Revelation Chapter 1, Part 15

Revelation Chapter 1
VERSE 16 “He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.”
Here we would like to present three different views of this verse as each adds a bit more insight.
“In his right hand (the hand of activity and favor) he held (protected and directed) SEVEN STARS (teachers, light bearers, men who would be chosen to be the prime message givers to each of the seven stages of Church history). These men being held by the Lord would be SECURED for their functions.” (New Albany Notes on Revelation)
“The seven stars in the Master’s right hand represent seven special individuals or light-bearers in the Church during its seven phases of development. The fact they are held in his right hand indicates they are in the Master’s favor; that is, under his guidance, protection, and care. The symbol “star” is used today to refer to individuals held in high public esteem, for example, baseball and movie stars. Thus God has appointed His own stars—prominent, faithful, outstanding personages—who are to be esteemed by His people as leaders and instructors.” (The Keys of Revelation)
“The seven stars represent the seven messengers to the seven churches. That they are in his right hand indicates that they are special favored ones who are to bring light to the church. Our Lord would use these individuals at key times and places to reveal his plans and intentions to the church. That they would receive their instruction through the Holy Spirit is indicated by the message at the end of each church, “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit (the Holy Spirit) saith to unto the churches.” The seven stars are mentioned again in Rev 3:1.
The word angel: aggelos (ang’-el-os); from aggello [probably derived from 71; compare 34] (to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an “angel”; by implication, a pastor: KJV– angel, messenger.
From the meaning of the word angel, we can see that the angels or messengers to the churches would not necessarily have to be actual spirit beings, but rather men or pastors who had the responsibility to take care of the church, and to bring them light and spiritual food at the proper time. Each angel or messenger had the responsibility to deliver his message, good or bad, to each stage of the church.” (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin)
“Out of his mouth: that is to say from his teachings, a TWO-EDGED SWORD: The Bible and the Holy Spirit which emanates from it to discern the heart and separate the elect from the non-elect. See Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12; Psa. 149:6. The fact that it is two-edged seems to say that it is not a respecter of one side of an issue, but cuts equally in all directions.” (New Albany Notes on Revelation)
“Obviously, this description is symbolic. Messiah’s words are not one-sided, not merely directed against sin in one class; his words are sharp and cut in every direction, reproving sin when found in his most earnest followers as well as in his enemies. The doctrinal sword coming from his mouth signifies the risen Redeemer would send strong, penetrating messages to the Church during this Gospel Age.” (The Keys of Revelation)
“The two edged sword that comes out of his mouth, represents the Old and the New Testament truths. See Isa 11:4, and Psa 149:6 for some Old Testament examples of the use of a sword and how it represents truth. We also have: Isa 49:2) “He has made my mouth like a sharp sword, in the shadow of His hand He has concealed me; and He has also made me a select arrow, He has hidden me in His quiver.” (NAU) The word mouth in the above verse can mean words or speech.
In Heb 4:12 and Eph 6:17, we also find the term “sword” described as “the word of the Lord”. That this is a two edged sword of God’s word, fits very well with the fact that God’s word has two edges, both the old and new testament.” (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin)
“Face = favor. Jesus’ favor will enlighten, warm, cheer, and cause growth in his Church like the sun in its blazing glory. The sun represents the Gospel. Jesus’ favor will bless with a blazingly bright Gospel. Note: Verses 12-17 show an enormously sobering PRESENCE. The totality of this vision brings John to the ground. Keeping the totality in mind is equally important to analyzing the pieces. Each piece strengthens us in some way. The total makes us worship.” (New Albany Notes on Revelation)
“The risen Lord, elevated to and henceforth dwelling in the light that no man can approach—namely, on the very highest plane of existence in the presence of God—has himself been transformed and now radiates a glory like unto his Father (Heb. 1:2, 3, 13). This text is also a reminder of Paul’s description of the great light he saw in route to Damascus, which represented the glorified Lord shining above the brightness of the sun at noonday (Acts 26:12–18).” (The Keys of Revelation)
“That his face “shines as the sun” represents the full gospel message that is going to save not only the church but it is going to provide the salvation of the New Covenant to the world. The shining of his face is similar to the shining of Moses’ face, after he received the Law Covenant.” (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin)
We will continue with Verse 17 in our next post.