The Only Way to Heaven, Part 5

Once again, we enter the courtyard through faith in Christ as represented in the entrance curtain, the first step.
“We see, then that justification by faith, faith in Christ, our first step toward holiness, brings us into a condition of peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1).
When our sins are forgiven, or reckoned covered with Christ’s righteousness we are a step nearer to God, yet still human, WE HAVE NOT YET BEEN BEGOTTEN TO A NEW NATURE NOR HAVE WE RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT AS OF YET, this despite what the blind guides would have many to believe.”
Remember, Justification means “to make right,” IT DOES NOT SIGNIFY ANY CHANGE OF NATURE; it simply means to make right that nature which was.
“The Scriptures teach that the result of belief is justification to that condition which Adam forfeited by his disobedience. He forfeited human perfection; moral–mental– physical. Belief in Christ as the Redeemer is the condition, on which this condition may be restored or recovered.”
“The Court represents all the believer’s experiences in justification, from the time he enters the gate, coming into the Court passing the Brazen Altar and the Laver till he comes to the door of the Tabernacle. It is tentative justification; from the time the individual begins to take the first step.”
“The process of tentative justification may in some be very slow. Often, they progress very slowly because they are still heavily influenced by the false doctrines and teachings of the church nominal. Thus, they tend to wander in and out of the courtyard, not realizing what the proper steps are.”
“These steps of tentative justification in the Court are simply leading one to the point of vitalizing his justification.
“Jesus justifies at the Door of the Tabernacle; but He does not justify a person who merely wishes to put away the filth of the flesh. Only when one comes to the Door, ties himself up and makes a covenant with God, can he be fully justified. There the High Priest is ready to impute to him His righteousness and to accept him as a member of the Body of Christ–while at the door.” (Q411)
“Many have failed to see in the past, and some still fail to see, that justification by faith is a gradual process… During the period of progress in faith, (full or vitalized) justification is being gradually approached, the individual receiving more and more of the Divine favor, but not until the final step is taken will he become fully justified to the human nature–a son on the earthly plane.” (Q405 edited)
“If the Lord should fully justify any one just as soon as he had entered the Gate (that is as soon as he had made a profession of faith in Christ), and came into the Courtyard to the Brazen Altar (recognizing the ransom sacrifice of Christ), there must, of course, be some object in that justification.
What could the object be?
The object of justification is to make one amenable to or ready for the reception of the Holy Spirit, and this does not take place until one has reached the door of the tabernacle.
If, therefore, he should be justified at the Brazen Altar and receive the Holy Spirit, all his earthly chances or privileges would be gone. He might want to go out–as many do (back out into the “camp” the world) –but it would be too late if positive justification (i.e., vitalized justification) had already taken place.
Whoever HAS NOT come to the point of making a Covenant with God, HAS NOT given up his restitution rights (his human life rights, which were secured through the ransom). Until his consecration, he still has an opportunity for these in the future, in the Millennial Age. But whoever makes this consecration and is accepted by the Lord (whoever is begotten of the Holy Spirit to a new nature, a spirit nature), will never get restitution rights or anything else on the human plane in the future Age.” (Q411)
“If we were accepted of God at the time of our first coming to Him before we had really made a consecration, and if He would impute His merit to us then, there would be no more for us to have in the future, for when once the merit of Christ is imputed to an individual there is no more to be imputed. In other words, when Christ died for our sins there was one share for you and one share for me, and one share for each member of the race. When you get your share, you will never have it duplicated. If you misuse that share after you get it that is your responsibility, you are not to get a second share, Christ dies no more, death will have no more dominion over Him, and He makes an imputation of His merit only once on behalf of the human family; you get your one share, and each other member gets his one share.
The thought then, is that if God would accept us, justify us fully now immediately after passing through the entrance curtain into the courtyard, i.e. immediately upon a profession of faith in Christ, and then we do not go on to fulfill our sacrifice, then we would lose all hope of any future privileges for life which we may have received with the rest of the world in the future. Having already received our earthly life rights restored to us through the ransom sacrifice of Christ how long do you think we would last at this present time under the reign of sin? Adam was fully justified at one time, but only lasted two years before falling into sin and losing his justification, and thus his life rights, and he was perfect. Q408 edited
In mercy, therefore, the Lord does not recognize any one until he has taken all the necessary steps in just such a tentative justification, and has thoroughly decided that he wants to be the Lord’s disciple, and has truly said so after he has sat down and counted the cost. Until he has come to this point of decision, the Lord will have nothing to do with him. But if he will bind himself up to that door by way of making a covenant with God, then the Lord will take charge of him and make everything work together for his good–but not until after he has taken that step.” (Q411)
We will continue with our next post taking a look at some of the stumbling blocks which inhibit the progress of many professed Christians.