Revelation Chapter 1, Part 18

Revelation Chapter 1
VERSE 19 “Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.” (NKJV)
“In Verse 19, John is told to write down the things that “he has seen”, and “the things that are”, and “the things that are about to transpire, after these” (Diaglott). We are going to be given information in the book of Revelation about God’s plan, as it was before, during, and after John’s time. The book of Revelation shows us the plan of God, and who Christ is and what he did for the church and the world.” (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin)
“Write therefore the things which thou sawest, and the things which are, and the things which shall come to pass hereafter.” (Rev 1:19 ASV)
The literal John was to WRITE. The symbolic John (i.e. the Church) is to CONSIDER. (Contrast this with Rev 10:4 “Write not,” which means DO NOT CONSIDER, do not get involved in). To write symbolizes for us to consider and to publish or proclaim the results of that consideration
The word THEREFORE is so VERY important but unfortunately, is missing in the KJV.
It has much more meaning to the John class than it did to the Apostle John. It means, of course, “BECAUSE OF THIS.”
BECAUSE Jesus will walk amid the Churches;
BECAUSE he will function as our priest;
BECAUSE his heart is devoted to Divine service;
BECAUSE he is pure and to be venerated and has all the wisdom of judgment;
BECAUSE he walked the narrow way successfully;
BECAUSE his voice will be heard echoing throughout the age from many sources;
BECAUSE his favor is strengthening light;
BECAUSE he is the totality of authority and through sacrifice has gained life which he purposes to channel to others.
BECAUSE of all of this, WRITE! (Consider!)
WRITE (consider) what you saw in the past (in the life of Jesus the man);
WRITE the things that are (the marvelous introduction of Jesus —the Revelation of Jesus Christ); and
WRITE (consider) what is about to happen after these things (after you have considered his life and his new station as the unseen head of the Church.). New Albany Notes on Revelation
“Our Lords statement, “and the things which will take place AFTER this“, shows that the fulfillment of Revelation was due to start happening, shortly after the vision began.
In other words the events portrayed were going to occur throughout the entire age, NOT just at the beginning (as many of our preterist friends would have us believe) nor only at its end (as many of our futurist friends would have us believe), but rather the events mentioned would occur all throughout the age. (Compare with Rev 1:1)
When we look at Revelation we see events portrayed in the book that stretch historically all throughout the entire gospel age, which show us not only the rise of the Antichrist (the apostate church), but likewise its eventual downfall, and the triumph of the true church. We see the false church system drunk with the power and the murder of the saints, and we see God’s vengeance and retribution come against it, and destroys it.” (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin: Edited)
VERSE 20 “The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.”
Jesus is kind at the outset to show how he wants to make the obscure plain to those who seek (those who write and consider). This is a blessed beginning. With all of the “mystery” which is to follow, this verse brings the hope and expectation that he will EXPLAIN the mysteries (in their “due time”). Here he makes the initial symbols plain:
Are the seven messengers (angels) which will serve,
The seven stages of the Church—the light of the world until Jesus arises like the sun with healing in his beams. (See Matt. 5:14; John 3:19; I Tim. 3:15)
Note specifically the two items he chooses to emphasize! (i.e. the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands).
Our success depends upon our heeding the message of our angel, and of course upon our knowing just where we are in history so as to identify him. (A careful examination of each message consecutive, seal and trumpet will greatly aid us in determining just who precisely the angel was to each stage of the church). New Albany Notes on Revelation
Thus we conclude the Introduction to the Seven Churches and in our next post will begin our look at the Introduction to the Seven Seals.