How to study the book of Revelation, Part 33

Words and Phrases
The distinction between the sea and the phrase PEOPLE & MULTITUDES & NATIONS & TONGUES is probably slight just as is the distinction between earth and those who DWELL ON THE EARTH. As the earth represents the establishment, those who dwell on it are those individuals who profit from it, have their hopes and investments in it, and would prefer to see it continue.
The symbol of the sea seems to be that segment of mankind which does not have that loyal attachment to an established way of doing things. The sea, then, represents the entire class which, all together, form that moving, root- less, changeable, unpredictable unit which can, with the right stimulus, erupt into stormy waves. They cannot do this as individuals; they must do it only as a group. Peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues, on the other hand, seems to represent the individuals which make up that sea.
(1) The expression SAND OF THE SEA likely stands alone as a special symbol in itself and will not be examined below in the texts containing the word SEA. The expression dates from the promise to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in which the difference between the heavenly and earthly descendants seems symbolized by the two differing phrases: STARS OF HEAVEN and SANDS OF THE SEA.
When SAND OF THE SEA is used in Revelation, the symbolism is the same. SAND OF THE SEA refers to all man- kind not spirit-begotten; this would include those who dwell on earth and those who are part of the sea. The two uses are as follows:
Rev. 13:1 – The first part of this verse belongs to Chapter 12 and summarizes the conclusion of that chapter. The dragon is stated to make war with the remainder of the woman’s seed (Rev. 12:17). This is the promise that to the end of the age, the civil power will be a real threat to spirit-begotten Christians. Since they will be “at war,” it is clear that the SEED is not (as he would wish) under his control. But he WILL have control over the non-spirit-begotten: “AND HE STOOD ON THE SAND OF THE SEA” (The KJV is poorly translated.) That is, the civil power will control (stand on) the masses of mankind to keep them from getting out of hand. This is an encapsulated version of the entire time of the end. In the time of the end, the world is falling apart, and the powers that be must do all in their power to hold it together. They are ignorant of the incoming kingdom. The Battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16) is, in effect, the final loss of control by the powers that be.
Rev. 20:8 — The only other use of this term in Revelation is here. This is a description of the end of the 1000 years when Satan is loosed for the final deception. Satan here is the same character as we find in Chapter 12 (Compare Rev. 12:9 with Rev. 20:2). In both places CIVIL POWER is what is primarily being symbolized. (We do not EXCLUDE the presence and influence of the personal devil, but the symbol stresses the civil power, not the former Lucifer.)
At this point in history, of course, the STARS OF HEAVEN class are all in heaven — only the earthly seed of Abraham remains on the planet. Notice the interesting similarity of the language of this verse with that of Matt. 24:31. In the Gospel Harvest, his elect (the STAR class) are gathered from the FOUR winds — from one end of HEAVEN (the ecclesiastical heavens) to the other. Rev. 20:8 is almost accurately termed a Harvest of the Millennium in that we are now dealing with the nations in the FOUR corners of EARTH — NOT now the STAR class, but rather the SAND OF THE SEA class. Satan (probably through a new attempt to establish a CIVIL [government or] POWER to replace the Ancient Worthies) will try to deceive this entire SAND class. Hopefully few will follow him.
(2) The expression SEA OF GLASS also occurs twice in Revelation. This expression WILL be treated below in the examination of THE SEA. However, a number of brethren who are fine Revelation scholars do not believe that this phrase is the same as THE SEA. They make some good arguments on behalf of their viewpoint, and it would be good to acknowledge here that this phrase MIGHT, indeed, not be related to the subject of the sea. It will be treated below as though IT IS synonymous with the SEA, but a minimum of the alternative view will first here be presented. *
* Since this writing, we are compelled to agree that “Sea of Glass” is a separate subject from the SEA CLASS. It is surely a reference to the Laver. See reference to Rev 15:2 for clarification of this symbol.
In 1 Kings 7:23 and in 2 Chron. 4:2, the huge laver made for Solomon’s temple is called a sea. The reason is not clear, but it IS the same word as used for the actual ocean. Because Rev. 4:6 is a picture of things surrounding God, the point is well made that this SEA of Solomon is a more likely reference than is the restless masses of humanity. The other occurrence in Revelation (Rev. 15:2) is in its context not so demanding of this explanation. However, Rev. 15:2 is tied to Rev. 4:6 in that these are the two instances of the sea being called a SEA OF GLASS.
The laver, of course, represents that part of the Christian’s calling experience in which he CLEANS UP — a pre-consecration experience. It seems to represent that great body of water we so frequently summarize as THE TRUTH or GOD’S WORD. In Chapter 4, it is easy to see that God’s Word (as a body of water) is appropriate in the picture which includes all those things which do Him service. The symbolism in Rev. 15:2 is not so obvious.
The meaning of GLASSY (or OF GLASS) is usually stated to be TRANSPARENT. This is both harmonious and logical. This meaning SEEMS to be enhanced in Rev. 4:6 by the addition of the explanation LIKE CRYSTAL. (This is missing from Rev. 15:2). Some have felt that LIKE GLASS indicates smoothness. This thought has backing in Revelation also.
Rev. 21:18 and 21 compares the pure gold walls and street of the New Jerusalem to pure or transparent glass. While the word TRANSPARENT is present, it seems out of place while describing gold WHICH IS NEVER TRANSPARENT but which can be ultimately SMOOTH. One possibility is that TRANSPARENT GLASS, much like flawless diamonds, is of great value. The stress would then be on PURITY — a PURE SEA. This seems the most likely meaning as Rev. 22:1 corroborates. In Rev. 22:1 the river of the water of life is described as being as “clear as crystal” — margin: bright as crystal. This would suggest that this river and the laver (SEA OF GLASS LIKE CRYSTAL) are all bodies of water so pure as to sparkle because of their total lack of impurities.
If the above be true, Rev. 15:2 yet needs an explanation.
How is this PURE sea MIXED WITH FIRE?
1 Peter 1:7 gives a clue. Our partaking of the pure waters of truth brings on the trial of our faith by fire (adversity).
Another necessary question:
Why would this laver appear in the introduction of the plagues?
Possibly because the period of the plagues will be the most difficult time of faith trial.
And a third necessary question:
Why do the saints stand on the sea?
(At its initial writing, this question had no answer. The comments on Rev 15:2 as note above, however, answer this all harmoniously.)
END OF IMPORTANT PARENTHETIC DIVERSION — (See comments on Rev 4:6 and 15:2 in our next post for a clearer explanation.)
We continue with our examination of “the sea” in our next post.