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Month: June 2024

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 6

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 6

“THE BODY IS DEAD.” The Apostle explains that in the case of these New Creatures in Christ, from the divine standpoint the body is treated as dead, but the spirit, or mind, is treated as alive. It is the New Creature which God recognizes, to which he purposes to give a new spirit-body in due time – in the first resurrection. It is necessary that this thought be clearly fixed in our minds, in order that we may continually realize…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 5

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 5

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” (Rom 8:6,7) We are to distinguish the mind of the flesh from the mind that is in accord with God, for the one is at enmity with God and the other in harmony with him. The mind that is in harmony with…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 4

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 4

The New Creature does not love sin, but, instead, loves righteousness, the very reverse. If the will, the heart, should turn again, so as to love unrighteousness, so as to desire to do the things that are contrary to the Lord’s will, it would mean that we had died as New Creatures, and become alive again as fleshly creatures, to mind the things of the flesh, to have its hopes, its aims and its objects. In that case we should…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 3

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 3

The Law of God, – strict justice without mercy, – represented in the Mosaic Law and its covenant, could not help the weak, fallen race, because the easiest requirement it could make would be perfection toward God and toward men, and our race being fallen was unable to comply with its demands. It was, therefore, “weak” (powerless) for our deliverance, because we were weak on account of the imperfect, fallen flesh. But God, through Christ, made an arrangement for us…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 2

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 2

NO CONDEMNATION AND NO SEPARATION. (Rom 8:1-14) “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” The chapter of which this lesson forms a part is unquestionably one of the most precious in the entire Bible. It begins with the assurance that condemnation has passed, and concludes with logical proofs of everlasting divine favor toward those who become “New Creatures” in Christ Jesus. In the preceding chapter the Apostle specially points out…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 1

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 1

This study originated as in answer to prayer, I was feeling a bit disillusioned and dishearten after reading the study on “Full Assurance of Faith” (R2642). The problem was of course my own as I had felled to rightly understand how the Lord judges us as new creatures to determine our acceptableness as potential members of the elect Church, the Royal Priesthood. I had been feeling unworthy, that considering my many difficulties (faults) I could not possibly be in among…

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The Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) “This is my beloved Son: hear him.” Continuing his lessons to the apostles, showing them that his glory and Kingdom could not come until after his suffering and death, our Lord declared, “There be some standing here who will not taste of death until they see the Son of Man coming in his royal majesty.” (Matt. 16:28; 17:1.) Then, six days later (or eight days, counting the one in which this was uttered and the one…

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