Who will survive Armageddon? Part 15

In our previous post we mention how Elijah would come prior to the great and dreadful day of the Lord (the Day of Vengeance) NOT the literal Elijah, but the antitypical Elijah, the real or greater Elijah the true Church in the flesh and that as such they would fail in their efforts at turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers and so as was prophesied by the Prophet Malachi the Lord would come and “strike the earth with a curse”, the great tribulation mentioned by our Lord.
Having this picture of Elijah (the antitypical Elijah) before our minds we are interested in determining what may be the final sequence of events which are to lead to the separation and translation of the last of the “little flock” this side of the vail from those of their companions the great company or “tribulation saints” who will enter the great tribulation at the end of this age.
Once again it may help to get an overall picture of events unfolding here at the end of the age and where specifically this particular event may take place. The following is lists of some of these events which the scriptures elude to which are shortly to take place.
Two points need to be made here in regards to this list, 1) the exact order of events listed is not positive it is merely a suggestion based upon scripture, and 2) it is important to keep in mind that many of these events may have duel applications (i.e. have both a literal and symbolic application), and or like the seven seals, trumpets and plagues may run concurrently one with another with each reaching its full completion or fulfillment at different times.
We believe the first several of these are already in their beginning stages.
Number 1 the great socialist revolution is already beginning however this is only the opening stages the peaceful part, later when this event reaches its critical stage it will turn extremely violent leading to anarchy. Number 2 has been in the process for some time with the people in general withdrawing their support of Babylon. Number 3 although presently in its early stages will have a much greater application during the Hour of Trial, while Number 4 may very well be the next prophetic event we are to look for.
1) The Great Earthquake
2) The drying up of the Euphrates, making way for the kings that come from the east
3) Elijah smiting the Jordan
4) The Israeli war of Psalms 83
5) Israel’s abandonment, all her lovers forsaking her
6) The “Hour of Trial”, and of “Lying wonders” (This period of time will most likely involve the next four events)
7) Breath of life given to the image of the beast, and the arrival of the False Prophet
8) The confederacy or federation
9) Three unclean spirits
10) The Chariot of fire and Elijah taken up by a whirlwind into heaven
11) “It is done” the completion of the Church
12) Silence in heaven
13) Elisha takes the mantle of Elijah and smites the waters
14) The complete destruction of Babylon
15) Gog and Magog
16) Jacobs Trouble
17) The harvest of the vine of the earth
18) The release of the “four winds”
19) The beast that was, is not, and is to come again
20) Armageddon
Remember to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Those who chose to bury their heads in the sand believing these things are still a long way off have no idea where precisely they are on the stream of time and how quickly these things may come about.
Now is not the time to sleep brethren events are even now unfolding all around us which only those fully awake are able to properly comprehend. Those caught slumbering; the “foolish virgins” (Matt 25: 8) will soon note their predicament that they have insufficient “oil” in their lamps and that these are fading, flickering, going out, not producing enough light to see the path before them (the unfolding of prophetic events), and so will be caught unawares of certain things until almost too late.
Remember the words of our Lord in respects to this, the Day of his presence:
“IN THOSE DAYS before (prior to) the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage right up to the day when Noah went into the ark (right up to the day when the Great Storm erupts). They were unaware of what was happening until the flood came and swept all of them away. That’s how it will be when the Son of Man comes (during the *apokalupsis stage of his presence when he is revealed in fire to the entire world in the great time of trouble).” Matt 24:38, 39 ISV
*See the thread, “Earth, Created to stand forever” Post # 232
This text is a warning to us that although each day may appear perfectly normal, one day even as the next and though it appears that, “all things continue as they have from the beginning of creation.” (2 Pet 3:4), don’t be fooled, once the before mentioned events begin to unfold the storm will be upon us sooner than you think.
“For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord (the apokalupsis stage) so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then SUDDEN destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.” (1 Thess 5:2-6)
However here in this particular study we will be jumping in at Number 10 on our list, “The Chariot of fire and Elijah taken up by a whirlwind into heaven”, this event is one of those we believe takes place during the “Hour of Trial”.
By this time with all power signs and lying wonders at his disposal Satan will have fully initiated his last ditch efforts in deception in order to deceive and if possible stumble the very elect, failing in this endeavor he will then attempt to destroy these individuals, and thus in his mind’s eye foil the divine intention, the completion of the body of Christ, and the plan of the God.
Continued with next post.