How to study the book of Revelation, Part 28

Prophetic Utterances of the Twenty-four Elders
(As taken from the Keys of Revelation, Appendix 12, edited)
Twenty-four Elders (Books)
Josephus and the Latin church fathers mention a division of the Old Testament sacred canon into twenty-two books, corresponding with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. But there is not sufficient evidence that such a division obtained among the Jews themselves. Jerome includes Ruth with Judges, and Lamentations with Jeremiah, numbering twenty-two books; yet in his preface (Prologus Galeatus) to Kings, he admits that quite a few others considered Ruth and Lamentations as separate books to be included in the Hagiographa, bringing the total to twenty-four books.
The accepted Jewish canon is divided into three parts comprising the following books:
THE PENTATEUCH (the Law or Torah) consisting of 5 books
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
THE PROPHETS (Nebiim) consisting of 8 books
(The Earlier) Historical
1. Joshua
2. Judges
3. 1&2 Samuel
4. 1&2 Kings
(The Later) Major
5. Isaiah
6. Jeremiah
7. Ezekiel
8.The Twelve
THE HOLY WRITINGS (Kethubim or Hagiographa) consisting of 11 books. Thus, the sacred canon consists of twenty-four rolls in all.
1. Psalms
2. Proverbs
3. Job
The Five Rolls
4. The Song of Songs
5. Ruth
6. Lamentations
7. Ecclesiastes
8. Esther
9. Daniel
10. Ezra-Nehemiah
11. 1 & 2 Chronicles
To facilitate a comparison, the following Scriptures are cited in the order that the twenty-four books (elders) are listed.
1. The seed of woman will crush the serpent’s head (Gen. 3:15).
“I will make of thee a great nation” (Gen. 12:1–3,7).
“A father of many nations have I made thee” (Gen. 17:3–8).
The antitypical Joseph is set over all the land of “Egypt” (Gen. 41:41–44).
The people are gathered unto Shiloh (Gen. 49:10).
2. Israel will yet see, on a grander scale than previously, “that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians” (Exod. 14:27–31).
“The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exod. 40:34).
3. The Jubilee year is proclaimed throughout all the land (earth) (Lev. 25:8–13).
4. The shout of a king (Jesus) is heard in Israel’s midst (Num. 23:21–24).
Israel “shall eat up the nations,” its “enemies” (Num. 24:5–9).
A Star (Jesus) is to come out of Jacob, a scepter out of Israel (Num. 24:17–19).
5. A prophet like unto Moses is to be raised up (Deut. 18:15,19).
6. The siege and fall of Jericho (Christendom) are to occur (Josh. 6:1–21).
7. A victory follows the work of Gideon (Christ) and the three hundred (Judges 7).
Samson pulls down the Dagon temple pillars (Judg. 16:23–30).
8. A victory follows the slaying of Goliath (1 Samuel 17).
9. Every man will dwell safely under his own vine and fig tree in Solomon’s (Jesus’) reign (1 Kings 4:20–25).
10. All nations flow unto the mountain of the Lord’s house (Isa. 2:2–4).
The government will be upon Jesus’ shoulder (Isa. 9:6, 7; 11:1–10; 32:1–4; 35).
11. The righteous Branch (Jesus) will rule (Jer. 23:5–8).
The promise and New Covenant will go into effect (Jer. 31:31).
12. When the sanctuary is in Israel’s midst, the heathen shall know God (Ezek. 37:27, 28).
God is to be known in the eyes of all nations (Ezekiel 38; 39).
13. Judah is to be saved by the Lord (Hos. 1:7).
God will make a safety covenant with Israel and “break . . . the battle out of the earth” (Hos. 2:18).
Joel 2; 3
Amos 9:11–15
Obad. 17,21
Jonah 1:4–16 (Luke 11:29–32)
Micah 4; 7:16–20
Nah. 1:15
Hab. 2:14,20
Zeph. 3:8–20
Hag. 2:6–9,21–23
Zech. 2:10–13; 3:8–10; 6:12–15; 8:3–8,20–23; 12; 14
Mal. 1:11; 3:4,5; 4:1–3
14. Christ’s victorious Kingdom is to be established (Psa 2).
“Be still, and know that I am God: . . . I will be exalted in the earth” (Psa. 46:10).
“Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth” (Psa. 67:4).
Solomon’s reign is a type of Christ’s (Psa 72, etc.).
15. “The upright shall dwell in the land, . . . but the wicked shall be cut off” (Prov. 2:21, 22).
“The candle of the wicked shall be put out”; fear Jehovah and King Jesus (Prov. 24:20, 21).
King Lemuel prophetically describes the Church as a good wife (Prov. 31:1,10–31).
16. Job will be called forth from death (Job 14:13–15).
The Redeemer is to stand upon the earth “at the latter day” (Job 19:25).
The latter end of Job (the Church) will be more blessed than the beginning (Job 42:12).
17. Daughters of Zion (the Church) behold King Solomon (Jesus) with the crown (Song of Sol. 3:11).
18. Boaz (Christ) marries Ruth the Moabitess (the Gntile Church) (Ruth 4:13).
19. “Great is thy faithfulness”—Israel was not cast off forever (Lam. 3:22–31).
20. “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked” (Eccles. 3:17; 8:12, 13). “God shall bring every work into judgment” (Eccles. 12:14).
21. Esther (the Church) wins the beauty contest and marries King Ahasuerus (Christ) (Esther 2:17).
Feast of Purim commemorates Jews’ victory over Haman (a prototype of Hamon-gog in Ezek 39:11) (Esther 9:24–28).
22. The God of heaven will set up a Kingdom (Dan. 2:44).
The saints of the Most High are to possess the Kingdom (Dan. 7:18,22, 27).
23. Ezra (type of Christ as Priest) obtains from King Artaxerxes (type of Jehovah) a decree to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 7:11–28).
Nehemiah (type of Christ as King) obtains from Artaxerxes (type of Jehovah) a decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem (Neh. 2:5, 6).
24. David (type of The Christ in the flesh) is to be succeeded by Solomon (type of The Christ in glory). Solomon is anointed a second time (after the death of David) and sits as governor on the throne (1 Kings 2:10–12; 1 Chron. 29:22).
For more on the “Twenty Four Elders” see Part 17 of this study, Here.