How to study the book of Revelation, Part 34

Words and Phrases
THE SEA continued
Rev 4:6 — A SEA OF GLASS LIKE CRYSTAL: This is the name given to the laver in Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 7:23; 2 Chron. 4:2). To tie this symbol to Verse 5 makes ultimate sense. Not only (4:5) does this Holy Spirit’s constant light-bearing serve God’s purpose of judgment, but the Crystal (pure, clear), flawless (like glass), body of truth (water) will always be there as a cleansing place (laver) for those approaching God. Thus, this laver serves God’s purpose throughout the age.
Rev 15:2 — AND I SAW: John now focuses our attention to something else newly appeared beyond the veil — the glorified saints of the first resurrection (Rev 14:13).
A SEA OF GLASS MIXED WITH FIRE: The plagues are one tool of judgment — something ALREADY possessed but given new function. The same is true of this sea of glass — another tool of judgment. The sea of glass makes two appearances in Revelation. It seems NOT to be related to the “sea” class of mankind, but rather to the great laver of the temple. This symbolism fits so much better in Chapter 4 as to preclude any other interpretation. Here, however, at least on the surface, it would seem easier to use the sea to represent the masses of mankind. Consistency, however, requires a deeper examination which proves a blessing.
Revelation uses the SEA in the following contexts:
Rev. 4:6 – This is the so-called THRONE SCENE. We stand at the opening of the Gospel Age. The immediate question to be asked of those who claim that SEA here is restless humanity is:
Why is restless humanity mentioned in a list with the seven spirits, the four living creatures, and the 24 elders, etc., etc.?
There IS a good answer. This list of things which stand before or about God MAY BE a list of the instrumentalities which He will use as His tools during the ensuing age. The sea, while it seems out of place in this list, IS, indeed, prophetically one of His major tools. If this be the case, the GLASSY SEA would here refer to the calm, smooth condition of humanity at the time of the first advent. The world was then in what has come to be known as the PAX ROMANO — the Peace of Rome: an unparalleled 200-year span of peace.
Rev. 5:13 – This verse is PROBABLY a statement of the RESULT of the work of the Lamb throughout the Gospel Age as the Millennium begins. It seems difficult to interpret this verse at the Gospel Age’s opening since every creature in heaven, earth, sea, etc., DID NOT AT THAT TIME acknowledge the Lamb’s right to dominion. The symbol of SEA here is not difficult IF IT IS A SYMBOL. It would simply show that that part of humanity which has no roots would acknowledge the new king. It is, however, possible that heaven, earth, and sea are here literal – All of God’s creation will (some intelligently, others instinctively) acknowledge and fall into obedience to the new king and His arrangements.
Rev. 7:1, 2, 3 – The context here is the time of the French Revolution — the Time of the End, the time of the Sixth Seal (Rev. 6:12), Trumpet, and Church. The forces set loose at that time which caused a tenth part of the city to fall (Rev. 11:13) were such as could spread to the rest of the world and bring Daniel’s foretold great time of trouble too early. God here limits the destructive power until such a time as the Church would be completed (144,000 sealed). Clearly the final 9/10ths will fall because earth, SEA, and trees will be hurt.
Rev. 8:8, 9 – The second Trumpet period (70 A.D. to 313 A.D.) sees the forces in Pagan Rome weakened by the varying demands of the myriad peoples under Rome’s authority. Rome (the Great Mountain) was in essence destroyed as a Pagan empire as demonstrated by Constantine’s conversion to “Christianity.” UP TO this point, Rome religiously had three parts: Christians, Jews, and Pagans. The Pagan part dissipated as the emperor became “Christian“. This part (the pagan part) of the sea became blood: DEAD. Their religious life had been sustained by the support of the emperor and by emperor worship; these now DIED AS PAGANS and all the profits from paganism (the ships on that third-part of the sea) stopped.
Rev. 10:2, 5, 8 – This chapter is part of the Sixth Trumpet picture again focusing on the end of the 1260 years. One MUST SEE the connection between this chapter and Daniel 12. In Daniel 12, the angel standing over the flood proclaims the vision to be for the end of time, times, and half a time as he holds up his hand and swears by Him who lives forever. This follows the statement that the writings of Daniel would be sealed up until the end time. In Revelation 10 this (apparently the) same angel reappears with the little book (of Daniel) in his hand; the book is NOW OPEN because the time (1260 years) IS FULFILLED (Verse 6). He takes the same stance and swears with his uplifted hand as he had done in Daniel. In short, what Daniel 12 prophesied is here come to pass.
In Revelation, however, the angel is not only above the flood, but he stands with his right foot (sign of favor) on the sea, and his left foot (disfavor) on the land. This corroborates the study on peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues as compared with the study on those who dwell on the earth. We see that God can USE the sea class (and even draws His saints only from this class) but cannot use those rooted and grounded in the present order.
Rev. 12:12 – This verse is a quotation of the (false) claims of the exalted Michael (apostate Christ). The message is earth (society) and sea (the non-committed) are now under the control of the new religious heavens (the Roman Church) which has cast the dragon (civil power) out of heaven (religious control). This dragon knows well which hand feeds it and will do the bidding of its new master. If it does not, it will be REPLACED (its time in office will be cut short.) Because of this marriage of convenience between church and state, WOE to all who do not conform — whether they be part of the establishment (earth) or part of the masses (sea).
We continue with “the sea” in our next post.