How to study the book of Revelation, Part 5

To see the structure of Revelation is to see more than most theologians throughout history have been privileged to see the following information can be the key to a very large measure of understanding of Revelation. Even though Revelation is a very complicated prophecy, its BASIC SIMPLICITY is at once encouraging and enlightening.
Revelation can be broken down into five sections. At the beginning (1:1-8) is a small section that serves as an introduction to the entire prophecy.
At the end (22:6-21) is another small section that serves as an epilogue to the entire prophecy.
Between these two small sections, are three larger sections, which we call sections 1 through 3, and which serve to detail in advance all of the history since the ending of the Jewish Age.
Revelation’s Three Main Sections
Revelation is neatly divided into three sections corresponding to the three periods of time we discussed in our previous post, viz. the Christian Age, the Messianic Age and the Harvest.
Section 1 (1:9-14:5) gives FIVE views of the entire Gospel Age (including the Harvest).
Section 2 (14:6-19:21) gives FIVE views focusing exclusively on the Harvest Period.
Section 3 (20:1-22:5) gives FIVE views of the Millennium (all having at least some connection to the Gospel Age Harvest).
Even if we were to go no further, it is clear that understanding this much is an invaluable aid in a study of Revelation. Interpretations begin to fall into place when the correct periods of time in which they function are realized. A closer look is warranted.
(Please remember that we are generalizing. A few words in each of the above sections might refer to other periods. We here are merely trying to draw clean lines as a basis of study.)
A Closer Look at Section 1 (Chapters 1-14)
“. . . The beginning of Sorrows“ – Matt 24:4-14
The first thirteen chapters cover the long period of over 1,800 years from Jesus’ first advent into the time of his second advent. These chapters accomplish primarily three objectives:
- They prophesy the growth and power of the apostasy of which both Jesus and Paul warned. (Matt 24:5, 11, 12; 11 Thess 2:3, 4, 7)
- They document in detail the history during this period which Jesus sums up in only a few verses in Matt 24:4-14.
- They predict in detail the experiences of the Christian Church (BOTH the true and apostate).
Five Times through the Entire Gospel Age
(1) The 7 Churches (Rev. 1:9-Rev. 3:22). This is Jesus’ Personal Message to the “angels” who must admonish the seven stages of the church throughout the age regarding conditions, needs, and experiences in overcoming.
(2) The 7 Seals (Rev. 4:1-Rev. 8:1) this is history in advance. It stresses the effects this history will have on the consecrated. God arranged (and recorded in advance in His sealed scroll) pre-ordained changes in history and the catalysts, which would accomplish them.
(3) The 7 Trumpets (Rev. 8:2-Rev. 11:19) this series shows the effects of dispensational truths on the surrounding society.
(4) The Woman, Dragon, & Apostate “Michael” (Chapter 12) this view of the age is presented to show how the false church grew out of the true church and eventually gained dominance even over the civil power which it used then as its persecuting agent. This chapter is mainly from the civil powers viewpoint.
(5) Two Beasts, an Image, and The Overcomers (Rev. 13:1-Rev. 14:5) this final view of the entire age focuses on how the church-state monolith, even though later divided, continues its objective of creating a blasphemous “Christian Unity,” the opponents of which experience various persecutions. This chapter is mainly from the “orthodox” religious viewpoint.
Seven Churches
The Lord decided to divide the history of the Christian Church into seven periods — periods which are unique in their experiences, history, and doctrinal understandings. He gives each of these periods a symbolic name and introduces us to them in Rev 1:11.
Jesus watches over these seven churches as symbolized by his being “in the midst of seven candlesticks,” “The seven candlesticks … are the seven churches” (Rev 1:20). He had said previously that His disciples were “the light of the world” (Matt 5:14) and that they were candles on a candlestick (Matt 5:15, 16). He continues this symbolism here in Rev 1:12, 13.
In Rev 1:16 we see Jesus holding seven stars in His right hand. Stars are used in Scripture to symbolize teachers — good and bad. (Dan 12:3; Jude 13; Num 24:17; Matt 24:29; Rev 12:1)
In Rev 1:20, the seven stars are said to be the same as the seven angels mentioned in Chapters 2 and 3.
The implication is strong, and history has confirmed it, that during the Gospel Age God sent seven men, each at the appropriate time, to be messengers (the word angel means “messenger“) to the seven stages or periods of the church.
Three Times Seven
Between Chapter 2 and Chapter 11, the seven periods of church history are repeated three times under different symbols. The seven churches are listed in Chapters 2 and 3; the seven seals are listed in Chapters 5 through 8; and the seven trumpets are found in Chapters 8 through 11. Here is a chart showing their locations:
Notice that the Churches, Seals, and Trumpets (each of which takes us through the Gospel Age in seven successive steps,) have introductions. This is true also of the seven last plagues of Chapter 16. (Chapter 15 serves as their introduction.) No other part of Revelation has this kind of introduction (save the introduction to the whole book 1:1-8).
ONLY the four series of seven parts each have this peculiarity (Churches, Seals, Trumpets, and Plagues). Why is this?
It is likely that the Lord wanted to unify each series so that we understand that the parts of these series DO NOT stand alone. In each case, one part affects the next, and it is the totality of each series, which gives us the true story of the Gospel Age or Gospel Age Harvest. The introductions give us vital lessons applicable to all parts of the series.
Also, when we study the three introductions to the Churches, Seals, and Trumpets, we find the evidences we need to show us that one series DOES NOT FOLLOW another series historically. Rather, the first church, first seal, and first trumpet are all SIMULTANEOUS (and so on through the series). This might well escape our attention without a study of the introductions.
It is important for each individual to be convinced in his own mind regarding the histories and lessons of these Churches, Seals, and Trumpets.
It is a good idea to READ each of the Churches, Seals, and Trumpets MANY TIMES. The purpose for this is NOT study or understanding, but merely familiarity. The more familiar we become with the words of this prophecy, the more sensitive we will be to subtleties when we try to interpret the words.
We recommend reading the first church, first seal, and first trumpet together. Then do likewise with all the others in sequence.
Because the architecture is important, so also is SEEING it. Marking your bible clearly helps to find things and to see relationships. Thus this would be a good time to mark your Bible so that each of the seven Churches, Seals, and Trumpets are clearly visible to your eye as you look through Revelation.
I personally have done this, I found these little round self-adhesive stickers, and I numbered and color-coded them to correspond to each of the appropriate churches, seals, and trumpets, this makes it much easier to jump from the church to the proper seal and trumpet in each series.
In our next post we will take a look at Section 2 (Chapters 14 -19).