Revelation Chapter 4, Part 9
VERSE 6 continued, “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.”
IN THE CENTER AND AROUND THE THRONE: (See note following Rev 4:4).
These “creatures” are totally engulfing BECAUSE they represent God’s attributes. We cannot look at God; we cannot comprehend Him; but by these four very basic parts of His character —the things we see as totally engulfing the Father (i.e. the things which exemplify his very being) it is only then that —we can truly “see” (or perceive) Him.
We will try past this point never to allude to these four again as “creatures,” but rather as LIVING ONES which is not only the correct translation, but a very important part of understanding what these four represent. God is NOT created, nor His four attributes. In this sense, the word “creature” is totally misleading. It does, certainly, improve on the KJV’S “Four Beasts!”
Remember, there ARE no creatures. These are SYMBOLS representing God’s basic attributes (WISDOM, JUSTICE, POWER, and LOVE). These are VERY ALIVE attributes —attributes, which function constantly and in total harmony. However, just as there are not 24 Elders as (literal) beings, there, likewise, are not four living ones as (literal) beings.
This is VERY CLOSE to the name which God, Himself, gives Himself. Yahweh, the great I AM, the Existing One, the Living One, is throughout the Bible referred to with the preface (in some form) of LIVING. A few examples: Deut. 5:26; 2 Kings 19:4, 16; Psalm 42:2 and 84:2; Isa. 37:4, 17; John 6:57, 69; II Cor. 3:3; Rev. 7:2; Ruth 3:13; I Sam. 14:39, 45; Jer. 4:2; 12:16; 16:15; Rev. 4:9, 10; 5:14; 10:6; 15:7; etc. HE is the ONE GREAT LIVING ONE; these FOUR LIVING ONES ARE God’s character. The number Four symbolizes universality. These four Living Ones symbolize the universality of God’s character as expressed in the terms of His character which we can DISCERN when we look at His works.
Eyes represent wisdom. While WISDOM is one of the four attributes, all of the attributes are wisdom applied. God is omniscient. The eyes in front and behind show the lack of need for change (Jas. 1:17) in God whose former works only supply the groundwork for His coming works. (Acts 15:18 KJV)
(These attributes, though they are “in the middle and around the throne” might, by extension, also be thought of as before the throne since God’s attributes SERVE to explain Him to all who approach. This seems implied in Verse 8. However, it is probably not so stated since God is not a servant of God.).” New Albany Notes on Revelation
“There have been different meanings given by others for these four living creatures, such as four covenants or the four gospels, but we favor the traditional understanding of wisdom, love, justice and power. We believe that we have a scripture from the Old Testament (Psa 89:13, 14) that tells us what they are.
“You have a strong arm; your hand is mighty, your right hand is exalted. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; loving-kindness and truth go before you.”
God’s throne is being supported by those four principles, and we believe that they are in perfect balance. In the above Psalm, the words strong and mighty would signify “power”. Righteousness and justice, represent “justice”. The word loving-kindness shows us “love”. Last but not least we have truth, which would point to “wisdom”. (Revelation Notes: Southern Wisconsin)
As explain in The Keys of Revelation
The Common Version translation of the words “four beasts” (Greek zöon) and “four living creatures” (Hebrew chai, Ezek. 1:5) should be rendered more properly “four beings” or “four living ones.”
In Ezekiel (Chapters 10, 11, and 41) they are also styled “cherubims”; in Isaiah (Chapter 6), “seraphims.” However, the terms “seraphim” and “cherubim” are synonymous, having a direct etymological connection. Wherever mentioned as such in Scripture, these four living ones are essentially the same beings. Any seeming discrepancy of detail merely accentuates various aspects of their operation, and was intentionally inserted by the Holy Spirit for reasons peculiar to the scene and the theme of each vision.
In their activity throughout Holy Writ, the four living ones occupy a unique and most honored position in their association with Deity. In Verse 6 there is a deep significance to the expression “in the midst of the throne.” Surely the four beings are not within the chair itself, for God is the sole occupant of that chair. Rather, these four entities play a most important role at the very core of the symbolic vision, that is, “in the midst of” the throne scene. Their close proximity to the seat of Jehovah implies a direct and significant relationship.
For a proper understanding of Verse 6, it is essential to review the symbolic vision of God that Moses and the nobles of Israel saw at Mount Sinai (Exod. 24:9,10). There they beheld a paved work (or pavement) of sapphire, which upheld God’s throne. Described as “the body of heaven in his [its] clearness,” the platform resembled a large block or flooring of ice, and it was the color of the sky throughout; indeed, it was as though the platform were frozen atmosphere, the body (firmament—see Gen 1:6–8) of heaven in its clearness.
Additional information is furnished by the Prophet Ezekiel, who reveals the supporting function of the four living ones; namely, the heavenly floor or platform upon which the Creator’s throne stood was, in turn, supported from beneath by four symbolic cherubim. (See Note at bottom of page.)
“And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above. . . . And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne” (Ezek. 1:22, 26).
NOTE: The lively action and HIGHLY FIGURATIVE TERMINOLOGY used in describing the cherubim and their actions SHOULD NOT be understood to indicate that they represent actual living personalities—literal spiritual beings or “super-angels”—who somehow support God’s throne. Emphatically not!
Jehovah is thoroughly capable of sustaining His work and doing His entire good pleasure. “I am God, and there is none else” (Isa. 46:9). He needs no helping hand. What the cherubim do represent are the four basic attributes of character that underlie ALL of God’s actions and upon which His throne or government is established.
We will continue once again with Verse 6 in our next post.
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