Revelation Chapter 17, Part 4

Revelation Chapter 17
This is her primary sin. The Christian Church is espoused to Christ to be wedded to Him at His return. This woman thought that the interval before that return would be more profitable to her if she lured the world’s leaders into a cooperative union. It would make life easier. Perhaps this is why, of all the denominations, the Roman Catholic Church (and its few “orthodox” companions) is the least interested in the subject of the Lord’s return. The event has to be most embarrassing!
“The harlot of Revelation 17 is in marked contrast to the symbolism of the true Church as a virgin (See Rev 12:1; 14:4). The expression “kings of the earth” in Verse 2 refers not only to rulers of nations but also to financial, political, and other leaders of the people.” (“The Keys of Revelation”, Page 439)
AND THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH: — the people those with a vested interest in retaining a stable society, no matter how corrupt.
WERE MADE DRUNK: — both a mood of unwarranted lack of care, and a disability to discern clearly.
WITH THE WINE OF HER IMMORALITY: — her doctrine of approval of church-state union.
In what way did the harlot make the nations “drunk with the wine of her fornication”?
Mixed wine hastens intoxication. The stupefying draft from her cup of a little truth blended with much error causes spiritual intoxication. False doctrines regarding the relationship of Church and State have been largely responsible for the inebriation. The woman claimed it was her mission to instruct governments in connection with the present rulership of earth—in advance of the Second Advent of Messiah and apart from the Lord.
According to the Scriptures “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4 RSV). Compassion for the world (a virtue) and friendship with the world (working along with the world in the aspects of reforming and/or guiding it) are not synonymous terms. The Christian is to keep himself separate from worldliness.
The false Church teaches the opposite: that it is one of the chief missions of the Church to be the conscience of the world and to direct her communicants and others how to enlighten and uplift society and solve social ills.
But the primary mission of the Church (the True Church) is to “take out…a people for his name” (Acts 15:14). The true Church is called out of the world to have fellowship with Christ, to be in union with the Lord; the purpose IS NOT to go into the world to accomplish social uplift. (Which is exactly what you see when some religious leader or individual decides to enter politics, enter into the worlds affairs. It never works they are either soon corrupted themselves or are dismissed by the rest for not conforming to the worlds standards.)
No matter how noble such efforts may appear to others and may seem to be unquestionably the Lord’s work, this is not the work of the church presently, these things will be fully and successfully accomplished by the church in the next age, “this is the will of God (the work presently given to the church), even YOUR SANCTIFICATION (i.e., setting apart)” 1 Thess 4:3. Nevertheless, it is perfectly good and acceptable in the sight of God that supplication, prayer, intercession, and giving of thanks be made for kings, and for all who are in authority, that Christians may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty (1 Tim 2:1–3).
A distinction should be made here between attempting a social work or uplift of society, some type of moral or religious reform, and the effort to aid society when in need, such as during a crisis or disaster. This latter is perfectly acceptable as it exhibits the Lord’s will that we love our neighbor even as we love ourselves, that we are to do good to all men as we are able. Many fine organizations both religious and non-religious have entered into this type of work.
In what way did the “kings of the earth” commit “fornication” with the woman?
“Christendom,” so-called, stands for Christ’s Kingdom, accordingly, kings and/or nations are referred to as existing “by His [God’s] grace.”
Although used with good intentions, such an expression as “one nation under God” and the Church-State arrangement actually apply to and are suitable for the next age. After the marriage of the Bride and the Lamb, the true Church will be kings and priests, thus combining civil and religious affairs. False doctrine has encouraged nominal Church dignitaries to fraternize with civil government leaders and vice versa. Figuratively speaking, the result has been fornication or illicit intercourse between the Church of Rome and the State.” (“The Keys of Revelation”, Page 439)
We will take a look at Verse 3 in our next post.