Daniel Chapter 12, Part 9

Daniel Chapter 12
VERSE 10 “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
This period of time covers from 1846 A.D., when the Evangelical Alliance was formed to establish orthodoxy, through the end of the age, a date yet future.
The Evangelical Alliance was a testing period, for those not identified with it were considered a cult. Daniel 12 indicates several times periods, 1846 A.D. being one, and then definite mathematical dates in Verses 7, 11, and 12. Thus the purification process began in 1846 and keeps progressing; it will get down to individuals more and more.
“But the wise shall understand.” In other words, the time periods are important. The correct understanding of the 1,260, the 1,290, and the 1,335 days is almost essential to be in the “wise” class. To have this understanding does not mean one is of the Little Flock, however, but it does mean the individual is enlightened. The implication is that conditions will get worse, and this is needed information.
Notice, “none of the wicked shall understand.”
Why not?
Because they do not attach significance to the understanding. The Apostle Paul said that the natural mind cannot perceive the things of the spirit (1 Cor. 2:14). Thus from 1846 A.D. on is a crucial time, for we are getting nearer and nearer to the end of the age when conditions are like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Are “the wise” in this verse the Little Flock only, or does the term embrace all of the truly consecrated with Harvest truth?
Here “the wise” include all of the truly consecrated. Matthew 25, the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, is another matter.
Can we insert the word “progressively”? “The wise shall [progressively] understand.”
We should continue to expect the unfolding of details of truth right down to the end of the age.
Answer: That is right. Eventually the wise class will narrow down. The Scriptures show that there is an enlightening period, but at the end of the age, the Adversary will deceive ALL but the Very Elect (the Little Flock). Thus, the unfolding of truth is progressive, and then it narrows down to the wise of the wise class, as it were.
A person can be enlightened and then subsequently go into darkness, but not necessarily utter darkness, perdition, as spoken of by the Apostle Jude. The point is that there are different degrees of darkness. Brethren can be instructed—they can understand the instruction—and then not follow it. Thus, the word “wise” has two different senses.
“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried.” This portion of Verse 10 also has a broader application to the truly consecrated. Actually, it even includes the Great Company when they wash their robes in the tribulation. Thus, there are different degrees of wisdom.
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins is very pointed—it talks about the wise of the wise class. We should not forget that the foolish virgins are still of the “wise class,” for they have knowledge of spiritual things and are far above mankind. The purification process goes on. The only difference is that one class ends up as the Little Flock; the other, as the Great Company.
Comment: The Masoretic reads, “Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white.” This wording is a reminder of Rev 7:14.
Comment: If the wicked did understand these prophecies, they could do a lot of damage to the plan of God.
Reply: That principle is shown in Matt 24:43, “But know this, that if the good man of the house [Satan] had known in what watch the thief [Jesus] would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.” In other words, if Satan knew in advance the hour when Jesus would enter his domain, he would converge all of his forces at that time.
That Scripture is usually given an 1874 A.D. application, but that date does not answer the details. The text is discussing the entering of Satan’s “house,” his personal headquarters in earth’s atmosphere. The time when Jesus will invade Satan’s house and bind him is an unknown future (“X”) date. In other words, Satan will be caught off guard. The point is not that Jesus could not handle Satan, but there is an economy of no waste of undue time or effort in accomplishing God’s purpose. The binding of Satan will be done in God’s way at the proper time with a minimum of effort.
We finish up with Verses 11-13 in our next post.