The Tabernacle it’s Spiritual Significance, Part 17
Apparently, the difficulty many have in understanding the spiritual meaning of the Tabernacle is the inability to differentiate between the various “places”, viz., the, “camp”, the “courtyard”, the “holy”, and the “most holy” as illustrated in the Tabernacle, and the “conditions” in which these “places” typify. Failing to grasps this has led to many erroneous conclusions as well as to the true significance of the Tabernacle and what it typifies as a whole. With a proper understanding of what these various conditions represent we would then turn to the means by which we access to these conditions.
In the Tabernacle picture we find there are three distinct entrances or doors if you will (as noted in red in the diagram below), which open into each succeeding condition viz. the “gate”, the “door”, and the “vail”, accessible only by first meeting certain requirements. These doors act as barriers barring those in one condition access to what is hidden from sight in the next preceding condition. Only as the terms of access through each doorway are met can the individual precede, and with each step the individual reaps the rewards of such access.
The first entrance, the “gate” has but two requirements, first and foremost faith in Christ as pictured in the entrance curtain, and secondly a consecration to righteousness (or right living). This consecration at the “gate” to the courtyard (referred to as the “First Step”) takes place immediately following one’s conversion (This consecration is a prerequisite and precedes a consecration of sacrifice).
What takes place at this curtain and what are the rewards of those privileged to enter through this entrance and into the courtyard?
(1) First and foremost, the forgiveness of sins.
(2) A tentative status of justification temporarily known as “faith justification”, thereafter,
(3) “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God” (Rom 5:1) that is we are no longer considered as God’s enemy, but rather as his friends, and as a friend we are equated certain favors, foremost of these is the opportunity as believers to follow in the Master’s footsteps and present ourselves in sacrifice (Rom 12:1).
(4) Likewise, we secure a provisional status as a Levite a member of the Household of Faith.
Note: It is important to understand that having taking this “First step” in no way implies that we received the Holy Spirit and have been spirit begotten (experienced a change of natures). All such individuals remain human, natural men, nevertheless such as believers are given the opportunity to sacrifice their human nature in exchange for the spirit nature should they be willing to go on further and take the “Second Step” of a full and complete surrender or consecration to sacrifice, be baptized into Christ’ death.
“Faith in the Redeemer, accompanied by a consecration to follow righteousness, brings (tentative) justification, but does not imply sacrifice. Sacrifice is a voluntary act, not demanded.” (F152)
The second entrance, the “door” or as it is commonly referred to by most Bible Students, “The First Vail” likewise has requirements, once again faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is prerequisite, as he is the only means of access to the Father.
“I am the door…” “I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 10:9; 14:6)
Secondly a consecration to sacrifice is required, however it should be noted that it is voluntary and is by invitation only, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity offered only now during the Gospel Age, and only to those especially called by God (2 Cor 6:1, 2; Heb 5:4). As to what takes place when one passes beneath this particular curtain and the rewards to follow it should become all too apparent to all just how important this First Vail is. This is literally the “doorway” to heaven, the doorway to the spiritual phase of the kingdom, and to spirit begettal; there is no other access. It matters not how much faith one has, how much they believe, if they have not taken this step they will not share in a heavenly reward.
Although ALL who profess faith in Christ are permitted to enter through the “gate” into the courtyard or tentatively justified condition as represented in the Levites, ONLY the priests were permitted to enter through the “door” or “first vail” into the “Holy” or spiritual conditions of the Tabernacle. And as the priests were only taken from amongst the Levites, so too this typifies that only those who are already believers (antitypical Levites) and granted access to the courtyard have the opportunity to become priests.
As with the “gate” this entry way likewise is only made possible through Christ (as depicted in the elaborately wroth curtain of similar colors as that of the “gate”), the difference being the first entry way is accessible to ALL through faith bringing the sinner back into favor or “peace with God”, viz. “A condition in which one has become reconciled to God. It means the estranged is now in harmony with God–he has turned his back on sin and is seeking to walk in the path of righteousness.” (R5431:3)
This same “gate” or condition of favor, of peace which some receive now to a limit extent, God through his angels has promised will be opened once again to all men in due time, during Christ’ Millennial reign, during “the times of restoration of all things”. (Luke 2:14; Acts 3:21)
However in contrast with the first entry way the second entry way IS NOT accessible to all, but only to those especially called, and who subsequently meet the necessary terms and requirements, chief among them being that they have already exhibited the necessary faith to have entered the courtyard, the tentatively justified condition, and that they have a willingness to follow in the Master’s footsteps, to sacrifice. This entry way as you recall was not only much narrower than the first, but likewise twice its height, thus implying a much higher or loftier attainment (a heavenly attainment), and as such requires much more of the believer than simple faith to obtain. This entry way requires BOTH faith and sacrifice for this entry way is the “doorway” to the spiritual phase of the kingdom.
“Many are called (but only from amongst these, those in the courtyard or tentatively justified condition), but few are chosen” (few of these prove worthy of the favor to which they have been called) and as such “receive THIS grace (this special opportunity, favor) of God in vain” (Matt 22:14; 2 Cor 6:1)
The following list may not be in the exact order as to how and when certain aspects transpire but it should prove sufficient enough to prove the importance of the First Vail.
First as stated before, certain requirements have to be made before passing beneath this vail.
(1) We must first be a believer (an anti-typical Levite) one who recognizes the great (ransom) sacrifice of our Lord as typified in the “Brazen Altar”, likewise we must have begun the cleansing of the “filth of the flesh” at the “Laver” representative of the cleansing we receive by the study of God’s word, “The Apostle Paul tells us that Christ gave himself for the church, “that he might sanctify (set apart) and cleanse it with the washing of water by (or through) the word.” In praying for his own, Christ said: “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth.” To his disciples he said: “Now ye are clean through the word that I have spoken unto you.” As water cleanses the natural, so truth cleanses the spiritual.” R118
(2) We must first “count the cost”; determining if what we are about to sacrifice is something we are truly willing to do, this of course implies that we are fully aware of what we are sacrificing. It requires much more than most think, not only the sacrifice of the present life with all its various pleasures and attainments, which includes all those lawful, but most importantly the sacrifice of our earthly or human life rights secured to us through the ransom sacrifice of Christ. We must be willing to sacrifice these, and once sacrificed they can never be regained, they are forever forfeited.
(3) We must take the “Second Step”; we must bind ourselves to the Lord as was typified by the two goats which were tied at the door of the Tabernacle. (Lev 16:7) That is to say we must enter into a covenant or contact with the LORD, “a covenant by sacrifice” (Psa 50:5)
(4) We must heed the Apostle’s injunction that “through the mercies of God (the divine favor in which he has shown by granting us tentative justification at this time, and made known to us this special favor and opportunity) that we present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God (through Christ) which is but our reasonable service (seeing he has granted us this grand opportunity in the first place, to become sons of God joint heirs with Christ.) Rom 12:1
Having done our part, performing our share in our sanctification (or setting apart) we enter the “race” for the high (or heavenly) calling which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” by means of the “narrow gate” the First Vail into the Holy, and there embark upon the “narrow way”, a way in which our Lord states “few there be that find” (most having been misled by the blind guides who know not the way themselves). Matt 7:13, 14; Luke 11:52
“Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in (desire to enter in, desire to join the Lord in the heavenly phase of the kingdom), and shall not be able.” Luke 13:24
The point here is that many will merely seek to enter, but only those who strive to enter will succeed.
“Many are called (called to enter the race) and few are chosen.” Paul estimates that many run, though few so run (strive) as to obtain the prize of the high calling. (1 Cor 9:24) R281:1
Continued with next post.