Daniel Chapter 12, Part 2

Daniel Chapter 12
VERSE 1 continued “At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book.”
With respects to the question as to why the professing church is opposed to the thought that Michael was the Logos or what not, from my own observation, i.e., through various conversations and correspondences with others the difficulty is not in regards to accepting Michael as the Logos, as most believers have little understanding as to who the Logos is in the first place, nor is the difficulty found in our Lord being referred to as a “prince”, but the true problem is in accepting the fact that in his prehuman existence our Lord was an angel (a spirit being), let alone his being the archangel Michael.
Let us first clear up what or to whom the word Logos applies for those unfamiliar with this term. The word “Logos” meaning the scheme of things, or plan applies to our Lord in the chief sense in that, he is the very embodiment of God’s plan, the Divine Plan.
Dr. A. Clarke a Methodist theologian and Biblical scholar remarks: “This term (Logos) should be left untranslated, for the very same reasons why the names Jesus and Christ are left untranslated. As every appellative of the Savior of the world, was descriptive of some excellence in his person, nature, or work, so the epithet Logos, which signifies a word spoken, speech, eloquence, doctrine, reason, or the faculty of reasoning, is very properly applied to him.”
“In the beginning was the Logos [the Word] …” (John 1:1)
As proof that this is in reference to our Lord, we simply scan down to Verse 14 where we read:
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
But what about this idea that our Lord was an angel?
This is mostly due to being indoctrinated into the erroneous theory of the Trinity, for how say they could God who created all things, angels included, be an angel himself?
First of all, God did not create the angels, he willed their existence and so it was, but He himself did not perform this work of creation, that was the work appointed to the Logos.
As it is written: “ALL THINGS were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:3)
“…For in him were ALL THINGS CREATED, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible (spirit beings, a.k.a. angels), whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him; and he is before all things (all created things), and in him all things consist.” (Col 1:15-17)
However, it should ever be kept in mind that the power by which our Lord exercised this work of “creating all things” as well as all the various miracles he performed while in the flesh came by way OF the Father (His power or spirit) working BY or through him.
As our Lord stated: he could do nothing of himself–“The Father that dwells in me, He doeth the works.” (John 5:19 and 14:10)
God’s only direct personal creation was in the creation of the Logos himself, as our Lord himself attested.
“‘These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.’” (Rev 3:14)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning AND the End (the first and the last direct creation of God),” says the LORD (says my Father), “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8,11)
For a more through look into this please see our blog post entitled, “Was our Lord a created being?”
The word angel is the translation of words meaning, “messenger” or “agent” (Young’s); “messenger” (Strong’s), that is one who carries a message or an errand of another. These may be spirit or human creatures. The Lord himself fulfilled both of these tasks and likewise both while as a spirit being and a human being.
All angels perform such task, however as stated there has been only two archangels, Lucifer and the Logos. The word “archangel” implies a chief or principal angel, one superior to others. In the case of these two archangels, the Logos was likewise superior in that he was the one who created his counterpart Lucifer.
As for our Lord in is prehuman existence being designated by the name Michael, we see no problem with this. As was stated, the name Michael means “Who as God” that is the one representing God, the “Angel (messenger) of the Lord”, in this instance the “chief or arch messenger” for whom else would the Father have chosen to be his chief messenger, but his only begotten?
Continued with next post.