satan, and all who then listen to him, will be forever destroyed; and, also, that it begins at the north floor-edge of the first Girdle-stone, which point fixes the level of the horizontal line containing the “539 A.D. date-point,” the date when Satan foisted his deceiving abomination on Christendom. (The period of years between spring of 33 A.D., and autumn of 2914 A.D., is 2881½, whereas the length of the direct straight-lined measurement detailed above is a little over 2 inches more, namely, 2883.5116+ Pyramid inches. Therefore this time-measurement, like the three others already explained, is a little over 2 inches short of the exact terminal,—or 2.0116+ in this feature.)
Great Pyramid Passages Page 260-263 par. 690-702