How to study the book of Revelation, Part 14

Revelation, the Major Players
The book of Revelation has many actors on its stage, all of whom must be properly identified in order to arrive at a correct interpretation. That in it self will require a very careful study. The following is but a brief description of a few of these players to aid in beginning your study.
MICHAEL (Rev 12:7)
Remember that this is a book of SYMBOLS and therefore is NOT to be read as a literal interpretation.
Therefore Michael is NOT here in Revelation, Michael the Archangel as is commonly thought, (i.e. the good guy) No this Michael is his counterfeit, the MAN OF SIN, the Papacy. Compare 2 Thess 2:3, 4, read it carefully over several times, do not be deceive, Note its statement to the fact, “…he sits as God in the temple of God (the Church), showing himself that he is God, (i.e. God’s representative here on earth)”. Papacy has made this very claim. Even the word “God” (Theos) may not always be in reference to the real God, THE GOD (Ho Theos). Note Rev 16:11 it is quite possible that “the God of heaven” here being spoken of refers to Papacy, just as “Michael” does in Rev 12:7
This character always refers to purely CIVIL powers. Sometimes his name changes to “Devil” or to “Serpent”. (Compare 12:15 and 16) Sometimes his name changes to “Satan” (Rev 20:7). But all of these changes are accounted for in Rev 12:9 and 20:2, which clearly show us that the four names are all names by which the civil powers are symbolized. This in no way implies that the one true Actual Devil himself, Satan is not behind these civil powers; for the scriptures clearly state that he is the present ruler of these systems, the present “prince of this evil world” (John 14:30; Gal 1:4).
Scripturally a woman, if she is a virgin, represents the TRUE Church of Christ, all of the spirit begotten saints, both the “Little Flock” and the “Great Company”. If she is a harlot, she represents the apostate church—counterfeits. If she is a good woman with children, she represents a COVENANT.
Whenever a part of the apostate church is masculine, the reference is to the head of that church (Papacy)—the counterfeit of the church’s true head, Christ.
Revelation has several of these. They will be enumerated shortly. First it is important to define beasts as a whole: they are a large group of men (thus governments or institutions) with unholy characteristics. Next it is important to consider:
Revelation not only has beasts, but it specifies PARTS of those beasts.
HEADS, because heads THINK, represent large, overall philosophies—the way the beast thinks. Thus historically, when a large government or institution changes the way it functions, Revelation symbolizes this as a change of heads.
HORNS, because they are the enforcing implements on the head of animals, represent POWERS. Since heads are large “umbrella” governments or institutions, the lesser governments, which support them, which carry out their wills, (out of desire or out of expediency) are also represented by horns. Beasts also, of course, have,
BODIES This symbolism is often overlooked. Those who are under subjection to the heads constitute the body of the beast. Thus it is the PEOPLE in general who have been under the control of these governments who constitute the body of the beast. Rev 17:1 and 3 acknowledge this. These verses show that the woman (in this case a harlot) sits on a beast, which is ALSO “many waters” (peoples). The 15th verse explains the matter also. (See for yourself)
The key then is to be able to realize when a prophecy is speaking specifically in regards to the head, the horn, or the body of the beast, and when it is about the entire animal (head, horns and body).
In Rev 17:16 we read that “the ten horns which thou saw AND the beast, these shall hate the harlot.” Note that it is NOT the entire beast that is referred to here, but ONLY the body of the beast. Thus, as we learn from other places (like Rev 18:21), it is the PEOPLE (the “sea” class—the body of the beast), which eventually have a great part in Babylon’s destruction.
The Beasts of Revelation
Although it is not referred to as a “beast” directly, the Dragon in Chapter 12 is indeed one in every important way. It meets all the requirements of constituting a beast. The Revelator wants us to recognize this by showing us that this dragon, just like the beasts of Chapters 13 and 17, has “heads” and “horns”. As a matter of fact, all three of these characters have the same number of heads and horns. This is so that we realize that all three are related, even though they are NOT EXACTLY THE SAME.
The DRAGON is none other than the Roman Empire out of which grew, the eventual, “Holy Roman Empire”—a mixture of church and state. (Daniel’s prophecy fulfilled, Dan 2:41-43). Chapter 12 keeps the Roman Church (under “Michael”—its Papal head, the counterfeit) separate so that we can see the relationship of Churchianity to the state.
The 10-horned beast, which came forth from the “sea” (the world of mankind, the restless masses), incorporates church and state into one big beast—the combination of “Michael” and the “Dragon” from Chapter 12. This is because Chapter 13 wants us to see how the “Holy Roman Empire” would function historically as rival apostate churches appear.
The 10-horned beast of Chapter 17 provides a picture to show us HOW THINGS WILL COME APART—“the Judgment of the harlot who sits…upon a scarlet colored beast” (Rev 17:1, 3). Therefore, this chapter is still dealing with the “Holy Roman Empire” (and its predecessors and derivatives) but is specifically to show us what was to happen to each part of the arrangement, i.e. the heads, horns, body and rider. The woman who rides (one who controls) this beast is really a part of this beast as was shown back in Chapter 13. But she is now, instead, shown as a rider so that we can see how the arrangement will turn on itself and devour its own religious part! (Rev 17:16) (Also see Jeremiah’s prophecy Jer 51:44)
Thus seen, these three major characters are not quite so confusing. They are all the same, but are viewed three different ways to make three different points.
In Chapter 13 Verse 11 a two horned beast is mentioned as having come up out of the “earth” (organized society, order loving people), this creature is clearly a challenge to its older 10-horned counterpart. History suggests strongly that the English-Irish (two-horns) church-state arrangement fulfilled this symbol.
An “Image of the beast” is also mentioned in Chapter 13. This suggestion is that England’s successful challenge to Rome stimulated the rise of Protestantism. A very careful study of this chapter along with Rev 19:20; 20:10; 16:2 and 13, indicates that this “image” eventually is to be absorbed with the two-horned beast into an entity known as The False Prophet.
The four living ones, the four and twenty elders, the seven spirits, seven angels, and the great multitudes (Yes—there ARE more than one!)—These are all symbolism’s, which demand careful topical study. Such prayerful and careful study will be richly rewarded with understanding.