How to study the book of Revelation, Part 4

Five Basic Methods in Good Bible Study continued.
Not all scriptures nor all Scriptural injunctions apply at all times. For example, there was a time when God dealt with the Jewish nation and no one else (Amos 3:2); and there is now a time when placing ourselves under the ten commandments of the Jewish Law is inappropriate (Gal 3:10, 11, 24, 25). Some scriptures apply only during the Millennial Age — the thousand years of Christ’s reign (e.g., Rev 22:12; Ezek 18:2, 3; etc.) In the study of Revelation, it will be of value to keep appropriate time frames in mind. Revelation requires a Historic/Prophetic approach. Events must be located in their proper time frames.”
Following the mistake of imposing a too literal interpretation upon the book of Revelation the failure to properly consider this last method of study is possibly the second leading cause of confusion over the book of Revelation.
The Christian Age
The chart below shows that an age (or dispensation, the Gospel dispensation) was set apart specifically for the calling out from among men of a group of individuals referred to by various Scriptural names: The Church, The Bride, Christians, A People for My Name, The 144,000, The Little Flock, Saints, etc. (Acts 15:14; Acts 11:26; Rev 21:29; Rev 14:1; Phil 1:1; 2 Cor 1:1; Luke 12:32) Much of the book of Revelation deals with this Christian or Gospel Age and its history written in advance.
The Messianic Age
A part of Revelation deals with the Millennial or Messianic Age which follows the Gospel Age. This Millennial Age is referred to in the Scriptures by various names also: The Kingdom, The Thousand Years, The Day of the Lord, The Day of Judgment, The Regeneration, The Times of Restitution of All Things, etc. (Matt 26:29; Acts 1:6; Rev 20:2, 3, 4, 6; 11 Pet 3:8, 10, 7; Matt 19:28; Acts 3:20, 21; etc.)
The Harvest
Notice on the chart that a transition period, called a HARVEST, is located where the Gospel and Messianic Ages meet. Jesus taught us about this period in the parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matt 13:30, 39). “The harvest is the end of the age.” (The King James Version says “world,” but this is not the best translation.) A good part of the prophecies of Revelation focus on this harvest period. Because of its placement in time, at the juncture of an old “world” going out and a new “world” coming in, it is a period of much important activity in the world’s affairs and in the religious world. We are now living in this time, and Revelation has much to tell us about it.
The Chart of the Ages is an invaluable help in the study of Revelation or for that matter any part of the Bible especially that dealing with prophecy. It will greatly aid the student in rightly dividing the Word of God into its proper “times and seasons”.
Continued with next post.