The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Part 2
As was mentioned in our previous post the baptism of the holy spirit came upon the Church at Pentecost and as such has continued with us even unto this day.
To be baptized in the holy spirit is to be baptized into Jesus Christ, and to be baptized into Jesus Christ is to be baptized into his death.
Even as the Apostle so states in Rom 6:3-5:
“Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.”
So what does it mean to be baptized into Jesus Christ?
Many view this as being baptized into water, but one is baptized (immersed) in the water every time he takes a bath, and many are baptized into water who were never baptized into Christ, and the text says nothing about water anyway. Surely everyone can see that it is one thing to be baptized into water, and another matter entirely to be “baptized into Jesus Christ.” The expression “into Jesus Christ” signifies “membership into the body of Christ,” which is the church.
Thus to be baptized into Jesus Christ is to be JOINED TO THE BODY of Christ.
It should be noted that baptism into Jesus Christ PRECEDES our baptism in the holy spirit.
Nor are we baptized in the holy spirit, each INDIVIDUALLY, it is only as we are joined to the body of Christ, baptized into his death, share in his baptism that we are we baptized in the holy spirit.
Once again turning to the Tabernacle picture and the consecration of the priesthood we see this fact illustrated.
“And you shall take the anointing oil and pour it on his (Aaron’s) head, and anoint him.” (Exod 29:7)
“Under the law, the anointing was the ceremony by which the priest were installed in their service, they were anointed to their office with a peculiar ointment called the ‘Holy Anointing Oil’, used upon none but the priest, and unlawful for anyone else to have or to make (Exod 30:25-33, 38).This oil typified the Holy Spirit of adoption whereby we, the real ‘Royal Priesthood’, are sealed as sons of God. Only the consecrated ones, the priest, are ever to be thus anointed.”
“The anointing oil was poured ONLY upon the head of the High Priest.
The under-priests were not anointed individually. They were recognized as members of the high priest’s body, and received their anointing only in him as their head, hence also the antitypical priest are merely partakers of the Spirit of Christ baptism in the holy spirit, and only those who are IN Christ Jesus are partakers of this anointing, the anointing which seal’s all those who will be recognized as the heirs of God’s promises, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ their Lord.” Eph 1:13, 14; 4:30
Thus it is that any claims by any who have not been joined to the body of Christ by means of a full consecration and or covenant arrangement with the Father (Psa 50:5) claims of being either baptized (anointed) in the holy spirit or in any way under its guidance in any form or fashion are false, and any teachings of such individuals should be avoided or at least suspect.
“The oil ‘ran down… to the skirts of his (the High Priest’s) garments’ (Psa 133:2), thus representing how all the members joined to Christ’s body are to be partakers of the same anointing after their head.
“The anointing which you have received OF HIM abides in you.” (1 John 2:27) This oil began to reach the body on the Day of Pentecost and has flowed on down throughout this gospel age, anointing all who are truly baptized into Christ, constituting them, with their head, kings and priest unto God, to reign a thousand years. Rev 20:6
So what of water baptism?
“Water baptism is not the door into the Church. It is not a baptism unto repentance for the remission of sins. It is not a baptism of the Spirit, not a baptism of fire. Water baptism is the symbol of our baptism into death, as stated in our text: “Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death (made participators in his death)?” Water baptism is a picture of our being planted together in the likeness of His death, and of our being raised again in the likeness of His resurrection. Water baptism is a demonstration, a public witness, of our full consecration to God, a consecration even unto death.”
This is the central point although water baptism is only a symbol or outward sign of our baptism into Jesus Christ and into his death, there nevertheless is a literal application as well. Unfortunately most only see the part about our participating in the Lord’s resurrection as the literal. The part about our participating in his death they believe to be merely symbolic, for what possible advantage says they would it be for us to participate in his death? What could we possibly contribute?
In our next post we will attempt to answer these questions.