Daniel Chapter 12, Part 5

Daniel Chapter 12
VERSE 4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end (1799 A.D.); many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Verses 1–3 are one picture, a continuous flow. In Verse 4 Gabriel interrupts, speaking only to Daniel. Then Verse 5 marks the start of a scene change. Therefore, there is no contradiction in saying that the running to and fro and the increase of knowledge happen prior to Jesus’ standing up.
Comment: The running to and fro and the increase of knowledge are merely describing the Time of the End, which began in 1799 A.D.
Reply: Yes.
The continuous flow is Verses 1–3. Then comes an interruption, so Verse 4 should not be mixed in with the first three verses, as many have been doing. Since 1799 A.D. knowledge has been increasing, for very shortly after that date (between 1803-1817) the Bible societies began to flourish. The light of the Bible rubbed off on the world. When the Bible was put in the hands of the people, it had an effect even on the unconsecrated.
“The present increase in knowledge, of inventions, and other blessings are permitted (to a limited degree) to come about in so natural a way that men flatter themselves that it is because of their own wisdom. Many of these blessings unfortunately will help to bring upon the great time of trouble because of man’s depravity and selfishness.”
It is not just knowledge of natural things that have increased, but likewise the knowledge of God’s Word due to the advent of so many Bible societies during this time.
“Running to and fro” could apply to the acquisition of knowledge, through the written word, now made more readily available to the common man in public and private libraries and or it could be in reference to more modern means of acquiring knowledge through radio, television the internet and various social media.
Although we favor the before mentioned interpretation there is however still another possibility in regards to the “running to and fro” taken from Nahum 2:3, 4.
“The shields of his mighty men are made red; the valiant men are in scarlet. The chariots (organizations, movements or possibly in this instance automobiles) come with flaming torches in the day of his preparation (Another name for the “Time of the End“, the days preceding the establishment of the Lord’s kingdom on earth), And the spears are brandished. The chariots rage in the streets, they jostle one another in the broad roads (roadways of commerce, or literally roadways and interchanges); They seem like torches, they run like lightning.”
Comment: The Berean Manual says that because Sir Isaac Newton concluded from Dan 12:4 that sometime in the future men would travel 50 miles an hour, Voltaire referred to him as a “poor old dotard.”
Reply: And Voltaire was a very brilliant person.
Comment: Rev 12:15,16 is tied in with the increase of knowledge: “The serpent cast out of his mouth water (truth on various subjects, the rights of the people and etc.) as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.”
Reply: Yes, out of the mouth of the dragon came forth water to overwhelm the woman in regard to the French Revolution, but that was a different type of knowledge. The Bible did not come out of Satan’s mouth. The Bible was the true water, the rain that came after the 1,260 days in the Elijah picture. Water along political lines came out of the mouth of the Adversary, who thought it would cause “anarchy” with everyone being a free radical in society, but the Bible had a stabilizing influence that curbed Satan’s water.
Thus, there were two kinds of water: one Biblical and one not.
Satan did not want the nominal Church. He used it only because it was expedient to do so way back in the days of Constantine. And he was successful with the policy “If you can’t fight City Hall, join it.” Thus, Satan joined the nominal Church as an angel of light. But he does not want a Christian kingdom—he wants his own kingdom. He uses Mariolatry, for instance, as a lever to introduce new thoughts, and incidentally, Catholics are waiting for her to give a message. The emphasis on Mary is like a rattle that diverts attention away from the Bible. To those who love the Bible, such things are not an attraction but a distraction—just the opposite.
Thus, Daniel was told to “shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: [for] many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
How much has happened since 1799! What a change has taken place!
The “sealed book” referred to here of course is in reference to Daniel’s prophecy concerning the time of the end, the “Little Book”, spoken of in Rev 10:2, which is now open.
We move on to Verse 5 in our next post.