No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 1

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 1

This study originated as in answer to prayer, I was feeling a bit disillusioned and dishearten after reading the study on “Full Assurance of Faith” (R2642). The problem was of course my own as I had felled to rightly understand how the Lord judges us as new creatures to determine our acceptableness as potential members of the elect Church, the Royal Priesthood. I had been feeling unworthy, that considering my many difficulties (faults) I could not possibly be in among those who would be selected to so great a privilege and honor, and as such had resigned to the hope of at least being invited to the marriage supper, if I could but gain the victory necessary which all the Lord’s consecrated must obtain if they would see life on the spiritual plane regardless of whether or not they were selected to the body of Christ.

The article made it clear that we should have a full assurance of faith in our acceptance, ability to overcome and a share in the kingdom.

The following excerpt taken from the study was what caused my disillusion and doubt.

“…Amongst those who are real Christians, and who have made a full covenant of sacrifice unto the Lord, we find many who say, and more who think it without saying, – “O that I could feel sure that God’s goodness and mercy would continue with me all the days of my life, and that I should attain unto his Kingdom! O that I might have a full assurance of faith, a full assurance that I am accepted of the Lord, and that by his grace I shall ultimately be an overcomer!”

What is the difficulty with this class?

Why is it that these do not possess this full assurance of faith?

We answer, that their difficulty is a lack of faith in God, and such a lack of faith is not pleasing to God, for “without faith it is impossible to please God.” Such a lack of faith, moreover, is a constant hindrance to their overcoming, as it is written, “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” The Christian who has not the shield of faith, and a large one, is continually at disadvantage before the Adversary. – Heb 11:6; 1 John 5:4

What must be done to overcome this lack of faith, and to have an increase of faith?

We answer, that like the apostles of old he should pray, “Lord, increase our faith.” And then, acting in harmony with this prayer, each should cultivate faith in his own heart: (a) By refreshing his memory continually with the divine promises, becoming very familiar with these in the Father’s Word. (b) He should seek more and more to remember that having made his covenant with the Lord these promises are his, and in his heart and with his lips he should claim them as his before the Lord in prayer with thanksgiving. He should claim them as his in his own thoughts, and in his conferences on holy things with the brethren.”

Understand my problem, at least I believe it to be my problem, IS NOT a lack of faith in God, I fully believe God is capable of doing all that he has promised to help and to aid his children in overcoming and coming off victorious, No! the problem is not a lack of faith in God, it’s a lack of faith in myself, in my ability to measure up, to perform all that is required to qualify for the elect Church, it seems like something almost unattainable, beyond my abilities.

This is where I lack a full assurance of faith. However, the Lord knows us each, personally, he knows all that troubles us, and as I said I took this issue to the Lord in prayer and the Lord was not slack in answering this prayer. While I was looking over some of the various, Exceeding Great and Precious Promises, specifically Gen 18:14, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” I took note of the article from which the explanation for this promise was given, and as such decided to take a further look, and lo and behold the answer to my prayer.

We will take a look at the article in our next post. I have decided to post the whole article because there is just so much of value here, I couldn’t see leaving anything out. I will point out specifically what helped me, when we reach it.

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