How to study the book of Revelation, Part 31

Words and Phrases
(Note: The forgoing as well as much of our studies on Revelation come from The New Albany Studies on Revelation as well as from many other Bible Students works. The real credit is to their work and service for the brethren, but of course most especially from the Father of Lights from whom every good and perfect gift comes.)
Those who dwell on the earth; Peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues; The sea
The above three expressions occur throughout Revelation. A topical consideration of these phrases yields much fruitage. The three expressions are all related and are thus best examined all together, although one at a time. The way they fit together will become evident after consideration of all three.
Throughout scripture, the earth, when used as a symbol, refers to ESTABLISHED SOCIETY. The phrase, THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH, seems to be a symbol for a class of people who have reason to feel at home or comfortable with the present establishment — not that they might not see the need for certain improvements, etc., but that, on the whole, they have ROOTS deep enough in the THINGS OF THIS EARTH that they are not really interested in looking for things, or even permitting things, that threaten the established way of doing things.
Revelation uses this phrase in the following contexts:
Rev. 3:10 – In addressing the Philadelphia stage of the Church, the Lord is aware that Philadelphia has had to put up with an ever-changing look at the Gospel truths. This is the period in which the Reformation has occurred and all of the subsequent little reformations that were rampant after Luther opened the door of religious independence from Rome. The saints were remarkably PATIENT during all of these changes, and the Lord here promises to spare them the additional changes which will occur during the Laodicean Church.
In the Laodicean period, not only would truth itself be clarified further, but challenges to every phase of life would arise — political, economic, philosophical, scientific. And all of this, according to Daniel, would be accompanied by the madness of running to and fro. In Rev. 3:10 it is made clear that all of this “HOUR OF TESTING” was specifically NOT for the saints, but for THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH. It will, of course, have some effect on the saints; but it is NOT FOR the saints. It is to show this poor world — notably those who trust in the things of this world, those who have roots, those who DWELL in the earth — the empty folly of all they hold dear.
Rev. 6:10 – Here we are in the time of the fifth Church, Seal and Trumpet — the time just before the Reformation, the time when Papacy still has pre-eminent control even though the seeds of reformation are being sown. As we learned from Chapter 12, “Michael (here representing the Papacy) and His angels ” use the DRAGON (civil power) as their tools to persecute the Church. Thus, in this prayer in Rev. 6:10, the saints can rightly realize that their (blood) lives have been the victims of THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH — those who had a stake in or roots in the prevailing order. The DRAGON and the followers of Michael (the clergy, those who aided and helped in propagating Papacies doctrines and practices) were all too happy to go along with the status quo and to persecute all and any who voiced opposition to their authority. It was, then, altogether correct to watch for God’s vengeance against this institution (church and state).
Rev. 8:13 – This verse follows the fourth Trumpet’s sounding and strongly proclaims that it will be the effect of the final three trumpets to cause special WOE to those who DWELL ON THE EARTH. Indeed, history is clear that the truths begun in the days of Wycliffe and growing ever since are the truths which had the power to affect society and its operations. Those who dwelt on the earth prior to Wycliffe hardly felt any challenge to their ways of life because the Anti-Christ system (Papacy) was strong enough to suppress the challenges nearly totally. Beginning with Wycliffe, however, the proverbial cat was out of the bag.
Rev. 11:10 – This context is during the sixth Trumpet — most particularly at the end of the 1260 years: the time of the French Revolution. France had suppressed (actually outlawed) religion for 3-½ years. The two witnesses, olive trees, and lamp-stands (the Hebrew and Greek scriptures) were “OVERCOME” (Verse 7). The reaction of THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH is that they rejoice! Religion and the Bible had been their constant enemy. Clearly, however, the Lord does not permit the extinction of His Holy Word (Verse 11).
Rev. 13:8 – Chapter 13 is a history of the rise of the two great non-Protestant apostate churches, Papacy (10 horns) and English Church (2 horns.) Verse 8 shows that THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH are faithful followers of the apostasy. It is in their interest to do so; the established church gives them solidity — ROOTS, and doesn’t challenge their ways of life.
Rev. 13:12 – The Church of England was not on the world scene to challenge Papacy’s doctrine or practice. The Anglican Church was virtually a carbon copy. Thus, the Anglican Church encouraged the continuation of the worship of the 10-horned beast, and not the worship of newly-formed Protestant movements.
Rev. 13:14 – The deception noted here is of THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH. The true saints are NOT DECEIVED by either beast or by the image.
Rev. 14:6 – This is a Harvest-time chapter. When the everlasting Gospel is sent through the earth to gather his elect, it is not restricted. It is sent from “one end of heaven to the other” (Matt. 24:31). The “heavens“, remember, include the apostate heavens. Thus, this Gospel goes to THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH as well as to others.
Rev. 17:2 – The story continues, the apostate church makes drunk THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH; their senses are deadened to her errors of doctrine and practice. The true saints are not so deceived.
Rev. 17:8 – Only THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH (NOT the saints) will wonder (be confused and deceived) regarding this particular beast.
THE PERSONAL LESSON FOR US from this phrase study is that we, if over-comers, will not have roots in this society. We will not feel that the earth (the current ways of doing things) has any charms for us. Our trust will not be in its institutions, economics, politics, religious reforms, etc. We do not dwell on the earth; we merely traverse it as pilgrims.
In our next post we take a look at the phrase “Peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues”