Tabernacle Insights, Part 2
“The Tabernacle which God commanded the people of Israel to construct in the Wilderness of Sin, and in connection with which all their religious services and ceremonies were instituted, was, the Apostle Paul assures us, a shadow of good things to come. (Heb 8:5; 10:1; Col. 2:17) This being true, our understanding of the plan and work of salvation now in progress, as well as their (i.e. natural Israel’s) future development, cannot fail to be greatly enlightened by a careful study of those “shadows“ which the Israelites, for our edification, were caused to repeat year by year continually until the Gospel age introduced their antitypes–the realities. 1 Pet 1:11; Heb 10:1-3
It is not simply to gain a historical knowledge of the Jewish forms, ceremonies and worship that we come to the investigation of this subject, but that we may be edified by understanding the substance (the reality or antitype) from an examination of the shadow as God designed in arranging it. Realizing God’s care in making the “shadow” (his exactness in its construction and insistence that every minute detail associated with its services be exactly performed upon penalty of death) should not only give us confidence in its correctness, that not one jot or title of it shall fail until all be fulfilled (Matt 5:18), but should also awaken in us so great an interest in God’s plan as would lead us to examine closely and search carefully for the meaning of those shadows.”
The Tabernacle was a house constructed of a series of boards of shittim (acacia) wood, “overlaid” or plated with gold, set on end into sockets of silver, and firmly fastened together by bars of the same wood, also covered with gold. It consisted of two chambers the first upon entering was designated the “Holy” and the second beyond a veil which divided the two chambers was designated the “Most Holy” together these two compartments constituted the Tabernacle proper. This structure as a whole was covered first by a large white linen cloth, interwoven with figures of cherubim, in blue, purple and scarlet, followed by three additional coverings one of goat’s hair, another dyed red of ram’s skins, and the last of seal skins.
“The Tabernacle was surrounded by a yard, or “Court,” toward the rear of which it stood. This court, 75 feet wide and 150 feet long was formed by a fence of linen curtains…This enclosure was all holy ground, and was therefore called the “Holy Place“–also the “Court of the Tabernacle” (Bible Students simply refer to it as the “courtyard”). Its opening, like the door of the Tabernacle, was towards the east, and was called the “Gate” or “Entrance Curtain” This “Gate” was of white linen, interwoven with blue, purple and scarlet.” (Excerpts taken from “Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices”, Pages 11-14)
There are several items to be found both within the Tabernacle itself as well as in the courtyard, but we will not go into any discussion here on those items as it is our wish to concentrate specifically on the “courtyard” and its construction. As with the Tabernacle itself so too with respects to the courtyard, Moses was given very specific instructions:
“See that you make all things according (i.e. Exactly) to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Heb 8:5)
Now our new forum member Alek has suggested some interesting thoughts and comments of his own with respects to the construction of the courtyard (both here and in more detail on his own personal blog site), ideas which we should wish to compare with our own to see which is truly in accordance with the Scriptures. First let us take a look at the basic layout of the Tabernacle as presented both by our friend Alek and ourselves so that we might gain some perspective as to our differences.
(This first design is ours the one below belongs to Alek, and is enlarged to show detail.)
Each grid square is 10 X 10 cubits, or 100 sq. cubits
As you can see the principal difference is evident in the size of the courtyard, both in respects to its length and its width (we will address this difference shortly), for now let us see where else we differ. Now the basic geometry of both designs at first glance appears rather sound, but upon further investigation it will be noted that in Alek’s design the Tabernacle itself resides 4 cubits west of center or west of the central dividing point of the courtyard, this of course would not be of any major concern or consequence to anyone lacking a true understanding as to what precisely this central dividing point typifies (remember to us the antitype or reality is of far greater importance than the mere “shadow”), nevertheless in order for us to grasp the antitypes correctly the shadows must be precise.
In this case the division line of the courtyard typifies the dividing line between the natural and the spiritual, it is here following a full surrender or consecration of ourselves at the “Door” of the Tabernacle that we are begotten of the Holy Spirit and passing beneath the “First Vail” (or “screen”) we experience a change of nature’s becoming “new creatures in Christ Jesus”, “partakers of the heavenly calling” (2 Cor 5:17; Heb 3:1). Pictured below is a cross section of the entrance into the first chamber of the Tabernacle depicting the first vail or division line between the natural and the spiritual man, this entrance into the “holy” is centered precisely along the central dividing point of the courtyard.
As noted from our previous conversation with Alek it is his position that the “hangings” or “curtains” if you will, were each individual pieces or separate curtains each 5 x 5 cubits square and that these were each attached individually from pillar to pillar all about the courtyard, this of course would naturally account for the larger dimensions of the courtyard baring the fact that he likewise supposes each of these pillars to be roughly a cubit each in diameter. It is our belief however that these pillars (or posts) were much smaller and resided within the curtain walls as shown in the diagram below and that therefore they had no effect upon the prescribed dimensions given by the Lord in respects to the length and breath of the courtyard.
Another notable difference is in the Tabernacle itself, which we will address a bit later in this study, but suffice it for now it is perfectly understandable why we find so many examples of the Tabernacle, its courtyard and etc., erroneously depicted on the internet and else ware, as not all students of the Tabernacle are believers and fewer so of these are even spirit begotten and as such led of the spirit, taught of the Lord, enlighten as to the “deep things” of the Lord’s Word. Thus, the majority are subject strictly to the limits of natural man’s ability to comprehend the things of the Lord. We have no doubt that the natural man is quite competent in figuring out what he imagines to be the best mathematical composition and layout of the Tabernacle based on the facts as he sees them, however lacking the ability to derive the true substance (the reality or antitype) from the various “types” and “shadows” instituted by the Lord in the tabernacle picture and felling to factor these in, his presentations usually wine up incorporating many notable howbeit unintentional errors.
Continued with next post.