How to study the book of Revelation, Part 19
The Twenty Four Elders
The following is presented in support of our fifth and final view that the 24 elders represent the 24 divisions of the Old Testament Scriptures.
“The identity of these elders is considered by some brethren to be a reference to the office of the Church’s priesthood, and by others as a reference to the books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
A quick glance at the title page of Lesser or like English translations of the Hebrew Bible will show that the Jews know their scriptures as the “24 Books,”
An exhaustive topical comparison in the book of Revelation seems to say that the 24 elders are, indeed, the writings of the Old Testament.
Note the following summary of the characteristics, actions, position etc., of the 24 elders:
Rev. 4:4
They are ON THRONES —positions of judgment; the words of the prophets are the standards of judgment under the law. Their thrones surround God’s throne —they are satellites or extensions of His judgment. They are IN WHITE —they are pure. They wear GOLDEN CROWNS ON THEIR HEADS —that is, their thoughts (words) are given Divine Authority; this is what we normally call INSPIRATION.
Rev. 4:10
They FALL DOWN and WORSHIP —the testimony of the Scriptures uniformly gives adoration and praise to the Father.
They CAST THEIR CROWNS before the throne. Despite hymnbook theology which attributes this to the saints, there is a better symbology here. The saints are admonished not to lose their crowns; it is unlikely they will cast them away. The casting of these crowns before the Father seems to say that these elders recognize that the sole purpose for their Divine authority is to glorify God. (The beasts of Chapters 12 and 13 also have crowns, but not of gold; it is not authority from God. Nor do they cast them off!)
Rev. 5:5
Since John represents the Church in the flesh, it is significant that the elder addresses John —just as the O.T. scriptures teach the Church. It here comforts John by identifying Messiah in terms from the O.T. writings. Jesus ADMONISHED that he be identified in this manner when he sent to John the Baptist saying, “What do you see?”
The Church KNEW Jesus was Messiah BECAUSE he fulfilled the scriptural details as spoken in and through the O.T. scriptures.
Rev. 5:6
The Lamb stands in the midst of the elders. Jesus knew, lived by, quoted, and was identified by the prophecies (which spoke of him).
Rev. 5:8
Each elder has a harp —harmonious teachings; each of the prophecies is harmonious within itself and among its neighbors. Each has a golden bowl (Divine container) of incense (praise). These are said to be the “prayers of the saints.”
Indeed, the prayers of saints are based, not on want, preference, or personal ideas, but on the promises and the spirit gleaned from the Holy Scriptures.
Rev. 5:9
The 24 elders, along with the 4 living ones (God’s 4 attributes), sing a new song —a song newly realized at the beginning of the Gospel Age: who the lamb is, and what he has done.
Here it is IMPERATIVE TO NOTE that the KJV is wrong in its translation. It is NOT “redeemed us” or “made us” or “we shall reign”; it IS “made THEM” and “THEY will reign.” (See the Margin in the NKJV)
The 24 elders are speaking about someone other than who they themselves represent; they are speaking about the Church. The O.T. DOES give this testimony concerning the saints.
Rev. 5:11
Here again, the 24 elders (the O.T. scriptures) join with others in the heavenly realm to testify the worthiness of the lamb.
Rev. 5:14
Just as God’s attributes concur that it is the Lamb’s right and opportunity now to take over, the 24 elders fall in adoration of the idea.
Rev. 7:11
This lesson is similar to that of the last two quoted.
Rev. 7:13-17
In Rev 7:9 John sees a group IN ADDITION to the 144,000 which he has just witnessed in its completed state.
In Rev 7:13, one of the elders asks John, WHO ARE THESE?
While this COULD be a rhetorical question to see if John knows about this group, it seems more likely that this is an honest question. The subject of the Great Multitude is hidden deeply in the types and symbols of the Old Testament. It is not unlikely that the Old Testament would, on the surface, say, “This is new; I don’t know anything about it.” John, however, protests.
It is as if he says, “Stop and think carefully; you DO KNOW.” At this point, the elder can honestly testify: “Oh, Yes!” And he begins to expound THE OLD TESTAMENT facts concerning this group.
Rev. 11:16
Once the beginning of the reign is announced (Rev 11:15), the prophecies concur with the announcement and give the details concerning the characteristics of that reign. The focus of all the O.T. is the kingdom, and no greater worship can happen toward God than the final fulfillment of those predictions.
Rev. 14:3
Who is singing here is not clear. Verse two mentions the harpists which COULD be the elders (see Rev 5:8). But Verse 3 has the elders HEARING the song along with the 4 Living Ones.
It MAY BE that the 144,000 are the ones singing since it is clear that they CAN learn the song. If so, the Church is singing the WHOLE STORY, the FINISHED MYSTERY, which they have learned from God (the throne) and his attributes (the 4 Living Ones) and the elders (the O.T. prophecies). Thus, they sing to these in appreciation.
Rev. 19:4
Once again similar to Rev 5:11, 14 and 7:11
The abundance of the testimony of these texts points strongly to the 24 elders being the O.T. writings. To the Jewish mind, 24 will immediately bring the response: The Holy Scriptures. Their response is probably the basis of this symbolism.
It is interesting to note that the FINAL appearance of these 24 elders is in Rev. 19: 4 —still the Harvest period. If they represented the office of the Church, would they not be ESPECIALLY mentioned in Chapters 20-22 —the Millennial chapters when the Church comes into glory? (New Albany Notes of Revelation, Appendix B, #68)
Although I myself favor this view that the 24 elders represent the 24 divisions of the Old Testament Scriptures I must admit that the former view has its merits, nevertheless I believe both the scriptures and reason support this last view even more. Understand this is not something that need cause division amongst the brethren as regardless of which particular view one holds it has no bearing on one’s salvation.