Bible Students and Seventh Day Adventist, Part 33
Now this is only a thought, but perhaps his body will be place in the coffer in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, may perhaps this was what its eventual purpose was all along. Obviously only after it (as well as the rest of the Pyramid) had been completely refurbished and prepared to hold our Lord’s sacrificial body of flesh.
As stated in Brother George Tabac’s discourse, “Isaiah 19 Egypt in Prophecy”
“We believe the unfinished Pyramid of Gizeh will be actually completed in the Mediatorial Kingdom and will be the witness referred to in Isa 19:19, 20. The beautiful white limestone casing stones that were removed will be placed back and for the first time [ever] a Top Stone will cap the edifice to then be an everlasting memorial to symbolize the oneness of the Kingdom of God.”
To those unacquainted the Great Pyramid is believed by many to be the pillar to the LORD, the “stone witness”, spoken of in Isaiah 19, viz.,
“In that day (the Day of the Lord) there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar to the LORD at its border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt…”
The Great Pyramid meets all the requirements of this prophecy.
There are three requirements which must be met, they are:
1) It must be in the midst (middle) of the land of Egypt.
2) It must be at the border of the land of Egypt.
3) It must be a sign and a witness unto the LORD in the day of the LORD.
The third requirement of Isaiah’s prophecy states that it must be a sign and a witness unto the LORD in the day of the LORD. It is generally accepted by students of the Bible that we are now living in THAT day, the times that will witnesses the ushering in of God’s Kingdom as well as see the destruction of the old order, this “present evil world”. Therefore, now is the time for the pillar of Isaiah’s prophecy to be a sign and a witness unto the LORD. (Understandably only those who are awake at this time have taken notice of this sign and witness the rest of the world including the professing church still slumbers and thus the Pyramids witness is hidden from them until their awakening during the Mediatorial reign.)
The word sign in the original Hebrew is the word owth, (oth) Strong’s # 226 a signal or evidence.
The word witness in the original Hebrew is the word ed, (ayd) Strong’s # 5707, which means a testimony or a recorder.
Simply stated, the pillar of Isa 19:19-20 is prophesied to be a signal bearing testimony, or bearing record of the LORD, the God of the Bible, the Creator of the universe.
The word pillar in Isaiah’s prophecy in the original Hebrew is the word matstsebah Strong’s # 4676, which means a memorial stone, a stone commemorating something specific, whether it be a person as in Gen 35:20 or a covenant as in Gen 31:44-48.
The pillar of Isaiah’s prophecy is a memorial stone unto God.
Careful study finds that the Great Pyramid is found to be that memorial stone. It monumentalizes two aspects of God’s knowledge.
1) It bears testimony of God’s knowledge of the universe.
2) It bears record of God’s plan for the salvation of man as He has explained it to us in the Holy Bible.
In its various passages and chambers is depicted the whole divine plan of the ages, from creation, the fall and the recovery of mankind, to the call and the selection of the Church, and as part of the record of God’s plan the Great Pyramid likewise accurately collaborates the biblical testimony of all the various prophecies concerning the “times and the seasons” down to the minutest detail in its précised measurements.
The Granite Coffer sits near the west wall of the King’s Chamber, which is constructed entirely of immense beautifully squared and leveled blocks of dark polished granite, and is the chief apartment in the Great Pyramid, the one “to which, and for which, and toward which, the whole Great Pyramid was originally built.” The coffer is the only movable article of furniture in the building, while it has the appearance of a sarcophagus; it is acknowledged by all competent authorities, even by those who adhere to the tombic theory of the Pyramid, that there is no record of a mummy having been found in it.
But if it is not a sarcophagus, what, then, was it made for?
Continued with next post.